Pay Fixation on 1.1.06 and on the date of increment – A comparison

We have been receiving lot of queries on sixth pay commission new pay fixation from the GConnect users. The point of concern of all is whether we will get any monitory benefit in the form of arrears or in the form of fixation of higher pay as on Sept 2008 (even at the cost of loosing some of arrears benefits), if the Pay Fixation to be done on 1.1.2006 is deferred to date of old increment that falls during the year 2006. This scenario squarely applies to Employees who have got financial upgradation under ACP scheme between 1st Jan 2006 and 31st Aug 2008.


As per Rule 5 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, an employee may elect to continue to draw pay in the existing scale until the date on which he earns his next or any subsequent increment in the existing scale or until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in that scale.

As far as the method of new pay fixation is concerned, Rule 11 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2008, provides that where a Government Employee continues to draw his pay in the existing scale and is brought over to the revised pay structure from a date later than 1st Jan 2006, his pay in the revised pay scale shall be fixed as follows.

New Pay in the Pay Band is fixed by adding Basic Pay applicable on the later date (viz., the date on which the employee opts for new pay fixation), and Dearness Pay and Dearness Allowance applicable based on the rates applicable as on 1.1.2006. In addition, Grade pay corresponding to pre- revised will be payable from the date of New Pay fixation.

Now, let us have a comparison between the New Pay fixation on 1.1.2006 and on the date of increment.

Pay Fixation on 1.1.2006 Pay fixation on the date of increment
New Pay is fixed by multiplying the basic pay on 1.1.2006 with 1.86. New Pay is to be calculated based on the Old Basic Pay, Dearness Pay and Dearness Allowance based on the rates applicable as on 1.1.2006 received by the employee on the date of New pay Fixation. Till the New pay is fixed Old pay is continued to be paid. The effect is No arrears till the New Fixation.
Increment of 3% on every July if Revised pay is received for at least 6 months before the date of new increment. So, in the event of pay fixation on 1.1.2006, increment due on 1st July 2006 is automatically paid. Because of restriction cluase in the new increment provisions (that minimum of 6 months in the new pay scale for receipt for 3% increment on July), by default the first increment on July 2006 is not payable. For earning the susequent increments after July 2006, again the 6 months rule is to be applied.

Based on this rule frame work, We have made illustrative New Pay Fixation for 12 employees who belong to different pre-revised scales and receive pre-revised increments in different months.

Employee Old Pay details
Fixation on 1.1.2006 Fixation on the date of increment
Emp B.P on 1.1.2006 Increment month Sept-08 Fixed Pay Arrears Sept-08 Fixed Pay Arrears
X1 7500 (6500-200-10500) HRA 30%, TA – Rs.1600 Feb 30837 130607 30574 123382
X2 April 30837 133045 30574 116658
X3 June 30837 135483 30574 109934
X4 Aug 30837 137952 30574 103435
Y1 12000 (12000-375-S21) HRA 30%, TA – Rs.3200 Feb 51469 233308 51147 223416
Y2 April 51469 237876 51147 211384
Y3 June 51469 242444 51147 199352
Y4 Aug 51469 247073 51147 187669
Z1 5000 (4000-100-6000)HRA 30%, TA – Rs.600 Feb 19399 77071 19121 70667
Z2 April 19399 78289 19121 66705
Z3 June 19399 79507 19121 62743
Z4 Aug 19399 80742 19121 58935
Calculator relevant to this Calculation available in GConnect Calculator for all pay Bands Calculator for fixation on the date of increment

This study shows that employees who receive their pre-revised increment in the month of June and before get no benefit either in the arrears or in the new pay when new pay fixation is deferred to their respective increment month. However, when the increment month is after Junel i.e from July to Dec, those employees if they defer their pay fixation to the month of their respective increment month, get small benefit in their Gross pay as on Sept-2008 (to the tune of around 7% to 10% of their pre-revised pay as on 1.1.2006), after incurring some loss in the arrears receivable.

This is because when an employee misses the revised increment during July 2006 on account of deferred fixation, he loses 3% of revised pay which is at any point of time more than the pre-revised increment the employee gets when he continues to get old pay after 1.1.2006. This is why the new Pay Fixation from Feb-06 to June-06 based on Pre-revised Basic Pay, Dearness Pay and Dearness allowance (DA) in these months is lesser than the New Pay fixed on 1.1.2006. On the other hand, when the New Pay is fixed during July-2006 to Dec-2006, the additional Dearness allowance (DA) of 5% from July 2006 added in the pre-revised pay which is taken for calculating the New Pay fixation neutralizes the July increment amount of 3% lost by the employee due to deferred Pay Fixation.

Of course the inference made out of this study is not foolproof and may vary in certain situations. We invite discussions on such situations by the users in the form of comments to this article.

The option available for the employees who have been promoted or received their ACP after 1.1.2006 is slightly different as they could opt for New Pay Fixation on the date ACP/Promotion. Want to have an idea about fixation of new pay in the case of ACP / Promotion? Check this article in Gconnect


  1. sir what abt those who have joined after 01.01.06. what is personal pay?
    There is not any calculator provided for us. I have joined on 02.01.06 at the scale of 5500-175-9000/- and my basic was 5500/- . Kindly tell me my salary and arrear plz.

  2. I have given voluntary retirement in the month of 3rd june 2008. Whether I am eligible for fresh gratuity and commutation of pension.

  3. Sir,
    I am a 82 year old pensioner and retired as Chief Enigineer, Govt. of India. My Bankers have credited the revised pension and the first instalment of arrears without considering my age. They have denied me the 20% extra wef Nov.2006 and arrears accordingly. What am I to do now to get my pensionary benefits as due?

  4. My date of retirement is on 1-4-06
    If I opt for the new scale from 1-1-06 can I get increment or not . I f I opt for pay commission scale from 1-4-06 is it beneficial. Burt I understand that incrment will be given only from 1-7-06 only . Please advis eme in this regard .

  5. sir, plz tell me that i have got promotion on 05 jan 2008. my date of increment as per old pay scale is 01 jan. so if u tell me what decision i should take for deciding my increment.

  6. By Govt’s decision clarified vide OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A)part II dated October 3, 2008, to fix revised pension of post-2006 pensioners superannuated between 1.1.2006 and 2.9.2008 on the average emoluments of last ten months pay, pensioners specially those superannuated in early 2006 are the much losers even in comparison with those of pre-2006 pensioners. In my case, superannuated on 31st March2006, my pension on average emoluments of last 10 months comes to be fixed at Rs. 8810. Had I retired pre-2006 i.e. on 31-12-2005 my pension could have been fixed at Rs.10329 (current full pension Rs. 6855). Has it been 50% of the last drawn the revised fixed pay of Rs.22100 it comes to Rs.11050. So I am loser in comparison to both i.e. pre-2006 and those who superannuated after 2/9/2008. It is expected that pensioners of post-2006 should have been benefited over those of pre-2006 but in my case it is just opposite. Sir, why it is so? If not getting much it should not be less than of pre-2006 also.

  7. For Direct Recruit inspector who joined on or after 01.01.2006 the pay as per VI pay Commission will be fixed to Rs. 13500/- . With increments on 1.7.2007 and 1.7.2008, his pay will become Rs.14330/- which amounts to Gross salary of Rs. 20417/-
    For a Senior TA who was receiving Rs. 5000 in the pay sacle 5000-8000, as per the VI pay commission his pay Rs. 5000 will be multiplied by the factor 1.86 and Rs. 4200/- will be added as a Grade pay which amounts to Rs. 13500/- With increments on 1.7.2006, 1.7.2007 and 1.7.2008 his pay will become Rs. 15070/- which amounts to Gross salary of Rs. 21423/-. That means he will be receiving Rs. 1006/- more than a Direct Recruit Inspector joined on or after 01.01.2006.

    For an Inspector who joined before 01.01.2006 and receiving Rs. 6500/- as pay in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500), as per the VI pay commission his pay Rs. 6500/- will be mulitplied by factor 1.86 and Rs. 4200/- Grade pay will be added to this which amounts to Rs. 15070/- . With increments on 1.7.2006, 1. 7.2007and 1.7.2008 his pay will become 17810/- which amounts to a Gross Salary of Rs. 25150/-. That means he will be receiving Rs. 4733/- more than a Direct Recruit Inspector joined on or after 01.01.2006.


  9. sir, one of my employee is in pb-4.his basic was 16700 on 01.01.2006 in he pay scale 14300-400-18300. from 01.07.2006 he was given promotion in the pay scla e16400-450-20000 with a basic rs 18200. how will his pay be fixed.give me in detail formula


  11. #

    sir what abt those who have joined after 01.51.06. what is personal pay?
    There is not any calculator provided for us. I have joined on 02.01.06 at the scale of 5500-175-9000/- and my basic was 5500/- . Kindly tell me my salary and arrear plz.

  12. my baisc pay as on 1 Jan 06 is Rs 5000/-. I got ACP on 27 Jan 2007 in the scale of 5000-15–8000. How to calculate my present scale and the arrears due to me . My basic pay as on 1 Jan 2008 was Rs 5450/-

  13. I joined on 19-jan-2005 at that time having basic 5000-4200-8000 , got pramotion on 31-dec-2007 having pay scale 5500-4600-9000 .

    what will be current pay details and arreas depending on sixth pay comm.

  14. my basic pay was Rs. 8275/- ( scale-8000-275-13500) on 01-01-2006, i am in the band of PB-3, living in Class-C city, Kindly tell me my salary and arrear plz.

  15. I joined a new organization in the scale of 6500-200-10500 on 5 September 2007. What will be my total salary as per 6pay commission on 5 sep 2008.

  16. I joined in 6500-200-10500 in august 2000 and upgraded to 8000-275-13500 in august 2005. what would be my new payband and pay grade on 01-01-2006

  17. Sir,

    I was drawing the pay of as on 1.1.2006 @ Rs.5900/- in the pre-revised scale of 5000-8000. I got this scale on ACT w.e.f 1.1.2004. My pay was fixed at Rs.10980/- + grade pay of Rs.4200/-. Now the audit has objected that I am not entitled for Grade pay of Rs.4200/- and I am entitled for grade pay of Rs.2800/- since mine was ACP case. Kindly clarify the matter.

  18. sir I have joined after 01.01.06. what should be my present basic in september2008.

    I have joined on 04.01.06 in the scale of 5000-150-8000/- and my basic was 5000/- . Kindly tell me my salary and arrear plz.

  19. sr/madam, my date of joining as a staff nurse(male) is 12/7/2005 in grade 5000-150-8000 and i was permoted as a n/s in grade 5500-175-9000 n railway hsopital. at perent my pay band 4800( special for nurses) and my pay fixed at 15860. and three new male nurse who joined on dated 13-06-2008 are fixed at 17140 in pay band 4600. how this differance bitweeen senior staff and junior staff? pls reply

  20. This study shows that employees who receive their pre-revised increment in the month of June and before get no benefit either in the arrears or in the new pay when new pay fixation is deferred to their respective increment month.——————-But they make losses only as continuing in the old scale till their option and in their next increment also

  21. dear sir,
    we r of the reg courses who were commissioned in may 2000 and became substantive Maj on 10 Jun 2006.cda has taken our subs rk as capt on o1 jan2006 and fixed our pay accordingly and causing a debit balance by calculating total arrears at under 70000.
    kindly calculate for us the beneficial option,

  22. i am state govt employ my pay scale was 3050 and may basic salary was 3525 on 1/1/2006 and my incre on july so what is my new scale and what is my pay fixation and what is my arear pl calulate

  23. If any one opt for fixation of his pay in the evised pay structure on a date latten then 1/1/06 wheather the grade pay corresponding to pre revised scale is payable.

  24. sir, I had joined service on 25-02-1996 as LDC pay scale 3050-75-4590. what will be my next payscale after grant of ACP.

  25. Sir,
    I am working in National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad joined the Institute on 1st July 1982. I have given ACP on 1st July 2006. After fixing new scales (i.e. after VI PC), they have not given any additional increment from 1st July 2006 in new pay scale and given one increment (i.e. my increment date is 1st July). I request you to kindly clarify whether I will get extra increment from 1st July 2006.

    thanking you

  26. i am working in railway in 9300-34800, as on 1-1-06 my pay was 4900 in scale 4000-6000, I got promotion on 13-06-07 in scale of 5000-8000. at present railway fix my pay as on 01-07-08 is 14450, is it true or not ? if not please clarify my basic pay as on 01-07-08

  27. My Scale 0n 1/1/96 fixed 7220-11660. On 1-1-06 my basic Pay was 10300/- in scale 7880-11660 after getting 4 Years ACP. Recieved Annual increment in 8/06 and got Basic 10640/-& Where I have to be fixed and in Which Scale in pre revised scales on
    1-11-06 after giving 9years ACP & 14years ACP. & what Should be my Option for Revised Scales and give New Fixation also.

  28. i deepa rani sirohi joined as a lecturer in g.s.s.s haryana on basic pay is 6500-200-10500. what is my new pay scale? please reply as soon as possibl

  29. dear sir. being a nurse i am very much upset over the issue of pay fixaton.we are granted upgradation with a pay band of 4600 but still who have joined before 2006 are drawing less than who have joined after 2006. just few days back MOF has issued a memo stating the step up for seniors but only upto the basic of juniors[17140].this ia a total injustice against nurses. even a nurse ,joined in 1996 would get the same salary to those of 2006. this means seniors has wasted their 11 years in the service without a single panny. even the 5th pay commission had given a increment for evry two years of service in case of upgradation and step up. we should stand together to strongly oppose this and this is our right. for personal suggetions …9868586505

  30. Yes, I retired from a centrally funded institute on 30 June, 2007 but the 6 CPC has given effect from 1.1.2006. My increment comes on 1 June every year. If I get fixation on 1.1.2006 based on 6CPC my first increment would come on 1 July, 2006 and thereafter on 1 July, 2007 and so on. So from 1 June 2006 to 30 June, 2007 I was in the institute which meant that I already served the institute and completed 12 months during my stay in the institue from 1 June 2006 to 30 June 2007. But I was not given any more increment though there is a provision in 6CPC that, if any employee serves for 6 moths or so, he/she can get one more increment as per 6CPC. Hence, it is very pathetic to think of the judgement given by 6CPC that the increment would be given only on 1 July every year. That means, I lost an increment for a single day. Furthermore, the pension, after commuting 40% of the pension amount based on fixation in the new scale, was a good amount . As the amount of commutation opted for 40% of my pension in the pre-revised scale,fixation in the new scale based on 6CPC showed my basic along with grade pay became higher. So the amount of commutation I opted for, earlier, remained the same and I started getting higher amount of pension thereafter. But after giving the declaration of additional amount of commutation based on 40% provision ( increased amount of basic and grade pay that has gone hifger as per 6 CPC)I started getting pension lower than the earlier i.e. within the period prior to opting for addional commutation. I don’t find any logic or justification of imposing such restrictions on the pensioners because pensioners like me who struggle for their existence and to survive well for the next. Thay is why , may I, tenderly hope and earnestly request the Govt. of India to give proper justice to them like me. With regards,

  31. sir, I have joined as constable in RPF department on 07/06/06 in scale RS 3050-75-4590. and my basic pay on 07/06/06 is RS 3050/- Kindly tell me my scale on 07/06/06 under 6 pc including GP.

  32. By deferring fixation to the next date of increment some employees get the benefit of bunching. This deferred fixation should be deemed to be w.e.f. 1.1.2006 for the purposes of increment. As a one time measure , since a uniform date of increment 1.7.2006 is introduced, those availing fixation under Rule 11 be given first increment on 1.7.2006. Otherwise Rule 11 becomes redundant and should be deleted.
    Reference: Fixation of Pay under Implementation of Sixth Pay Commission.

    Subject: Anomaly of denial of annual increment in July 2006 in cases of pay fixation where an employee opts to get the fixation postponed (other than promotions) under Rule 5 read with Rule 11 to the next date of increment between February and June 2006.
    There is a serious anomaly when Rule 4 is read with Rule 11 regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay structure subsequent to the first day of January 2006 is read along with clarification on CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 in cases of exercise of option of postponing fixation (other than promotions).

    Suppose the increment of Mr. X is due on 01.01.2006( in most of the organizations all employees joining on any date of the month are given the 1st of the month as the next date of increment) . By virtue of the clarification firstly he will get an increment in the pre-revised scale on 01.01.2006 and then will be fixed in the new pay band after getting the benefit of bunching. Subsequently by virtue of the of the clarification he will also get an increment of 3% in the new pay band in July 2006.
    Suppose increment of Mr. Y is due in the month of March/April, 2006. In case other then promotion, he exercises his option by virtue of Rule 11 and to avail the benefit of bunching and gets his fixations postponed to March/April 2006. In March/April 2006 after getting his increment in pre-revised pay scale he is fixed in the new pay band. But by virtue of rules read with the clarifications Mr. Y is denied increment in the revised pay band in the month of July 2006 and will be eligible for the increment next year in July 2007 and not in the year 2006.
    The anomaly is that Mr. X gets two benefits, one in January in the pre-revised scale and gets the bunching benefit and second of an increment, in July 2006, in the revised pay band. On the contrary Mr. Y gets only one benefit in March/April 2006 only in the pre-revised scale and no benefit of any increment in the new pay band for the whole year of 2006. Secondly Mr. Y will get the so called annual increment in next year July 2007 after a gap of 17/16/15 months i.e. after much more than a year and not at all in the revised pay band in the year 2006.
    To remove this anomaly it is suggested all those who exercise their option under Rule 4 read with Rule 11 to postpone their fixation upto the date of the month (prior to July 2006) when their increment is due under the unrevised pay scale so as to avail the benefit of bunching, should be treated or deemed to be at par with those whose increment was due in January and be also allowed an increment in the new pay band in July 2006 as is given to those whose increment falls on 01.01.2006. Otherwise for no fault of theirs whose increment falls in a month other than January but before July 2006 would suffer doubly as they would have to forego their arrears upto the date of exercise of their option and secondly would also be denied the benefit of annual increment in July 2006 in the new pay band.
    The anomaly is arising because for the first time to bring uniformity, in future, in the annual increments, 1st July is being introduced as the date of annual increment. Hence as a one time measure for the first annual increment in 2006 the requirement of minimum six months be relaxed for all those whose otherwise increment is due before July so that one can meaningfully exercise the option under Rule 4 read with Rule 11. Otherwise, the option to postpone fixation to the date of next increment becomes meaningless, redundant and a loosing proposition in all the circumstances.
    Such an anomaly was never experienced in the earlier pay revisions of 1986 and 1996 because at that time the date of increment of all the employees respectively remained unchanged. But now because of the introduction of July as a uniform date of annual increment for all the employees, this is to the disadvantage of the employees whose otherwise date of increment is February to June as compared to those with 01.01.2006 as the date of increment who will get their next increment just on completion of six months and that too after getting one increment in January in the pre-revised scale resulting in enjoyment of the bunching benefit. On the contrary others after exercising options under Rule 4 read with Rule 11 will suffer and get their first increment after a gap of 17/16/15 months respectively. Patently, this is discrimination.
    If the anomaly is not removed then the Rule 4 read with Rule 11 allowing employees to postpone their fixation (in cases other than promotions) to the next date of their increment to avail the benefit of bunching will patently become redundant despite the employee forgoing/relinquishing his arrears from 01.01.2006 upto the next date of increment-cum- fixation.
    In view of the aforesaid a clarification be issued, keeping in view the anomaly which has arisen out of the first time introduction of uniform date of annual increment in July, to remove the disadvantage being caused against the employees exercising option to postpone fixation that as a one time measure such employees who get their pay fixed after 01.01.2006 (foregoing their arrears upto the date of fixation) should also be entitled to their first annual increment on 01.07.2006.
    And the right to exercise the option be extended and be allowed upto three months after the clarification on the above is issued by the Government of India.
    Palpably severe injustice is being caused to those employees whose date of increment falls between February 2006 and before July 2006 and can get the benefit of bunching with an added increment in the pre-revised scale. There is a clear sufferance of loss of one increment either in the unrevised pay scale (if fixation is accepted w.e.f. 01.01.2006) or in the revised pay band (if fixation is postponed to the next date of the increment but before 01.07.2006). If such employees get their pay fixed on 01.01.2006 then after February 2005 they will get their annual increment on 01.07.2006 i.e. after a gap of 17 months counted from the last increment (February 2005 in the pre-revised pay scale). And if they get their fixation postponed under Rule 4 read with Rule 11, to their next date of increment i.e. February/March/April 2006 then they will get their next increment on 01.07.2007 again after a gap of 17 months. On the contrary, those employees whose date of increment falls between July 2005 and January 2006 they will get their increment just within a gap of 6 months to 12 months range after their last increment in the pre-revised pay scale.
    Between 01.07.2005 and 01.07.2006, those employees whose date of increment falls between July and January in the unrevised pay scale will get 3 increments by 01.07.2007 (one in the unrevised pay scale, second on 01.07.2006 and third on 01.07.2007). On the other hand those employees whose date of annual increment falls between February and before July will not get the benefit of increment in the unrevised pay scale and will only get a belated postponed one increment in the revised pay band on 01.07.2006. And further if, the later category of employees exercise the option to get their fixation postponed to a date subsequent to 01.01.2006 then they will not get any increment on 01.07.2006 but will get the increment on 01.07.2007 only.
    In view of the first time introduction of the uniform date of annual increment, it is suggested that after the fixation of salary either on 01.01.2006 or on any subsequent date on account of exercise of option under Rule 4 read with Rule 11 after they have availed of their increment in the unrevised pay scale to get the benefit of bunching, but before 01.07.2006 all employees should be given their first increment in the revised pay band on 01.07.2006 irrespective of the date of fixation. Once the uniformity is achieved in the very first year then in future the anomaly will not arise.
    Or in the alternative again as a one time measure in all such cases where the increment was due after January but before 01.07.2006 in the unrevised pay scale then they be given their pre-revised increment (actually or notionally) by pre-poning (advancing) the same to 01.01.2006 and then their pay be fixed accordingly in the revised pay scale on 01.01.2006 and their first increment be also given on 01.07.2006. If the benefit of increment in the pre-revised scale is not given to those whose date of increment falls between February and June 2006 then it will lead to another anomaly e.g., then such employees will get their annual increment on 01.07.2006 which will be after a gap of 17/16/15/14 months and not 12 months. Fixation of pay rules need to be clarified positively and liberally in favour of the employees and not against the interest of the employees. In all earlier pay revisions due increment has never been denied nor postponed to any future date with recurring financial loss for all times to come.

  33. Sir, i was appointed as a primary teacher on 12/08/2004 in state of U.T.of Daman & Diu and now i was appointed as Post Graduate Teacher(PGT) on 07/07/2009 in the same UT so what will be my pay according to six pay commission with continuation of the past service. i have also technically resigned of my Primary School Teacher service dated on 06/07/2009.

  34. One of our employee was in the pay scale of Rs. 4500-125-7000 and drawing a basic of Rs. 5750/- as on 01.01.2006 (Revised PB 1, Rs. 5200-20200 with GP of Rs. 2800/- and basic pay as per revised pay is Rs. 10700/- as on 01.01.2006). She was appointed on Direct Recruitment to the post of Technical Assistant in the scale of pay of Rs. 5000-150-8000 (revised PB -2 Rs. 9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4200/-) on 01.10.2006. What will be the pay fixation ?

  35. I was on Maternity leave from July 2005 onwards, my incriment month was August 2005 .I joined after leave on 1/2/2006 . My basic on 1/1/06 was 6350/ -. I got my icriment in Feb 06 of 6500/-. How should my pay be fixed according to 6 cpc.

  36. I am a central govt employee and ask u to tell me my basic pay on 1.7.2006 or 1.1.2007. I was working in the old pay scale of 10000-13500 from 1.1.2001 and my increment was due in the old pay scale on 01 Jan of each year.
    i have been promoted to old pay sacle of 12000-16500 on the date of implementation of 6cpc i.e. 01/01/2006. how my pay will be fixed as per latest clause 13 of 6cpc.
    thanx suni

  37. I was on earned leave from the beginning of December 2005 to 6.01.2006. My date of increment was 1st January. Am I eligible for another increment in July? Kindly provide copy/link to relevant rules.

  38. dear sir ,
    i got promoted to the rk of major on 10 jun 2006. what option should i opt for and if u can , then pl att a worksheet for both case for comparison.

  39. I am appointed as asst. archaeologist in Archaeological Survey of India on June 2003 in scale 5500-175-9000. My incriment month of June, MY Basic pay as on 1-1-2006 was Rs.5850/-. As per the Six Pay Commission my scale 5500- 9000 has been upgraded to 6500-10500 from 1-1-2006, recomendation contents as under

    Archaeologist in
    Survey of India
    7.9.4 Higher pay scale has been demanded for the post of
    Assistant Archaeologist in Archaeological Survey of India on the
    ground that the post carries minimum qualifications of a post-

    graduate degree along with two years diploma in relevant field.
    The Commission has recommended merger of the pre-revised pay
    scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500. The post is presently in
    the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 and shall automatically be
    upgraded. No separate recommendation is, therefore, necessary
    for this post ”

    Whether my pay should be fix in scale 6500-10500(upgraded scale) on 1-1-2006 and thereafter the pay should be fixed in the six pay commission pay scale. Kindly give me your suggesion with pay fixation details.

  40. Dear Sir,
    I have been appointed in Dec 2006 in the pay scale 5500-175-900 with three advance increments. So my basic was fixed at 6025. But in the 6PC I have not been given advance increments. My basic was fixed at the start of of PB 9300 and GP 4200. Total basic = 9300+4200. No advance increments.
    Can anyone help me to know, whether 6PC Report state that no advance increments will b given?
    Thanks in advance
    –Khalid Raza9891478255

  41. Dear Sir
    I am Matron in southern railway. my date of joing is March 1999. Before impliment of pay commission my pay is 6500-10500. As per the VI pay commission now what is my exact pay and grade pay. Because I am not getting salary as per the paycommission and were i asked my officials i am not getting proper reply.

    Please help me in this regard to my mail ID [email protected]

  42. dear sir, iam a staff nurse working in U.T.Of lakshadweep from 1994 november onwards under central govt. hospital,
    as on on 1-1-2006 on 1-1-2006 my basic pay is 6500/- (basic pay of 5000-150-8000) and as per new pay scale 9300-34800+GP4600 and the ACP awarded on 28-11-2006, in the pay scale of 5500-175-9000, now iam getting the basic pay of 12090 as on 1-1-2006 meanwhile my juniors(after joining 1.1.2009)getting more basic pay ie Rs.12540. Therefore kindly fix my pay as per sixth CPC at an earliest. And i am awaiting the reply on my email [email protected] – thanking you sir.

  43. sir as my scale as on 1-1-2006 was S-3 2650-65-3300-70-4000 and my basic was 2975 as per 1-1-2006. and i got promotion on 3rd  july 2007 for 3050 scale and my basic was fixed for 3275. and as per 6cpc they have recommended  to upgrade D group to C group from 1-1-2006 and in our institute entry level for C group is 3050 scale. so what would be the fixation as on 1-1-2006 and on 3rd july 2007. please clarify this.

  44. sir I and my junior  has been appointed on 20 august 1991 in the pay scale 1600-2660 on bombay central division on western railway .further my junior employee get transfered from bombay division to jaipur division of western railway on his own request (i.e on bottom seniority ) on 04.10.1993 subsequently i was promoted in the grade 2000-3200 as on 03.02.1994on bombay central division and my junior who was transfered from bombay division to jaipur division got promoted in grade 2000-3200 on 23.01.1995 

    i got increment on 01.02.95  @2060    
    on 01.01.1996 my pay was 2060  and my junior’s pay was 2000 being 

    both employees were fixed with minimum pay 6500 and date of my increment was 01.02.96
    and my junior 01.01.96

    since at that time both are working on separate divisions  

    in the year both of us are transfered on newly created northwestern railway 
    head quarter on option basis in oct 2002

    on 01.01.2006 i was drawing 8500 (Increment feb 2006) and my junior 8700 (after increment  jan 2006)

    on 01.01.2006 new 6th pay commission i was fixed 15810+4600  where as my junior 16190 + 4600

    sir ,
    junior employee who appointed on same date and promoted after me is drawing pays more then me

    several requests was made to chief personal officer by no justice given to me

    please guide me  my e mail [email protected] and contact no s 09001195459 

    1. What we could understand from your query is that due to delayed increment (or no increment in the year 2006 for the employees receiving increments from Feb-06 to June-06) for you due to new rule in 6cpc, your friend who was receiving same pay was fixed with more pay in pay band since he could get an increment as on 1.1.2006. This anomaly has already been represented with the anomaly committee, and suitable orders have to be issued by Govt

  45. Sub: Appointment to the post of Senior Scientific Officer in Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Ministry of MSME,-Confirmation for Fixation of pay scale and Count of service period-regarding

    I, Jitendra Kumar Gupta have been selected through properly constituted Commission of KVIC (A statutory Body constituted under 1956, Parliament Act) on direct interview basis and received appointment letter as per order no. Adm-I/ORW/7(79) PRR/2008-09 dated 18.03.2009 for the post of Senior Scientific Officer under direct recruitment quota in the pay scale of 8000-275-13,500 (pre-revised) without indicating Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ post in advertisement.

    2. Earlier I was permanent Employee in Textiles Committee (A statutory Body constituted under 1963, Parliament Act), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India and was working as Jr. Quality Assurance Officer from 17th April 2002 in the pay scale of 4500-175-7000/- (pay scale). I was beneficiary of old pension scheme and my application was forwarded through proper channel.

    3. Before joining the KVIC, I rendered the technical resignation from the service of Textiles Committee. In view of the above, kindly give advice as per rule, as regard to my pay band, Grade pay and eligibility for old pension scheme included counting of my past service according sixth pay commission.

    It is therefore requested kindly reply as soon as possible in the following email please.

    Thanking You,

    Sincerely Yours,
    Jitendra Kumar Gupta
    Senior Scientific Officer
    KVIC, Ministry of MSME
    Mob: 09004172285, 09004172284
    Fax: 022-26711593
    Email: [email protected]

  46. this is with regards to the circular issued dated 5th july 2010 where a chance is given to revise the option given earlier when the sixth pay scale was made applicable.

    i had given the option based on sixth pay commission

    but now i want to defer the option till 11 th of nov 2012 on which day i shall be entitled for acp II.


    1. Since you have not mentioned the reference number of the circular we assume that you are talking about the circular that that extended the FR 22 option deadline for 6cpc pay fixation till 31.12.2010. So those who get promotion or macp prior to 31.12.2010 can exercise their option of fixation either on 1.1.2006 or on the date of MACP/promotion. But delayed fixation will be at the cost of arrears of pay from 1.1.2006. But you are talking about the MACP during 2012, the period which is not covered by the said circular

  47. Sir,
    I joined on 31/01/2005 in group’A’ in rs.8000-275-13500 scale. Then i got advance increment on 13/08/2005 , raising my salary to rs.8275/-. On 01-01-2006 i got annual increment , basic became rs.8550/-. The next increment was given on 01-01-2008 ( increment on 01-01-2007 was skipped). After implementation of 6th CPC, my basic was fixed on 01-01-2006 as rs.15910( equivalent to rs.8550/- as per table) +gp, then increment was given on 01-07-2006 but increment on 01-07-2007 was skipped . Is this correct method? This infact has made my salary less than my junior. Pl help.

  48. I was working as a LDC in the scale of Rs. 3050-4590/- revised in PB 1 of Rs. 5200-20200/- & Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/-. On 1.1.2006 I was promoted as a Jr. Accountant in the scale of Rs. 4500-7000/- revised in PB 1 of Rs. 5200-20200/- & Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-. My question is if i opt for revision of pay structure from 1.1.2006 itself, will my pay be first fixed in the pre-revised pay scale on account of promotion & then brought into the purview of revised pay structure or will my pay be first revised as per 6th CPC in LDC cadre & then 3% increment plus grade pay of Jr. Accountant cadre will be given on account of prmotion.

  49. I joint in the service in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 on 19 May-03 and got promotion to the scale of Rs.5500-9000 on 10-08-2007. Now both the scale have been merged and granted 4200 grade pay as per the 6CPC. But, still i am drawing more salary than my other co-league who are not promoted. They say my financial benefits received after promotion should be recovered because, both the scales are merged and the promotion became null and void.  My basic pay was Rs.5300 on 01-01-2006. Please guide me what is the calculation and pay fixation rule on it.

  50. I am an assistant professor with 9 years of service.
    i obtained my Ph.D,. degree in march 2014, After pay fixation i was given three non compounded increments for obtaining higher degree on march 2014. but my next annual increment due in july2014 was omitted and was given a fixation with date of annual increment july2015.
    this way i lost benefit of one regular annual increment.
    Is this justified

  51. I have joined in haryana govt. On 22.12.10, and as per hry. Govt. Increment rules received 3%incriment on 01.07.11. But new notification of fin.dept hry. On 7.01.15 increment rules changed. As per new rules increment given on the behalf of no. Of working months as on next Ist July. So, kindly tell me about increment receive on 01.07.11 is recoverable or not. Because i have completed only 6 months on 01.07.11

  52. My maternity leave period is 3/09/2014 to 01/03/2015. I reported for duty on 02/03/2015. The first upgradation GP change from 2400 to 2800 and the second upgradation 2800 to 4200 came w.e.f. 14/10/2014that time I was on maternity leave. Whether I can get arrears from 14/10/2014 or from my date of report. Please clarify the same

  53. Sir,
    I reached maximum of my scale on 1/1/2004 and i was due for stagnation increment on 1/1/2006 in the pre revised scale, which was given and pay was fixed in revised pay structure without giving increment revised pay structure. Now i find those who are promoted in july to december of the same year and reached max of their scale in july to decmber 2004 are fixed with one increment in the new pay structure. This has resulted in junior getting higher pay than seniors. In 4th july 2014 an order no F-10/2/2011-E III (A) GOVT OF INDIA, DEPT OF EXPENDITURE,MINISTRY OF FINANCE has been issued, in which one increment in revised pay structure is allowed for those who got stagnation increment prior to 1/1/2006.–it is mentioned in the order ” as per orders in vogue prior to1/1/2006″. This order of finance ministry can be interpreted as
    “As per orders in vogue prior to 1/1/2006″- then i will get stagnation increment on 1/1/2006 in pre revised scale and one increment new pay structure and i will be getting more than my juniors, who are promoted from july to december.
    ” as i should have got stagnation increment before 1/1/2006″ then i will not get increment in new pay structure, then i will be getting lower pay than my juniors who are promoted in july to december.
    Is there any clarification from finance ministry? Will i get increment in new pay structure also in addition to stagnation increment in pre revised pay scale?

  54. My date of joining was 20th January, 2006 in the scale of 5500-175-9000 and after implementation of 6th CPC I was fitted in 10230+4200 i.e. 14430 by our accountant. Now my department is saying my fixation was wrong it should be 9300+4200=13500 as the scales 5000-150-9000 and 5500-175-9000 were merged and my date of joining is after 1st january, 2006. In this situation what should I done. Please help me.

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