Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners with less than 33 years of service – CPAO instructions

Pensioners should be provided due drawn statement for Pension Arrears - CPAO

CPAO OM on Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – Ministry wise pending cases is available with CCA and PAO and can login and dispose the cases

Govt issues orders for revision of Pre-2006 Pensioners with less than 33 years of service

Central Pension Accounting Office has issued an OM for the revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners with less than 33 years of Service.  They are entitled to






NEW DELHl-110066

PHONES: 26174696, 26174456, 26174.438

CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (Pre-2006) /2016-17 / 19

27th April,2016

Office Memorandum

Subject:-Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years.

Attention is invited to OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (Pre-2006) /2016-17 /11 dated 12th April,2016 on the captioned subject whereby all Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ CAs/ Accountants General and Administrators of UTs were requested to direct their PAOs to urgently take necessary action and revise such cases by using e-Revision utility of NIC- CGA.

2. To facilitate the PAOs to process these cases, a tentative list of such pensioners has been provided on CPAO’s website i.e. in CCA’s login and PAO’s login. All PAOs may download the same by using their login provided by CPAO. PAOs may check these cases from their records too for their coverage under OM No. 38/37 /08-P&PW (A) dated-6th April, 2016. Further, if additional cases come into notice which are covered by this OM, may also be processed by PAOs.

3. A Ministry-wise list of total number of pensioners whose details have been provided in respective CCA’s & PAO’s login is also enclosed for Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ CAs/ Accountants General and Administrators of UTs to monitor the disposal of revision cases by their concerned PA Os. The pending few cases pertaining to OM No. 38/37 /08-P&PW (A) dated-30th July, 2015 have been incorporated in this list as present e-revision utility of NJC-CGA takes in to account the effect of pending post-2006 revisions in respective cases, as applicable.

4. All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ CAs/ Accountants General and Administrators of UTs are requested to ensure that all pending revision cases are processed and sent to CPAO latest by 31st May, 2016 positively.

(Subhash Chandra)

Controller of Accounts


Download CPAO OM No.CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (Pre-2006) /2016-17 / 19 dated 27.04.2016