RELHS – Railway Board Clarification

Railway Board Clarification on extending RELHS-97 to those employees who retired or retiring on attaining age of superannuation irrespective of number of years served before retirement





No. 2013/H/PNM/NFIR

New Delhi, Dated: 17.11.2015

General Managers,

All Indian Railways/PUS

(Including RDSO).

Subj- Retired Employee’s Liberalized Health Scheme (RELHS).

Ref:- This office letter of even No. dated 08.09.2015.

The decision of competent authority in the Ministry of Railways to extend the facility of joining RELHS-97 to those Railway employees who retired at the normal age of ‘superannuation irrespective of number of years of their service before superannuation, was conveyed to the Zonal Railways Vide Board’s letter cited under reference. However, one of the Zonal Railways has raised the issue of cut-off date of implementation of the order. The issue has been examined in consultation with Finance Directorate in the Board’s office.

In this context it is clarified that the instruction issued vide Board’s letter cited under reference is applicable to all Railway employees who have retired or retiring from-Railway service on attaining age of superannuation without any Cut-Off date.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate in the Board’s office.

(R.S. Shukla)

Joint Director/Health

Railway Board

Download NFIR letter No.2013/H/PNM/NFIR dated 17.11.2015