Clarification by Govt on ACP/Promotion after 1.1.2006
As you could see clarification issued by Govt (F.No: 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.9.08) on ACP/Promotion after 1.1.2006 etc., has made our earlier study on ACP/Promotion after 1.1.2006 redundant. In light of this clarification, the common option under Rule 5 of CCS Revised Pay Rules 2008 for 6CPC Pay fixation as well as pay fixation for ACP/Promotion is not warranted now.
Those who get ACP/Promotion will have the option of getting their 6CPC pay fixed on 1.1.2006 or on the date of their pre-revised increment based on the option exercised by them under Rule 6 of CCS Revised Pay Rules 2008. Afterwards, for the purpose of fixing the Pay on account of ACP/Promotion they can exercise one more option under FR 22 (I) (a) (1) to get his pay fixed in the higher post either from the date of his promotion, or from the date of his next increment, viz., July of the year.
Now, let’s see the method to be adopted in these two options
Option 1 : Pay Fixation from the date of next increment:
On the date of promotion pay in the pay band shall continue unchanged, but the grade pay of the higher post will be granted. Further re-fixation will be done on the date of his next increment ie. 1st July. On that day he will be granted two increments; one annual increment and the second on account of promotion.
Option 2: Pay fixation on the date of promotion/ACP
The increment on account of promotion will be granted on the day of promotion, but the employee has to wait for another 12 months to get his annul increment. In other words, he shall get his first annual increment in the higher grade on the next 1st July of he was promoted between 2nd July and 1st January. If he was promoted between 2nd January and 30th June of the particular year, he shall get his increment on 1st July of the next year.
Consequent upon, this clarification we have now revised the Calculator posted in GConnect for 6CPC Pay fixation opted on 1.1.2006 in the case of ACP/Promotion after 1.1.2006. This application will cater to the two options available in the event of ACP/Promotion, while the keeping 6CPC pay fixation date constant viz., on 1,1,2006.
Comparison of Options:
Those who get their promotion between 2nd Jan and 30th June will get the additional benefit of one annual increment in the ACP/Promotion year itself, if they opt to defer their pay fixation for promotion to next grade to 1st July of the year at the loss of fixation benefit from promotion month to July of that year. This onetime loss will be very minimal while comparing long term benefit we get out of addition of one more increment in the year. Anyway, this onetime loss has also been minimized by the Govt to the extent possible as the grade pay gets revised on the date of ACP/Promotion though we prefer to defer it to July.
On the contrary, for those who get the their promotion between 2nd July and 1st January, deferring their pay fixation to next July will not fetch any additional benefit as they will earn their annual increment prior to their promotion in July during that year. So they can opt for fixing the pay on their regular date of promotion which would fetch them an additional increment in the same year.
We feel that this comparison will be applicable only to straight cases and may tend to vary in special cases. We invite further discussions on this topic in the form of comments to this article.
I am working in mes defence civil . I got acp on dec 2006 and my fixed to the scale of 5000-150-8000, but as per the 6th cpc our office had fixed in my old scale 4000-100-6000 as per 6th cpc arrears as on 1st jan 2006. in what scale and how to calculate to get the correct salry.kindly help
I am working as Superintendent of Central Excise in the pay scale of 7500-12000/-. I was promoted as Superintendent in the month of Sep,02 and got first ACP on 9.8.99, thus getting the scale of Superintendent on 9.8.99 as I joined the job as Inspector (feeder cadre for promotion to Superintendent) on 30.10.84. Thus, next time scale is due to me in the month of Sep,06 and IInd ACP (new) in the month of Oct,04 to be effective on 1.1.06. My month of increment is February. Which date should I opt for fixation, kindly clarify.
I have gone through the pay fixation provided on the web by Gconnect. In this connection, I have got a doubt that an increment has to be given on the date of promotion. Whether the increment has to be given in the higher grade promotional pay of the pre-revised scale or the pay of the eisting scale of pay. When I have seen that one increment has given with reference to the pay being drawn prior to the implementation of of sixth pay commission. Increment given is correct or not and also whether one increment has to be given on the day of promotion. Kindly clarify. Hope reply will be mailed early.
A slight correction in my query. Only two doubts. One whether increment has to be given on the pay drawn prior to implementation of the Six Pay Commission Report. For e.g. my date of promotion was on 1/4/06, scale of pay 8000-275-13500 and I have drawn basic pay of Rs.11,025/-. Whether increment has to be given w.r.f. to Rs.11, 025/- and confirm the corresponding pay given Rs.21,290/- as on 1/4/2006 is correct or not.
i was promoted to 7450 scale from 6500 scale on 2.1.2007(since 1.1.2007 happenned to be a sunday promotion took place on 2.2007). In my department the scales 6500 and 7450 scales were upgraded to 7500 scale. In my fixation statement my office has fixed my pay on 2.1.2007 on promotion and the next increment was given only on july 2008 i.e, after 18 months(less one day) leaving me little benefit. pl. clarify and what to do— my old and new pay are: 1.1.2006 Rs 6900/17640(12840+GP 4800)2.1.2007 Rs7450/18720(13920 +GP4800)
Kindly inform whether Govt has announced the date of implementation of ACP.{Whether from 1-1-2006 or 1-09-2008}.This will clear the doubts created in comment No !
presently i am working in gread 4500-7000. my ACP dUE ON 1.09.90.My present basic pay 5875. please inform what is my new basic pay after Acp & in which gread/gread pay.
In continuation query posted shri Sriram g I have one calculation in mind. The increment has to be given on the completion of 12 months@ 3 per cent. On the analogy that increment @ 3 per cent for the completion of 12 months and not for the completion of more than 12 months can we not calculate that in the manner that 3 X theNo. of montha divided by 12. Then the rate for more than 12 months differ. Is this no a fair calculation.
Basic pay-5000. On JAN Ist scale of pay was 6350/-.Got an ACP on completion of 12 Yrs on 8th July 2008 to 5500/- scale. whether my grade pay will be 4200/- or 4600/-for fixation.
i was drawing pay 5250 in scale 4500-125-7000 on 01.012006 .my increment was on 01-02-2006. I was promoted in scale 5000-150-8000. on 25.03.2008.
i was given adhoc promossion in grade pay 4600 on 29.05.2009. What should my basic now.
expecting your reply
LDC pay is not at all satisfied
This is response to the question posed by jaya.The same is my case, I was in 5000-8000 grade and I have been promoted to Gr Rs 5500-9000 in June 2006.My dept has not given any addl increment on account of promotion on the plea tha Gr Rs 5000-8000 and Gr Rs 5500-9000 has been merged and as such my pay has been fixed as if I am in Gr Rs 5000-8000 and Grade Pay Rs 4200/. There is lot of confusion as regards the promotion/acp after 01-01-06.Hope some clarification is received soon so that we are not deprived of one promotional increment.
kindly reply to the same case
I got ACP on 1/10/2004 on the scale of 5500 after 12 years of service in the scale of 5000. What will be my fixation in the event of ACP which I got in the 1/10/2004 in the merged scale of 5000 , 5500 and 6500 ? Further , if I shall not be given ACP in revised pay structure(6 CPC) , then person who works in the scale of 5000 in pre revised scale will get grade pay of 4600 after completion of 10 years of service in the scale of 5000 on or after 1/1/2006 ? In this case what will my fixation/grade pay as on 1/9/2008 ?
There is option that the govt. employee can be permitted to deposit his all arrears of pay in his GPF account. In this event, kindly clarify whether this deposit in GPF would be tax free or not. What is the use of this deposit, if it is not tax free?
Respected sir,
one of my friend is working Accountent General Office , before 1-1-2006 he was as section offcer, in the scale of 6500 (9300 scale with grade pay 4800 they have adoped it Gr. pay 4800 only) , then he got promotion as AAO from 2-1-2006 in the prerevised scale as 7450 in the revised scale it is 9300 with the grade pay same as 4800. since 2006 he has drawn two incriments also. now the office personal say that both are having same grade pay as 4800, the promotion 7450 is nullfies, and the incriments drawn also has to payback with arr. how far it is justifable.?
Basic pay scale-5000-150-8000 in JAN- 2006 and basic on 01/01/2006 was 5600/-.Got promotion on 03rd May 2006 to 5500-175-9000 scale & basic pay fixed onRs. 6025/-. whether my grade pay will be 4200/- or 4600/-for fixation.
Basic pay scale-5000-150-8000 in JAN- 2006 and my grade pay will be 4200 or 4600
my basic pay 5000 as on 1.1.2006. The second ACP was given on 4.7.2007. But the grade was given as 4200 only. Is it correct or not. Due to merg the Grade pay 4600 shoule be given to me please clarify
What is the higher post grade pay (after 01.01.2006) – after pay band 9300-34800 and grade pay 4200?
If some body get promoted in the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 from scale 5500-175-9000 after 01.01.2006 the rule is saying that the โpay in the pay band shall continue unchanged, but the grade pay of the higher post will be grantedโ. (refer office memorandum โ clarifications on CCS 2 โ the method of fixation of pay on promotion after 01.01.2006 dated Sept. 13, 2008) What will be the grade pay of that person 4200/- or 4600/-.
If all the old posts of 5000/- 5500/- & 6500/- get merged in the pay band 9300-34800 with grade pay 4200/- on 01.01.2006. What is the next higher โpost grade payโ ?
My basic pay on 01.01.06 was 6350/- in grade 5000-150-8000 my increment fall on November, further I promoted in grade rs.5500-175-9000 in 28.06.2006 i optdt. to fix up my pay on the date of increment i.e. november the4n my pay in june Rs. 6375/- till oct. and in November 06 was fix- up Rs.6725/- now my current pay Rs.6900/- from nov.07
Kindly fix up my pay under 6th cpc, I am a rly.servant.
As on 1 January 2006 I was drawing the basic pay of Rs. 9300 in the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500. On the date of next increment which was 1st April my basic pay was raised to Rs. 9500/-.
I got my promotion in the scale of 10000-325-15200 w.e.f. 22 August, 2008 and my date of increment was revised to 1-8-2008. Could someone advise me whether I should opt for fixation from the date of my promotion or the date of next increment
Sir, If anybody in I.A.&.A.D. promoted from S.O to AAO on or after 1-1-06, consequent on VI PC, if they opt their pay fixation in the new scale w.e.f. from the DNI, they will get some benefit. Ofcourse, initially, they may lose their G.P. from 1-1-06 till the DNI. However future benefits is there. Calculate your fixation before exercising option.
On 1st January my basic pay was Rs 3875/- in the pay scale of 3050-4560. In the month of October 2007 I got promotion in the pay scale Rs 4500-9000 and my basic fixed on Rs 4500/-. My present pay in pay band of 2800 grade pay may be intimated. Please fix up my pay.
i am selected from upsc in whatis my pay band.
I was granted second financial upgradatiopn under ACPScheme w.e.f. 9.8.99 from the pay scale of 4000-100-6000 to the next pay scale of Rs.5500-175-9000 in the hierarchy. After the implementation of 6th Pay Commission what will be my Pay Band and Grade Pay?
I am working in grade Rs. 8000-275-13500 in ICAR, Autonomous organisation what will be my Pay Band as per VI CPC
I was drawing a pay of Rs.8825 in the scale of 8000-275-13500 as on 1.1.2006. I was promoted in the scale of Rs.10000-325-15200 on 22.6.2007. After implementation of revised pay my pay is fixed at Rs.24360/- as on 22.6.2007 in the new pay band and grade pay corresponding to the scale of 10000-325-15200. The minimum of the corresponding grade of 10000 is Rs.25200/- as per fitment table but my pay as on 22.6.2007 is coming less that 25200/-. Can I get the minimum of the pre-revised scale i.e. 25200/- corresponding to Rs.10000/-.?
On 1st January my basic pay was Rs 3875/- in the pay scale of 3050-4560. In the month of October 2007 I got promotion in the pay scale Rs 4500-9000 and my basic fixed on Rs 4500/-. My present pay in pay band of 2800 grade pay may be intimated. Please fix up my pay.
mr.Gajanan ur grade pay will be 4300/-
while fixing pay from the date of ACP after 1/1/2006, you are using multiplying factor of 1.86 with the (Basic+DP+DA) and not using the fitment table enclosed with the order F.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 30th Aug.,2008. May I know why?
Whether fixation benefits on account of promotions is eligible for the promotions within the merged grades ie. 5000-150-8000 & 5500-175-9000 after 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 where the grade pays of both scales remains the same?In some of the departments it is denied on the basis that such promotions are nullified due the cadre merging.A promotion already availed is to be given wieghtage and as such even though the grade pay remains the same, options on account fixation on promotion is to be given to keep the parity for the promotions took place before the relase of pay commission orders. Kindly clarify.
I was promoted as STA on April/08 in the pay scale of 5000-150-8000. Prior to promotion I was working as TA in the pay scale of 4000-100-6000 and drawing a pay of Rs/= 4200 as on 01.01.06. Kindly provide me with my pay fixation statement along with the total arrears I am likely to get.
My pay as on 1.1.2006 was Rs 11950 under 10000-325-15200 scale in the post of Private Secretary since I was given second ACP in the last pay commission. Could you please let me know my pay fixation, particularly, the Grade Pay on my e-mail address. Thanks.
what shuld be my new basic if i presentaly running on the rate of Pay 4100/- in pay scale of 4000- 6000/-. My old rate of pay was 3200 on the date of 01-01-2006 in pay scale of 3050-4590/- with date of Increament on Jun,2006. I got promotion on Feb, 2007 in pay scale of 4000- 6000/-. My presntly next date of Increament is Feb.2009 according to running scale.?
Reference is to the First Schedule, Part C, Section II of the 6th CPC Notification. It has been provided that in the Ministry of Finance, Dept of Revenue, Income Tax Officers, Superintendents and Appraisers etc, after 4 years, will be upgraded to the pre-revised scale of 8000-13500 but kept in pay band 2. They have accordingly been granted enhancement of grade pay from 4800 to 5400. The first question is, does this amount to ACP? Apparently, it does not. Thus, the benefit of additional increment which is normally associated with promotion does not accrue at this point of time. Thereafter, upon promotion to Group A scale, which happens to be the newly introduced pre-revised Group A Entry scale of 8000-13500, the grade pay continues to be Rs.5400/-. Rule 13 of the 6th CPC Notification provides for increment on promotion only if there is change in Grade Pay. So here too, i.e. at the time of actual promotion also, there is no benefit of increment. Kindly correct me if i am missing out on something. Otherwise, is it not quite bizarre that there there will be no increase in pay upon promotion. I have never heard of such a situation in any organization. I will be grateful for a reply. Seshadri, ITO
sir on 01/01/2006 my basic was 4400 in 4000-6000 scale & in feb-2008 i was promoted to 5000-8000 scale what is my current basic pay please reply
It is seen that you have revised your calculator for pay fixation for ACP after1/1/06. It shows two increments for ACP/Promotions. Pl clarify.
Those who got promotion after 1st January from 5000-8000 to 5500-9000 and 5500-9000 to 6500-10500 should get higher grade pay 4600 and 4800 respectively.
since after initial fixation i.e 1st january 2006 there is no scale such 5000, 5500 and 6500 etc. So after 1st january 2006 can’t take old scales. So the new scale(pay band)
is 9300-34800 for all the above posts.
For ex: A person was in the sacle of 5000 as on 1st january his pay band will be 9300-34800 grade pay 4200. after that he got one promotion to next higher grade means his pay scale/band should be 9300-34800 and grade pay is 4600 and next promotion he should get 9300-34800 grade pay 4800. otherwise where is the promotion benefit. so cant’ say pomotion. VSSC and some other major department already implemented the above pay structure. so just give representation to the HOD. If he is refused to give the benefit pl. knock the door of hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal(CAT). Easily u can win.
if one person got promotion to the next higher grade means he is eligible of next higher pay.
I am working in Rlys.I got ACP in June-03 in the pre revised scale of 7450-11500 after comleting 12 yaers of service in feeder cadre of 6500-10500. Since in 6CPC both grades are merged, hence I would like to know whether I should get next grade pay or not?
sir,my basic was 5600 in old pay scale of 5000-150-8000 on 1/1/06 and my incriment month was i was promoted in pay scale of 5500-175-9000 on 28/02/07 and basic fixed to 6025.Next i was promoted in old pay scale of 7500-250-12000 on 02/11/07 and basic fixed to 7500.
what will be my basic abd pay on sept-08 and how much will be my arrier.
i was promoted 5500 scale from 2.8.06 b.p.6025/- my old & 6cpc are 1.1.06 rs.5900/- (5000-150-8000)/15,180, (10980 + gp4200) 1.7.06 b.p.6200/-(adhoc promotion 5500-175-9000)/15640/-, 1.7.07 6375/16,110/-, 1.7.08 6550/16,600/- fixation made by my office, whether my office fixed the pay is correct or incorrect, if it is incorrect kindly fixup my pay under 6cpc. i am working in isro, bangalore
i appointed as a scale of 2550-3200 i am permanet staff in lady shriram college since 1998 after that i was appiontment throuw direct recriut but i am enternal candidate in lady shri ram college for women (yuniversity of delhi) in the library as a library Attendant 1.5.2007 scale of 2650-4000 i drawn my basic in lod pay scale 3020 in 2006 my old increment is 60-month sept.2.9.2006 pls.tell me what is my fixation on the sixth pay commission acrodingly.
I was working in the school and following CEntral Govt. Rules. In 2006 Jan my basic pay was 5000/- in the scale of 4000-100-6000. Then in the month of July’07 i was put on 4500-1225-7000 after applying ACP Grades. In the month of March’08 again my grade was revised in 5000-150-8000. To day what will be my grade and also i am requesting that what the the ACP grade after completion of 12 years of services in the grade of 4000-100-6000. My post is stenographer. If there is any notification we can get from the net regarding ACP pl inform. Treat this most urgent.
I would like to point out an anomoly in pay fixation for those who got ACP after 1-1-06.
they will get the grade pay of the next higher pay scale in the hierarcy and not the grade pay of the ACP scale.
Wheras, for those who got ACP before 1/1/06 will get the benifit of the higher grade pay, as their pay will be fixed w.r.t their pre-revised pay as on 1-1-06 which is higher ACP pay with higher grade pay.
This will cause a wide difference in the new basic pay amoung the same caders between those who got ACP prior & post 1/1/06.
Will somebody clarify please.
I was posted in central govt. department on 31st jan, 1989 and got my first promotion in july 1993. Since than I am stagnated in the same post for the last 15+ years. I would like to know whether I would be given the financial upgradation under ACP after completing 10 years service in the present post i.e. in July 2003 or after completing 20 years of service i.e. on 31jan 2009
sir, my date of apointmnet was 28th aug, 2006 on the post of Statistical investigator, with basic of 5000-8000. according to 6cpc, this post is upgraded to the basic of 6500-10500 and then it was to be revised.
what shud be my my current basic?? i am getting salary which is revised on 5000-8000 only. which accounts at basic 10300. as i am residing in pune, maharashtra, is the salary which i am drawing is correct or i should expect some more arrears???
SIR, I got my first A.C.P in october 2002 after completion of 12 year of service in the pay scale of 5000-8000 and got pay scale 5500-9000.Since in sixth CPC these pay scale have been merged what grade pay I should get as on 1.1.2006? Is it should be 4200 or 4600,kindly clarify.
Dear sir,
I have got ACP on 08-07-2007 in the scale of 6500-200-10500 from the scale of 5500-175-9000. My office has not fixed my pay in revised scale stating that it is still not clear that you will be given modified ACP benefit or you can retain your old ACP.The clarification stated above relating to fixation of pay in r/o promotion/ACP upgradation got on or before notification date and after the 1.1.06 is applicable on me or not. Which option I should give to get more benefit on fixation. Please suggest. Thanks. T.G.RENJITH, Senior Auditor, O/o the P&T Audit Office, Mumbai-54.
The ACP fixation has been made in the old scale as follows.
Pay scale;-5500-175-9000
Date of Increment . Pay
January 2006 7775
January 2007 7950
Financial up gradation
08th July2007 ACP
Pay in the existing Scale
5500-175-9000 7950 +QP Rs.60/-
Pay initially fixed in the next higher scale
6500-200-10,500 8100+QP Rs.60/-
Date of increment in the existing lower scale
Rs.5500-175-9000 01-01-2008.
Pay fixed in the scale of
Rs.6500-200-10,500 under FR22(I)a(1)
W.e.f the DNI in the lower scale 8500/-
DNI unless otherwise affected 01-01-2009
Dear sir,
I have got ACP after 24 year in service from 8/7/1983 on 08-07-2007 in the scale of 6500-200-10500 from the scale of 5500-175-9000. My office has not fixed my pay in revised scale stating that it is still not clear that you will be given modified ACP benefit or you can retain your old ACP.The clarification stated above relating to fixation of pay in r/o promotion/ACP upgradation got on or before notification date and after the 1.1.06 is applicable on me or not. Which option I should give to get more benefit on fixation. Please suggest. Thanks. T.G.RENJITH, Senior Auditor, O/o the P&T Audit Office, Mumbai-54.
The ACP fixation has been made in the old scale as follows.
I want to know about present position of ACP/upgradation.
This is Krishnamurthy working in ISRO SATELLITE Center Bangalore.
MY Basic is as on 1st.January2006 Rs.7500/-In the Grade 6500-200-10500.
Igot promotion in the monthof October 2007.inthe grade of 800-275-13500.
I was fixed in the month of October 2008 Rs.8000/- and my basic is fixed in the month of April 2008 was Rs. 8550. So kindly give me the full fixation of my basic and other allowances and also I am not using any govt. Transport& quarters .I am a physically handicapped person kindly give me suitable calculators and do the needful.
Thanking you
Krishnamurthy .p
Sr.Technicion โBโ
Isro Satellite Center.
I am in central Govt. employee have joined on May 95. In old scheme my ACP is due on May 2007 after 12 yrs. T he ACP have fixed in August 2008 in old scheme from May 2007. Now as per 6th pay commission it is decided 10, 20 & 30 years scheme from 01-01-2006. Can I avail that benifit ACP from 01-01-2006 as 10 years completed on MaY 2005. Please do reply in my e-mail also request you there is one news for retiremnet unorm date is 31st December every year, it is tru or remouir. Wait your reply.
Thanks. Sudarsan Pradhan,
I am working in the pay scale of Rs. 4000-100-6000 since 19-06-1992. Please tell my next scale after granted ACP.
On 10-1-2006 my scale of pay is 7500-12000. i was fixed the pay for 6th cpc from 1-1-2006 for my basic 9750 equivalent to 18140 and grade pay is 4800. I got my II ACP 10000-325-15000 from 11-1-2006. onwards. I want to know how to option to be given for fixation of my pay and how to fix my icrements.please send me the details of my pay to fixed on 1-1-2006 and 11-1-2006 and thereafter for every year and i want to know which option gives me the benefit one. please clarify and send me the details.
reply given by g connect are always correct
I joined Central Govt on 26.06.1985 as Junior Accountant and 1st financial upgradation was awarded to me on 07.11.2008 as Senior Accountant. Since than I am drawing my pay and allowances in the same grade. I have completed my 20 years of service as on 26.06.2005 and as per modified ACP accepted in the 6th
CPC I am due for my 2nd financial upgradation as on 01.01.2006 the date from which the implementation of the recomendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission report. Please clearfy that what is the date for the 2nd fianacial upgradation/ACP available to me.
I am working in the pay scale of Rs. 4000-100-6000 since 19-06-1992. AS per rule my ACP is due. I want to know that when my ACP is due after 10 years (i.e. June 2002) or after 12 years (i.e. June 2004),& what is my next scale with grade pay after awarded ACP. Further please clerify the difference 10 Years ACP & 12 Years ACP scheme. Please send your comments on above matter at your earliest.
Sir, my basic pay as on 1-1-2006 was 4900 in 4000-100-6000. my increment is on february. i got acp (assured career progression) on 2-2-2007 in the scale 5000-150-8000. my pay was fixed on 2-2-2007 rs. 5300/- what will be my pay band and grade pay on 1-1-2006 and after acp subsequently. kindly inform me accordingly.
I am a officer surveyor in survey of india,in aug,99 i have got my ist acp in scale of 6500-10500,again i got my 2nd acp on oct,2001 i scale of 1000-325-15200. what will be my fixation there any chance to loose my exiting grade pay kindly confirm my salarie in jan09.thanking you
I am working as Asst. Audit Officer in IA & AD in the pre revised pay scale of 7450-225-11500. I was promoted as Asst. Audit Officer on 18/3/2008 and my pay was fixed at the min of the timescale i.e. 7450, because my pay in Section officer grade was Rs.7100 at the time of my promotion. In IA & AD posts of Section officer (6500-200) and Asst. Audit Officer (7450-225) have been merged and upgraded to 7500-250 W.E.F. 1/1/2006, which is carrying grade pay of Rs.4800/-. As per pay fixation memo received from my office, My pay was fixed at 12470 ( as on 1/1/06 – 6700*1.86) in the pay band-3 with a grade pay of Rs.4800. and thereafter 3 increment on 7/06, 7/07 and 7/08 have been given and as on date my pay is Rs.14080/-. The benefit of minimum pay (i.e. Rs.13350/-) for the entry level in grade pay Rs.4800/- was not given to me. That means my pay has to be fixed at Rs.13350/- as on 1/1/06 instead of Rs.12470/-(i.e.6700*1.86). Where as the same given to one Direct Recruit Section offcier in my office, who is recruited as section officer on 6/06 and his pay was fixed at Rs.13350/-. Thus, after getting one promotion as Asstt. Audit Officer I am drawing less pay than Section Officer. Please guide me to get the benefit.
I am working in the pay scale of Rs.4000-6000 since july 1997 and I will complete 20 years regular service on 2nd March-2009. Kindly advice when I will be eligible for ACP i.e. on July 2007 or on 2nd march-2009. And How my pay will be fixed in the ACP under 6th Pay Commission. This clearification will help several employees in my department. Thanks
If anybody on deputation, are getting deputation allowance but after getting ACP deputation allowance are not getting. It should be continued if anybody on deputation. This order should be implemented for the benefit of all deputationist.
Sir, my basic pay as on 1-1-2006 was 4900 in 4000-100-6000. my increment is on february. i got acp (assured career progression) on 2-2-2007 in the scale 5000-150-8000. my pay was fixed on 2-2-2007 rs. 5300/- what will be my pay band and grade pay on 1-1-2006 and after acp subsequently. kindly inform me accordingly. if i submit option ,please intimate me in my email [email protected].
my basic as on 1.1.2006 was Rs.3875/- my increment is on December. i got my acp (assured career progression) on 11.12.2007 in the scale of Rs.4000-100-6000. acp which is due in 13.12.2005. Now we got 6th pay commission payment from November,2008. Office was fixed my basic on Rs.10770/-. i wanted to confirm that what will be my pay band accordingly. please intimate me in my email
i gave my comments on 21.1.2009 please send me a reply as early as possible.
I asked for comments on 05.01.2009 but still awaiting any reply from you.
i am workin in a/cs as AA present pay gr is 4200/= Pl tell me revised grade pay .
Sir, I sent my query on 9th and 16th January, 2009 regarding acp fixation on or after 1-1-2006, but sorry to say thay i’ve not got any reply. please intimate me in my email no. [email protected]. waiting for your reply without delay.
yours mukherjee.
My old Basic pay was 3050 on 01-01-06. I have been promoted on 01-10-07 and Basic fixed on 5500.What should have my basic on 01-09-2008 in new fixation. Please intimate me the date of new fixation should have been done on 01-01-06/01-10-07 which will be beneficiarie in long term.
I am working in ministry of Statistics & P.I and was promoted on adhoc basis to Invt.Gr. I with pay band of Rs 46oo/- on 30 -01 2009. As per the clarification on revised pay rules 2008 dated 17 -09 -2009, I exercised my option to fix my pay on Ist july 2009 claiming only my pay band of Rs 4600/= upto june 2009. But my department fixed my pay w.e.f.31-01-2009 with 3% increament and pay band of Rs 4600/ also stating that date of my next increament will be Ist july 2010. and option cannot be exercised in case of adhoc promotions. whereas there is no mention of it the revised pay rules of 2008. please reply and clarify.
I am working in ministry of Statistics & P.I and was promoted on adhoc basis to Invt.Gr. I with Grade pay of Rs 46oo/- on 30 -01- 2009. As per the clarification on revised pay rules 2008 dated 13 -09 -2009, I exercised my option to fix my pay on Ist july 2009 claiming only my grade pay of Rs 4600/= upto june 2009. But my department fixed my pay w.e.f. 31-01-2009 with 3% increament and grade pay of Rs 4600/ also stating that date of my next increament will be Ist july 2010. and option cannot be exercised in case of adhoc promotions. whereas there is no mention of it the revised pay rules of 2008. please reply and clarify.
whether new rules on ACP are issued?
After implementation of 6 pay commission, officials posted to field parties were not allowed Transport Allowance in full stating the reason that they not performed duty at the city Headquarters. It is not possible for the officials posted in field parties, since they have to travel throughout the state. Whereas, the officials posted in the Headquarters were eligible for Transport Allowance in full and drawing without any problem. How this problem can be sorted out? kindly reply for the same.
I am working as AAO, with the Accountant General (A&E), Tamil Nadu. After the implementation of sixth Pay Commission, officials posted to field parties other than Headquarters for more than a month were not allowed Transport Allowance in full stating the reason that they had not performed duty at the city Headquarters during the month. At present, CCA also merged with the TA. It may be clarified, whether is there any condition in the VI PC, that the officials posted in field party should perform his/her duty atleast one day in the city Headquarters so as to enable him/her to get the Transport Allowance. Please kindly clarify with orders.
I want to know about present position of ACP/upgradation
Please intimate details about present position of ACP
officer two years junior in service after getting ACP as per 6cpc got more salary then me. is there any rule that i can opt for additional increment or up gradation. pl clarify
sir, i had joined as LDC on 25-11-05 in rajasthan state with grade pay 1900. i want to know that what will be my next grade pay after grant of 1st ACP.
Dear Sir, I am working in the Archaeological Survey of India, as Temporary Status Casual labour Since 1-4-1997 , I have passed PUC I am qualified person, So I am eligible for Grade Pay Rs.1800/- as per 6th Pay and ACP please clafiy for Grade pay and ACP
I am working as a Temporary Status Casual Labour since 1-4-1997 in the Archaeological Survey of India. I have passed PUC, my office has fixed grade pay for Rs.1300/- So, I hereby requesting clarify, I am eligible or not for getting Qualified Grade Rs.1800/- per month and clarify the ACP promotion
Respected Sir,
Sub: Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission โ Applicability for revised Group โDโ pay scales to Casual Laborers with Temporary Status โ eligibility from stage1 to stage-2 .
Ref: Office memorandum No.49011/31/2008-Estt(C) Dated 12th September 2008.
With reference to the above cited subject, I would like to inform you that, I am working under Office of the Senior Conservation Assistant, Archaeological Survey of India, Kamalapur Sub-Circle, Hospet Taluk Bellary Dist, Karnataka State, as Casual Labour in Temporary Status (Group โDโ) since 1-4-1997 and drawing salary as per Initial fixation of Group D employee in โ IS (stageโI) band from past 12 years.I have passed P.U.C. IInd year examination in Arts and English Type Writing Senior Grade. I have been working for this office since from 03-11-1986 to till date (23 years). From 09-11-1986 to 31-03-1994 as Casual Labour and from 01-04-1994 to 31-03-1997 in Minimum Wages Casual Labour status and from 01-04-1997 till date in Temporary Status Casual Labour Group-D.As per the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission our Drawing Office has fixed my pay scale as per Initial fixation of Group D employee in โ IS (stageโI) per month.
Based on my qualification and experience I would like to know whether I would be eligible to draw the Pay Scale of Stage โ II Fixation of Group D employee possessing requisite qualification or after re-training.
is there any specified time limit to exercise option under rule 5 or else it can be opted any time?
I got my First ACP to the Pay Scale of Rs.4000 – 6000/-in 2003 after completion of 12 years of service. My total service till date is 17 and 6 months. Kindly clarify Am I elegible for 2nd ACP after completion of 20 years ? Till now I have not received any promotion. I was appointed as Jr. Clerk through SSC.
I joined in AIR on 27.11.87 and i got my promotion to the post of UDC during June 1993. Due to my husband’s transfer to other state I got my transfer with reversion i.e to the post of LDC. After implementation of 6 CPC I got my Grade pay only 1900/-. I know that i am eligible only Second ACP. Now I am requesting you to please let me know what will be my grade pay for Second ACP? Pl. reply.Thanks
I joint my service on 27.9.1983 as L.D.C. in University of Roorkee. This became IIT Roorkee in 2001. On 31.12.05 my designation was Sr. Asstt. and I was running in the pay scale of 4500-125-7000 on the basic pay 5000. I got time scale (24 years) on 27.9.2007. Now in the light of this MACPS what will i get and in which pay scale
Sir, I joined NCC (MOD) as LDC on 26 Feb 2008, i.e completed 11 years 3 months as on date and still contuining as LDC in the grade pay of Rs 1,900/-. What will be my pay band and grade pay please.
post 6th paycommission and macps ,the worst hit category is pre-3050 scale as after putting in 19 years of service he/she gets only rise of Rs 100/- in grade pay,were as the heirchical grade pay is Rs 2400/-,do you feel justice has been done?
As per FR 22 option for pay fixation is not available on adhoc promotion, however, at the time of regular promotion, if the service from adhoc promotion post to regular promotion post continue, the option facelity is available from the date of adhoc promotion. Whether such facility is still available after revised pay rules 2008
Sir, I need a clarification about the modified ACP Scheme. I joined as Gr. C Stenographer (Open exam by SSC) in 1991. I became PS by appearing in 1996 Dept. Examination and joined in 1998. As per select list I have completed 13 years as PS as my select list year is 1996. As a whole all PS
I am joined central govt office on 12-9-1984 as a UDC and I got regular promotin as a store assistant on 24-8-1993 after 9 years over. Then I got secand regular promotion as a superintendent on 13-7-2007 after 14 years over. I request please tell me I will get new ACP or not as per new acp schme and infor me my pay fixation howmouch asfollows.
Basic pay as on 1-7-2006 RS 12580/- Grade Pay 4200/-
1-7-2007 Rs 13090/- Grade pay 4200/-
1-7-2008 Rs 14150/- Grade pay 4200
i joined income tax department on 22/10/1996. I want to know when i will get ACP. I got promotion in the month of October, 2008. Can you tell me from when i will get ACP i.e. only after 1.6.2008 or from 1/10/2006. Reply soon.
I joined GOI on 02-07-1990 as Jr. Steno and got promotion as Sr. Stenographer on 10-3-1997 in the scale of 5000-150-8000 (Revised Rs.9300-34800 with GP Rs.4200) . I got promotion on 29-5-2009 as Sr. P.A. to Director in the same scale of pay of Rs.9300-34800 with GP Rs.4200 without any monitary benefit except change of designation. In the mean time i came to know that am also eligible for MACP w.e.f. 1-9-2008. My present Pay is Rs.13020 GP Rs.4200. Kindly clarify me whether i am eligible for any monitary benefit on my promotion. Also inform what is my BP and GP after MACP implementation. Thanks.
Sir I was appointed in Min of Def as a Civilian employee as TCM in the corps of EME on 21 Apr 1997 in the scale of Rs 1320 scale. After 5th CPC it became 4000-6000. As per the old ACP scheme the scale should be enhanced to 5000-8000 after 12 yrs of completion of service i.e. on 1st May 2009. What would be the Pay scale and grade pay in MACP scheme.
i joined as L.D.C in 4.3.1974 then i was promoted as U.D.C as on 31.3.1977 further i have been promoted as inspector of central excise on 19.5.1987 i m eligible for third A.C.P as per completion of the 10th year, 20th year and 30th year i.e. in march 2004. when i will get third A.C.P???
In NSSO, DPD where promotional prospects for Stenographers are almost negligible, implementation of MACPS have caused many discripencies among the employees with same designation and same scale. Suppose, one steno gr.III who gets his 1st regular promotion after completion of 19years 11 months and 29 days will get his 2nd ACP after 20 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs.4600 whereas another steno gr.III who get his 1st regular promotion after completion of 20 years 0 moths 1 day of regular service will get grade pay of Rs.4200. This is the common case in NSSO, DPD.
Steno Gr.III – Grade Pay Rs.2400/=
After 10 years 1st ACP – Grade Pay Rs.2800/=
After 19 years 11 months 29 days, 1st Regular promotion (STENO GR.II)
– Grade Pay Rs.4200/=
After 20 years 2nd ACP – Grade Pay Rs.4600/=
Steno Gr.III
– Grade Pay Rs.2400
After 10 years 1st ACP – Grade Pay Rs.2800
After 20 years 2nd ACP – Grade Pay Rs.4200/=
After 20 years 0 months 1 day, 1st regular Promotion (steno Gr.II) –
Grade Pay Rs.4200 is this justified. Does anomaly committee will look after this. Besides that the principle of same pay for same work also fails under MACPS. How it can be justified that 2 persons in the same designation, with same work and in the same office will get different pays, though they have been appointed by the same recruting agency i.e. Staff Selection Commission in the same batch and same year. Merely, there joining dates are different. One have joined on 30th August 2008 and another on 1st September 2009. May be due to train delay or anything else. Similar, is the case with LDCs and UDCs in DPD. Will anyone take up this matter with Anomaly Committee.
Sir, I join the service in august 2007 in UHBVN as UDC. On that day my basic is 4625. Now what will be pay fix. My grade pay is 2900.
Sir, I got my second ACP after 24 years in Feb.2006 in the scale 6,500-200-10,500 i.e. then scale of Section Officer/Pvt. Secretary and scale of Assistants/P.As was revised in Sept 2006 same as 6500-200-10500. Thus the ACP which I got became meaningless. And as per Sixth Pay Commission I got only Grade Pay 4600, whereas some Ministries/Departments has given GP 4,800 who are rather junior to me.
dear sir
my basic on 1/1/06 is 7075/- in the scale of 5000-175-9000 and promoation on 1/7/08 basic is 7700 Please send my annexer by maharashtra gov rule
The CAG of India clarified vide letter no.DY/Estt.-I/CAG/89 dt.23/6/09 to The PAG (Audit)Assam,in reply to the question “whether promotion from SO to AAO prior to 1.1.06 also be ignored for purpose of MACPs ?” ,that yes it should be.But nowhere in the clarification letter from Ministry of finance there is any mention of such case or such step that is applicable in cases of promotion to posts merged afterwards.How then CAG did it?
I have completed 10 years of regular service in the grade D steno. on 30.02.2007. My old acp is being given in the scale of Rs.5000-8000/. Now which grade pay will be given to me
I was working as a chemical assistance gradeII in the pay scale of 5000-150-8000. My basic pay as on Jan 1 2006 is 5600.My basic fixed as per 6th pay commission is 10416 plus grade pay 4200.I am selected in National Test House in the pay scale of 6500-200-10000.I was joined in National Test House in September 2008.
The pay scale of 6500-200-10000 is revised 7450-200-10000.
Kindly suggest the pay fixation.
i m working in District planning Committee ,Collector office Gadchiroli Maharashtra My Pay Scale in 5 th pc was 5500-175-9000My office is not ready to fix my pay as per the 6 pc
Kindly help me
My basic pay in old scale 5000-8000 on 01.01.2006 Rs. 6200, I got 2nd ACP on 18.08.2007 in the old pay scale Rs. 5500-9000. On fixation according to 6CPC my office granted my one additional increment ACP on the date when I got 2nd ACP i.e. 17.08.2007 but PAO has withdraw that increment. Kindly, let me know whether 2nd ACP benefit increment will be granted or the PAO rightly withdraw my ACP increment. My Pay on 01.01.2006 Rs. 11540 Gr. 4200, 01.07.2006- 12020 Gr. pay 4200. 01.07.07 – 12510 Gr Pay 4200 and 170.08.2007 – 13020 Gr Pay 4200 (ACP increrment)
sir,it appears that entire India is having a misinterpreted pay fixation on MACP.Even though as per MACP continious spending of 10 years in a same grade pay qualifies an official for MACP ,it is being randomly explained that ,grade pay used in this context have the same meaning as grade itself violating the definition of grade pay in modified finance rules2008 which starts operational from 1.1.2006.And if we calculate the eligibility criteria for 10 years in the same grade pay(from 1.1.2006) no AAO seems to be eligible for such MACP before 2016.But misinterpretation on such issue will have a huge unauthorised expenditure .
Another issue is being misinterpreted by the Hon`ble CAG about the merger of grades of SO and AAO is that before recruitment rules were changed the grades were marged resulting in non counting of promotion of so to aao for the purpose of MACP.This is just unfortunate as even today recrutment rules were not changed and direct recruit of SO is going on.Then how AAO will get MACP? Please explain for IA&AD
my appointment year is 1980 . now i am in grade(5500-9000). my new basic pay is as on 1.7.09 is Rs.19200& gp is i elligible for MACP? pl reply .
I am posted on Feb., 1991 through SSC exam 1989 passed as LDC ( 950 – 1500 ). What at the date of Ist ACP
my appointment in Feb., 1991 through SSC exam 1989 passed as LDC. What are the date of Ist ACP? And what are the grade pay on IInd ACP & when?
I joined Govt. of India as Steno. Gr. โDโ on 08.08.1977 in the then pay scale of Rs.330-560. I was promoted as Steno. Gr. โCโ on ad-hoc basis in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 on 25.9.1991.
On 09.08.2001, I was granted 2nd Financial Upgradation under ACP Scheme in the Pay Scale of Private Secretary (Rs.6500-10500) on completion of 24 years of service. My basic pay was fixed at Rs.7300.
My basic pay as on 1.1.2006 was Rs.7900 in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 which was then pay scale of Private Secretary (which was revised to Rs.7500-12000 in the recommendations of 6th CPC).
After the recommendations of Sixth Pay Commission, my pay was fixed as under on 23.9.2008:
My Pay as on 1.1.2006 in the pre-revised pay scale was Rs.7900 (Rs.6500-10500)
My Pay was fixed on 1.1.2006 in the revised pay band Rs.9300-34800 and Grade pay Rs.14880+GP Rs.4800
And now in a partial modification on 23rd June 2009 and in terms of D/o Expenditureโs subsequent clarification conveyed vide OM No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13.10.2008, my pay is re-fixed as under:
My Pay has been fixed on 1.1.2006 Rs.14700+GP Rs.4200 in PB2 of Rs.9300-34800 + GP of Rs.4200
It is noted that the pay scale of Steno. Gr. โCโ (Rs.5500-9000) was upgraded to Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f. 15.9.2006; therefore, the pay scale of Private Secretary was upgraded by Sixth Pay Commission to Rs.7500-10500 which was allotted the pay scale of 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs.4800.
Sir, I was working in the pay scale of 4000-100-6000 with basic pay of Rs 4400 on 1/1/06. I was promoted in the pay scale of 5000-125-8000 on 19/04/2006. What will be my basic on 01/07/2006 and 01/07/2008 01/07/2009. Kindly clarify.
Sir, as already posted above that I was working in the pay scale of 4000-100-6000 as UDC with basic pay of Rs 4400 on 1/1/06. I was promoted in the pay scale of 5000-125-8000on 19/04/2006.Sir, If I opt to defer my pay fixation for promotion to next grade to 1st July of the year at the loss of fixation benefits from promotion month to july of year 2006 , what will be my basic on 01/07/2009
Sir I was working in the pay scale of 4000-100-6000 with the basic of Rs 4600 on 1/1/2006 as UDC. I was promoted as Assistant in the pay scale of 5000-125-8000 on 9th January 2006. Please clarify my basic if opt to defer my fixation for promotion to next date to 1 st july of the Year at the loss of fixation benefit from promotion month to july of that year.
I was promoted to 3050 scale from 2750 scale on 2.1.2007(since 1.1.2007 happenned to be a gazetted holiday on account of Bakrid promotion took place on 2.1.2007) and I join on the same date i.e.2.1.2007. In my fixation statement my office has fixed my pay w.e.f.1.1.2006 and on promotion dated 2.1.2007 given to me one increment @3% and the next increment has given on 1st July 2007. Now PAO has object and stated that I was not eligible for increment on dated 1.7.2007, They has stated the I will be eligible for increment on 1.7.2008 after 18 months.
As per order issued by Department of Expenditure under O.M.No.1/1/2008-IC dated 13th March , 2009 if a Govt. Servant was to join post in a grade pay on appointment/promotion Ist of january of a year, but he could not join the post only because 1st o January of the year happened to be a Sunday or gazetted holiday the Govt. Servants who join posts on the 1dt working day of the year will be treated to have completed 6 months of service on 1st of July of that year for the purpose of granting them annual increment on that day.. pl. clarify and what to do
I am working in KVIC . My ACP was fixed on 8000.00( Old Payscale ) on 1.04.2006. After pay commission what will my new pay scale
My date of joining is 02 Jan 2006. Since 01 Jan 2006 was Sunday, no appointment could have been done. Can my date of joining be considered as 01 Jan 2006. I was told that there is GR, which considers all those joining from 02 Jan 2006 to 06 Jan 2006 at par with date of joining 01 Jan 2006. Thanking you.
i am working in min. of commerce.My date of joining is 8th april 1996, i have already completed 12years on 8-4-2008.whether i am eligible for ACP Grade pay 2400 or MACP grade pay of clarify.also clarify MACP order pg 5 para 6.1 is applicable in my case.
This is really painful to me when I learned that ,there is no agenda of the NATIONAL AUDIT FEDERATION ,of IA&AD ,regarding demand for allowing Senior auditors.the grade pay 4600 instead of 4200 ,when the body will meet CAG next time ,to place their demand. This demand was made by income tax and central excise dept.s including joint association of A&E of IA&AD but not by our association.
This is probably due to insufficient studies about the scales given by the Govt. to different dept.s . I want to let N.A.F. gowalior know the following facts,how the Govt. is depriving the senior auditors by granting them gr. pay 4200 instead of4600.
Please refer to ROP2009 dt.29th august 2008 the first schedule ,partII sec.3(i)page46-55
NURSING SISTER :- 5500-9000(pre revised) 4800 grade-pay (after 6th cpc
7500-12000(after 4 years) pay revision)
Company Prosecutor Gr.III:- 5500-9000(pre-revised) 4600 rev)
7450-11500(after 4 years)
Sr. Surveyor,Arch. survey of India :-5500-9000(pre-rev.) 4600 rev)
7450-1500(after 4 years)
Asstt.master in military schools:- 5500-9000(pre-rev.) 4600 rev)
7450-11500(after4 years)
Legal Asstt:- 5500-9000(pre-rev.) 4600 rev.)
7450-11500(after4 years)
You can see most of the dept.s has scope of promotion after 4 years of service,but senior auditors cannot have regular promotions even after 4 years as they have to pass SOG examination in the IA&AD.IN ALL DEPT.S WHERE THERE WERE 5500-9000 SCALE(pre revised) WERE GIVEN GRADE PAY OF 4600 AFTER REVISION.THEN WHY WAS IA&AD DEPRIVED IN CASE OF SR. AUDITORS/ACCOUNTANTS?
This has created a difference between IA&AD promotions and other central govt. depts,for which what is applicable to other depts is not applicable to IA&AD sr.auditors specially regarding clarification of MACP .To remove the problem the grade pay must be given4600 to the sr. auditors and at the same time there should be promotions after 4 years of service and this should have been our demand..
01. My existing Scale as on 01-01-2006 : 3200-85-4900 (Scale No.: 6)
02. Pay Band to the existing post : 5200 – 20200 + 2800
03. My basic pay as on 01-01-2006 : Rs. 3795/=
04. My previous increment date
(i.e., before promotion) : 1st October
05. After increment in Octoberโ2006,
my basic pay was : Rs. 3880/=
06. I have been promoted to
Jr. Zool. Asstt. in the month of
Decemberโ2006 (29-12-2006)
with the scale of : 4500-125-7000 (Scale No.: 8)
07. My basic pay in the promoted post
was fixed as : Rs. 4500/= 08. Pay Band to the promoted post : 5200 – 20200 + 2800 09. Increment date in the promoted post : 1st December
10. Pre-revised basic pay in the promoted
post at the time of implementation
of 6th CPC on Septemberโ2006 : Rs.4625/=
The rule No.: 13(i) in the Part-II-Sec.3(i) of the notification of the rules dated 29-08-2008 is not a benificial rule for those who got their promotion between 01-01-2006 to August’2008 (i.e., from 2nd July to 1st January & from 2nd January to 30th June). If we opts to get the pay fixed in the higher grade from the date of promotion, the pay in the pay band of the promoted post will be protected but we have forced to loss lots of monitory benefit in the arrears before that date of promotion (i.e., we have been forced to retaine in the pre-revised scale upto our promotion). So, in what way it will be a good justification as the 6th CPC impletmentation offered us a great punishment for lossing the monitory benefit. We have done all type of calculations i.e., 01) promotions occured serially from one pre-revised scale to next pre-revised scale (eg.: scale No.: 6 to scale No.: 7 of the same pay band) and also for the promotions occured between from one pay band (PB1) to another pay band (PB2) (eg.: scale No.: 8 to scale No.: 9 of the different pay band). 02) promotions occured not serially but from one pre-revised scale to another pre-revised scale by leaving one or more pre-revised scales in between the lower post and promoted post (eg.: scale No.: 6 to scale No.:8 of the same pay band) & (scale No.: 8 to scale No.:10 of the different pay band).
As per the calculations done by us, it is found that the entry level in the fitment table should have to be refixed at the time of our promotions to avoid the loss of monitory benefit for those who got their promotions between 01-01-2006 to August’2008. So, I request you to suggest on my comments after making the calculations in different ways of promotions. Because, the promotions were occured as per the 5th pay commission’s rules, so it is to be taken into the mater of forming new rules/clarifications for implementation of another pay commission (i.e., 6th pay commission). Your suggestion will be highly appreciated and it will be a boost for us as we have been offered punishment by the 6th pay commission’s rules.
01. My existing Scale as on 01-01-2006 : 3200-85-4900 (Scale No.: 6)
02. Pay Band to the existing post : 5200 – 20200 + 2800
03. My basic pay as on 01-01-2006 : Rs. 3795/=
04. My previous increment date (i.e., before promotion) : 1st October
05. After increment in Octoberโ2006, my basic pay was : Rs. 3880/=
06. I have been promoted to Jr. Zool. Asstt. in the month of Decemberโ2006 (29-12-2006) with the scale of : 4500-125-7000 (Scale No.:8)
07. My basic pay in the promoted post was fixed as : Rs. 4500/=
08. Pay Band to the promoted post : 5200 – 20200 + 2800
09. Increment date in the promoted post : 1st December
10. Pre-revised basic pay in the promoted post at the time of implementation of 6th CPC on Septemberโ2008 : Rs.4625/=
The rule No.: 13(i) in the Part-II-Sec.3(i) of the notification of the rules dated 29-08-2008 is not a benificial rule for those who got their promotion between 01-01-2006 to Augustโ2008 (i.e., from 2nd July to 1st January & from 2nd January to 30th June). If we opts to get the pay fixed in the higher grade from the date of promotion, the pay in the pay band of the promoted post will be protected but we have forced to loss lots of monitory benefit in the arrears before that date of promotion (i.e., we have been forced to retaine in the pre-revised scale upto our promotion). So, in what way it will be a good justification as the 6th CPC impletmentation offered us a great punishment for lossing the monitory benefit. We have done all type of calculations i.e., 01) promotions occured serially from one pre-revised scale to next pre-revised scale (eg.: scale No.: 6 to scale No.: 7 of the same pay band) and also for the promotions occured between from one pay band (PB1) to another pay band (PB2) (eg.: scale No.: 8 to scale No.: 9 of the different pay band). 02) promotions occured not serially but from one pre-revised scale to another pre-revised scale by leaving one or more pre-revised scales in between the lower post and promoted post (eg.: scale No.: 6 to scale No.:8 of the same pay band) & (scale No.: 8 to scale No.:10 of the different pay band).
As per the calculations done by us, it is found that the entry level in the fitment table should have to be refixed at the time of our promotions to avoid the loss of monitory benefit for those who got their promotions between 01-01-2006 to Augustโ2008. So, I request you to help us and suggest on the comments after making the calculations in different ways of promotions. Because, the promotions were occured as per the 5th pay commissionโs rules, so it is to be taken into the mater of forming new rules/clarifications for implementation of another pay commission (i.e., 6th pay commission). Your suggestion will be highly appreciated and it will be a boost for us as we have been offered punishment by the 6th pay commissionโs rules.
In our office (central government) one peon has rendered 13 years of service from the date of joining his office on 16-01-19996. He was earlier offered a promotion to the post of Daftry in the another state. He accepted the promotional post and was relieved. Then he without joining the promotional post in another state, returned back and rejoined his earlier posting quoting some unavoidable reasons. Now, as he had completed 13 years of service, his first ACP was due, but the department did not entertain his request by quoting that, as he was offered the promotional post, he was relieved and his relieving marred him grade promotion. Please clarify when he will get the ACP now?
May i know what is pay fixation for Lower Division Clerk who joined after 01-01-09. I joined on 07-01-09 at ESIC which is functioning under the Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India, my pay is 5200-20200 but in state govt. the pay fixation who joined after Jan 2009 is 5860. Will you please clarify it and sent your reply to my mail id.
May I know the meaning of Promotion? For example, if a person appear for interview alongwith external candidates for next higher post in a department and get appointment letter and joins the next higher post without resigning the previous post, is it a promotion or fresh appointment? In that case if the fixation follows the same rule? My department says that you do not come under ACP/ Promotion.
I am working at CIFA, Bhubaneswar (ICAR) from 1994 as a casual labour without temporary status. previously we are getting 1/30th scale i.e, 2550+DA but after 6th Pay I am not getting revised scale. May I know what is the new revised scale for 1/30th Casual labour.
I got 2nd ACP w.e.from 14.10.2005. under pay scale 4500-125-7000. What will be my pay as on today in pay band 5200-20200. How much arrear amount I will get . Please reply at an early date.
Hello Sir, I have one question about the children education allowance under the uniform set, How much item recoved under the uniform set., Please clarify about my question. Blazer is covered under the uniform set.I waited for your reply.
Sir,I got Ist ACP in the year 2004(on completion of 12 year of service) in the grade pay of Rs. 4800/- as per ACP Scheme and also got 1st promotion in the year 2009 in the same grade pay (i.e . Rs. 4800/-). As per MACP scheme, when we will get the 2nd financial benefit i.e in the year 2012 (after completion of 20 years of service) or in the year 2014 i.e after 10 years of getting 1st ACP Benefit.
sir on 01/01/2006 my basic was 4400 in 4000-6000 scale & in feb-2008 i was promoted to 5000-8000 scale what is my current basic pay please reply
sir on 02/06/2006 i was promoted to JTO and posted from Kanpur to Avadi,Chennai. I got one increment in old scale i.e. 7450-11500, but in new scale due to merger of A/F of scale 6500-10500. I have lost my increment also I have been far away from native too. Whereas it is seen that all post in this scale also below this scale have been upgraded exept DGQA and DGOF. PLEASE TAKE UP THE ISSUE WITH APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY AT THE EARLIEST. Ifnot reason may please be known, why we are punished.
Dear sir,
I have got ACP on 08-07-2007 in the scale of 6500-200-10500 from the scale of 5500-175-9000. My office has not fixed my pay in revised scale stating that it is still not clear that you will be given modified ACP benefit or you can retain your old ACP.The clarification stated above relating to fixation of pay in r/o promotion/ACP upgradation got on or before notification date and after the 1.1.06 is applicable on me or not. Which option I should give to get more benefit on fixation. Please suggest. Thanks. T.G.RENJITH, Senior Auditor, O/o the P&T Audit Office, Mumbai-54.
The ACP fixation has been made in the old scale as follows.
Pay scale;-5500-175-9000
Date of Increment . Pay
January 2006 7775
January 2007 7950
Financial up gradation
08th July2007 ACP
Pay in the existing Scale
5500-175-9000 7950 +QP Rs.60/-
Pay initially fixed in the next higher scale
6500-200-10,500 8100+QP Rs.60/-
Date of increment in the existing lower scale
Rs.5500-175-9000 01-01-2008.
Pay fixed in the scale of
Rs.6500-200-10,500 under FR22(I)a(1)
W.e.f the DNI in the lower scale 8500/-
DNI unless otherwise affected . Sir kindly send the replay by my Email ID
I am working in Municipal council, with pay + D.A. for 89 days, am I eligible for get the revised pay i.e. 6th pay. If yes under with memorandum.
Sir, kindly clarify whether an employee promoted on 01.10.2008 from the post of Head Clerk in PB-2 (9300-34800) with grade pay of 4200 (pre-revised scale of 5000 – 8000) to the post of Office Superintendent (higher responsibility) but presently in the same PB & GP i.e. PB-2 (9300-34800) with grade pay of 4200 (pre revised scale 5500-9000) will get promotional increment of 3% or not.
Sir, I am a Stenographer Grade ‘D’ of CSSS of 1995 Batch. Pl. tell me initial pay fixation after ACP and also tell new (Basic Pay +Grade Pay in 6th CPC). I have opted for ACP in pre-revised scale which is due to me on 1.7.2008. Thanks
sir. i have joined a central govt. deptt. on 19-04-2000 on the scale of 4500-125-7000 please state me that when i will get my ACP or MACP and what will be the grade pay
@Deepak Sharma
You will be eligible for MACP in the year 2010. By the way provide your grade pay received by you presently for determining the grade pay after macp
Sir, I am working as UDC, I am physically Handciapped person. from 1.9.2008 to 1.9.2009 i was getting Double Transport Allowance, after that suddenly our office has infromed that I am not elegeible for double TA, and they will give me only a single as per the normal persons. After enquire about this they told me that your are staying in office accomdation ie within 1 km distance because u are not elegible for double TA. Here it is to inform you that as ther 6th Pay commission, the dimention of 1 km is withdrawn as per GOI No.21/(2)/2008-E-II(B) dtd.29.8.2008 para (iii) of OM No.21/(1)/97E-II(B) adated 3/10/1997 by which th grant of Transport allowance to employees prodived with officical acoomadation within 1 Km of office or within a campus housing the place of work and residence was disallowed has been withdrawn. No where it is mentioned that the handicapped empolyees staying in office acoomodation are not eligible for double the rate of Transport Allowance or eligible only normal rates. The only place where such empolyees are eligible for normal rates was in the OM No.21(1)/97-E-II(B) dated 3/10/1997. Hence the other normal employees were geeting no tranport allowance. This has been removed as perthe OM dated 29th Aug.2008. which means normal employees would get the singel rate and handicpaped would get double rate. In light of the above, I request you to kindly help the desibled group; need support and help in allwalks of life, and povide me the inormation regarding the existing rate of transport allowance to be paid to the orhtopisically handcpeed Central Govt. employee staying in the government accomdation in the same presmise which is within 1 km distance.
Thnaking you sir.
I was appointed on 6.4.1987 in GP2800 ( IV PC scale 1200-2040) and got promoted to to a higher grade in GP 4800 (IV PC scale 1640-2900), on passing certain qualifying Dept exam, skipping the intermediate higher grade in GP4200 (old 1400-2600)whether I am eligible for second ACP on completion of twenty years.
@ S. K. Pandey, ITAT asked earlier
kindly clarify whether an employee promoted on 01.10.2008 from the post of Head Clerk in PB-2 (9300-34800) with grade pay of 4200 (pre-revised scale of 5000 – 8000) to the post of Office Superintendent (higher responsibility) but presently in the same PB & GP i.e. PB-2 (9300-34800) with grade pay of 4200 (pre revised scale 5500-9000) will get promotional increment of 3% or not.
As far as we interpret the Rule 13 read with Clarificatory OM dated 13/09/08 you are eligible to get 3% increment on your promotion (please go thru Gconnect guest article โPromotion is it honorary?โ
This has further been established from a reply under RTI :
Gist of the query raised โ It may be clarified whether on their promotion even though they are in the same pay band i.e 9300-34800(PB2) and same grade pay i.e 4200 as to whether any monetary benefit is to be given or not i.e 3% incrementโ.
Reply received: โDue to same grade pay in the grade STA(5000),DOS(5500) & AO, the pay is required to be fixed in terms of Dept. of Expenditureโs OM F. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13/09/2008.โ
But still PAOs/Audit teams are on the same stand only โnot to give promo inc for same GPโ.
This can be solved by making categorical RTI question to Imp Cell/DOPT seeking clarification by the affected individuals . Take care that Question should be coined pin point-Donโt ask any statistics like the one hereunder:
โwhether fixation by adding 3% increment is eligible for me (a person) promoted to a post carrying the same grade pay of the lower post ?โ
I was appointment on 21.02.94 as a LDC in Central Govt., Subordinate Office at Mumbai and regular appointment dated 28.08.99 in the pay scale Rs.3050-4590/-. Please clarify my 1st MACP date and present position of ACP/Grade Pay. The Office Memorandum No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13th October, 2008 issued by Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure, New Delhi regarding Fixation of pay in the pay bands where posts have been upgraded as a result of recommendations of Sixth CPC – clarification. The OM is applicable or not.
Sir kindly send the replay by my Email ID
Iwaspromoted to 6500-10000 pre-revised scale on 1 Sep 05 and I opted for fixation on my next increment i.e 1 Apr 06.Consequent to 6 CPC implementation, since all increment dates have been fixed as on 1 Jul , my increment date also has been postponed to 1 Jul instead of 1 Apr. I have been given only regular annual increment on
1 Jul 06 but my promotion fixation option has not been considered. My promotion benifit/increment has not been given. Please reply what i should get my promotion increment and when.
Dear sir i was appointed as junior engineer 2/04/2007 with three advance increament prior to implementation of 6pay commission i was getting these increaments but hat it was withdrawn by saying there is no provision of advance increament in 6 pay commission it right, please reply
before 1.1.2006 e.i 1st november 2005 my basic pay was Rs6500 how to fix my pay pliss help
Sir I am Rly School Teacher in SER/GHSS/KGP I have joined Rly service as a TGT in year 10-10-1996. after two year I got promotion and become PGT in 21-12-1998. Now I am going to complete 12 yrs in a same grade. when I will get my senior scale. My present Grade is 7500-12000 PB2 4800 and Basic is 21970.
If MACP scheme is eligible for your RLY Teachers you will get your 2nd MACP from 21/12/2008 GP 5400;
Mr.X was appointed as LDC in 1988 and subsequently promoted as Stenographer Grade III on passing a Departmental speed test in 1993. Will Mr.X be eligible for grant of first ACP on completion of 12 years i.e. in 2005? Please give me details of identical cases. Please reply.
The earlier ACPS provided for 2 career progression only after completion of 24 years. However, as per the present MACPS your friend will be entitled for 2nd MACP during the year 2008 as he completes 20 years of service as on 2008
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I got 1st ACP on1991 when my basic was 5000/- and 2nd acp was on2004 after completing 2r yrs service /-( After 2nd ACP,5th pay scale was 6500 – 10500 )
now in 6th pay my BP is 20050/- before Jly 2010, when is my next 3rd ACP and what will be my BP scale , what will be my grade Pay( now my GP is 4200/-) plz detaile me ……
When did you join in the Government Service? If it’s in the year 1979 (I have assumed on the basis of first ACP year given by You), then you will be eligible for 3rd MACP in the year 2009. The next hierarchical grade pay is Rs.4600/-
Please specify the method of pay fixation of ACP cases fall during 01/01/2006 to 01/09/2008. ย Whetherย it ย will done in old scale or in the new scale of 6th CPC.
It should be done in the old scale
Please mention the detail of pay fixation of following official:
Date of ACP ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย = ย ย 19/11/2006
Option of new scale in 6th CPC ย ย ย ย ย ย ย = ย ย 01/01/2006
Option of pay fixation ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย = ย ย 19/11/2006(i.e. date of promotion)
Pay as on 01/01/2006 in the existing
emoluments (Basic+DP+DA) ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย = ย ย Rs. 5840 (3140+1570+1130)
Pay as on 01.01.2006 in the revised
pay structure as per 6th CPC ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย = ย ย Rs. 7860 (6060+1800 GP)
Kindly solve the same in detail. Thanks.
What we could assume from the details given by that you have opted to fix your 6cpc pay as on 1.1.2006 and eligible for ACP as on 19.11.2006. In your case it will be beneficial if you opt to fix 6cpc as on 19.11.2006 (You should also take into account the
date of increment in the pre-revised scale- If your pre-revised increment month is Dec, then fix the pay as on dec-2006)
From 1.1.2006 to 18.11.1006 (or your month of increment) – Pay in pre-revised scale only
From 18.11.2006 (or your month of increment) = [Pre-revised pay of upgraded post (acp) if you did not cross the starting pay of upgraded post else pre-revised pay +increment in the pre-revised scale]x1.86+GP
My Ist apponintment was as store keeper in direct recruitment wef. 30.11.1984 in the pay scale Rs 4000-6000 in my parent Deptt.AGMARK ,Govt. of India . Secoundly ย I was appointed through proper channel as store keeper in direct recruitment wef. 09.07.1996 in the pay scale Rs 5000-8000 (Revised pay scale 9,300-34,800 PB-2 with 4,200 grade pay)in PLIM ,Govt of India Deptt.,my previous service has been jointed in all benefits.
My present calculating the ACP from 09.07.1996 as below
Ist ACP ย 09.07.2006 ย 9,300-34,800 PB-2 ย 4,600 GP ย 10 Years
IInd ACP 09.07.1016 should be givin after ย 20 Years
Please clerify my previous service will be included or not in ACP scheme from 30.11.1984 as per calculation below-
1. Ist ACP/promotion/appointment ignorge /due fromย ย ย 30.11.1994 after 10 years ย
2. 2nd ACP due from 30.11.2004 after 20 years ย
3. 3rd ACP 30.11.2014 should be givin after 30 yearsย
I was drawing Rs.10560 with a grade pay of Rs.4200 on 01.01.2006. I was promoted to the grade pay of Rs.4600/- from 03.10.2007 and fixed my pay at Rs.11940 with grade pay of Rs.4600. As per revised pay rules the minimum pay is to be fixed at Rs.12540 with grade pay of Rs.4600 in the pay band of Rs.9300-34800/-. Kindly clarify whether I am eligible for drawing Rs.12540 with grade pay of Rs.4600 from 03.10.2010.
i am selected for the post of auditor,in cda of banglore,my pay scale is given 4500-9000(pre-revised).what is my present pay scale & grade pay?
I joined in the scale of Rs. 5000-8000 on 1985 as SSA-II. Subsequently I got 1st ACP in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f. 1997. In our Department the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 has been upgraded in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500. My query is that:
1) What should be my grade pay as on 01.01.2006 ?
2) As a result of MACP what should be my grade pay on 01.09.2008 ?
Thanks and regards
G P Singh
Senior Scientific Assistant-II (Chem)
As per our office order dated 16th March 2015 on the ACP scheme received vide fax dated 17th March 2105 my pay has to be fixed from 1.1.06.
my basic pay on 1.1.2006 was 5750 in the scale of 4500-125-7000 .
Due to ACP it was fixed on pre-re viced scale of 5500-150-9000 ie existing scale of 9300-34800 +4200. But as per new court order/Consultation with ministry of finance it is to be fixed on pre-re viced scale of 6500-200-10500 ie existing scale of 9300-34800 +4600.
Earlier I opted to fix my pay on 1.1.2006 ie date of implementation of 6th CPC to get 6th CPC benefits.
At Present Can i opt to get my 6th CPC benefits from the date of my next increment ie 09.03.2006, which is more beneficial to me.
Please advice earliest in the light of existing rules.
I joined in the scale of Rs. 5500-9000 on 1985 as SSA-II. Subsequently I got 1st ACP in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f. 1997. In our Department the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 has been upgraded in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500.
My query is that:
1) What should be my grade pay as on 01.01.2006 ?
2) As a result of MACP what should be my grade pay on 01.09.2008 ?
Thanks and regards
G P Singh
Senior Scientific Assistant-II (Chem)
Sir,I joined in the scale of Rs. 5000-8000 on 25th January 1989 as SSA-III. subsequently I got selected in the pay scale of Rs. 5500-9000 in the Month of April 1992 as SSA-II in the same Department. I also got my 1st ACP in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f. April 2004. In our Department the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 has been upgraded in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500. My query is that:1) What should be my grade pay as on 01.01.2006 ?2) As a result of MACP what should be my grade pay on 01.09.2008 ?3) What should be my grade pay as on 25.01.2009 i.e. after 20 years of regular service ?Thanks and regardA D BhattSenior Scientific Assistant-II (Chem)
I have been promoted from Sr. Tax Assistant(PB2 9300-34800, Rs. 4200) to Deputy Office Superintendent(PB2 9300 – 34800, Rs.4200). I would like to know whether I am entitled for pay fixation by allowing 3% incement in the promotional post. The grade pay is same for both post. Please clarify sir.
Please go through the following GConnect article which touches this point
I was appointed as UDC in the pay scale of Rs 4000-100-6000 on 26-07-1983, 1st ACP has been granted to me on 20-10-2000 vide KVS Letter No. F 56-4/2001-KVS (CR)/ACP/22547 dated 27.11.2001in the pay scale of Rs 4500-125-7000. After that I was promoted as Asstt Supdt in the pay scale of Rs 4500-125-7000 w.e.f. 01-11-2002 and no financial benefits was given to me as per Rules. My second ACP was due on
26-07-2007 but the same has not been granted with the remarks that you are not eligible for the same. Now the clarification has been received from the KVS (HQ) New Delhi letter No. F 11050/7/2008-KVS(E-III) dated 23-06-2010,(copy attached), he is entitled to grant the second ACP with the following condition as regards extending the benefits of ACP Scheme to such employees have become eligible for financial up gradation during the period from 01-01-2006 to 31-08-2008, the MACP Scheme is not applicable in such cases, in fact the MACPS has been made applicable w.e.f. 01-09-2008 to the Central Govt. Civilian Employees, DOPT vide OM No. 35034/3/2008(D) dated 19-05-2009(condition No. 6.1) has made provision as under:-
In the case of ACP up-gradation granted between 01-01-2006 to
31-08-2008, the Government servant has the option under the CCS(RP)rule 2008 to have his pay fixed in the revised pay structure either(a) w.e.f. 01-01-2006 with reference to his pre-revised scale as on 01-01-2006 or (b) w.e.f. the date of his financial up-gradation under ACP with reference to the pre-revised scale granted under ACP. In case of option(b), he shall be entitled to draw his arrears of pay only from the date of his option i.e. the date of financial up-gradation under ACP.
My suggestion the pay should be fixed in the revised pay scale
5200-20200 as on 01-1-2006 as under and granting 2nd ACP w.e.f. 26-7-07-
Old pay Scale 4500-7000- New Pay scale 5200-20200
Rs 6000- as on 01-01-2006 Rs 11160-+ 2800-=13960
01-07-2006 Rs 11580-+2800-=14380
01-07-2007 Rs 12020-+2800-=14820
Pay fixed after granting 2nd ACP in the pay scale of Rs9300-34800 +GP 4200-
26.07.2007 Rs 12470+4200-=16670-
01.07.2008 Rs 12970-+4200-=17170-
But our RO KVS is not agree he stated that your pay will be fixed
from the date of up gradation i.e. 26-07-2007 and no arrear will be paid from01-01-2006 to 26-7-2007.
Please clarify which content is in order.
in this case ur RO is right there r two options to fix ur pay either u fix ur pay w.e.f. 1.1.06 and on the date of ACP/promotion u will get only grade pay on the date of ACP/Promotion and 3% increment on that and 2nd formula is that if u want to fix ur pay in the new pay band i,e 9300-34800 GP 4200 u will not get the arrear w.e.f. 1.1.06 up to the date of ACP/promotion or fixation of pay in the new pay band choice is ur
Some Medical Officers of national Institute of Homeopathy,Kolkat working for more than 25 yera without single promotion or Dynamic ACP.Some will retire within few years
and nobody bother about it. It isan autonomous organisation under the dept. of AYUSH ministry of Health and F.W, Govt. of India.We belief that we are living in a large democratic country but govt. employee is deprived so much.there are cganges in Ministry and seceretary levels.But Homoeopathic doctor of an autonomous organisation , Govt. of India there is no cgange in their pay Scale or Designation(Promotio). We are giving lecture regarding social justice, it is only theoritical.
it is not possible u can ask ur querry through RTI to ur ministry or ur department . this is unjustice with medical officers. RTI is the best option in this case.
i am a seving sergeant in indian air force.i got my acp on 20 feb 2009 on completion of 8 years of service in cpl retirement is on 28 feb acp is due on 20 feb i eligible for benefits of next acp as i dont want to go for extension of service beyond 20 years.further i have passed all exams required for next promotion.kindly clarify
My appointment date is 01/05/2004 , I am lecturer in chemistry at senior college pay scale 15600-37500 . On 01/01/2006 i was fixed in 15600 + 6000( AGP).
My next promotion dates are 01/05/2010 and 01/05/2015 for getting AGP 7000 and 8000
but while getting AGP 7000 i am not getting that year means July 2010 and july 2015 annual increment since my grade pay changing on may 2010 and may 2015.While my juniors who had joining date in oct/nov 2004 and oct/nov 2005 getting there regular july increment
how to calculate to get the correct salary.kindly help how to get correct salary