CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008 – Re-exercise of option for fixation of revised pay

CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008 – Finance Ministry calls for Re-Exercise of optionย for fixation of revised payย in case of employees covered under the OM dated 19.3.2012

Ministry of Finance has issued Office Memorandumย No. 10/2/2011-E-III(A) dated 03.01.2013 for permitting Central Government Employees underย CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008ย who are covered under Office Memorandumย No.10/02/2011-E.III/A dated 19.03.2012, i.e., employees for whom increment of pay in pre-revised scale had fallen due from February 2006 to June 2006 and eligible for one time increment as on 01.01.2006 in the pre-revised pay scale.

It is observed by Ministry of Finance thatย the provisions of the aforesaid OM dated 19.3.2012 bring about aย material change in the basis for exercise of option to come over to the revisedย pay structure in terms of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 in respect of employees whoย are covered under the said OM dated 19.3.2012.

Hence, it has been decided by the Finance Ministry thatย all those employees who are covered under the provisions of theย aforesaid OM dated 19.3.2012 may once again be permitted to re-exercise theirย option to come over to the Revised pay structure.

The full text of this Office Memorandum dated 03.01.2013 is as follows.

No. 10/2/2011-E-III(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 3rd January, 2013
Subject:ย Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 – the re-exerciseย of option under Rule 6 of the Central Services (Revised Pay) Rules,ย 2008 in case of employees covered under the OM dated 19.3.2012.
The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to Rules 5 & 6 of theย CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, as per which a Central Government employee had anย option to elect to come over to the revised pay structure either from 1.1.2006 orย from the date of his next increment or from the date of promotion, upgradation ofย pay scales. Such an option was to be exercised within 3 months from the date ofย publication of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008. The rule also provides that the option onceย exercised shall be final.
2. This Ministry issued instructions vide this Departments OM No.10/2/2011-E-IIIA dated 19.3.2012, providing that those Central Governmentย employees who were due to get their annual increment between February, 2006ย to June, 2006 may be granted one increment on 1.1.2006 in the pie-revised payย scale as a one time measure and, thereafter, they will get the next increment inย the Revised Pay structure on 1.7.2006 as per Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rulesย 2008.
3. In view of the benefit extended to Central Government employees as perย the aforesaid OM dated 19.3.2012, the issue relating to according of a freshย opportunity to Central Government employees to re-exercise their option to comeย over to the revised pay scale as per CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 was raised by theย Staff side of the Joint Consultative Machinery in the meeting of the Nationalย Anomaly Committee held on 17.7.2012.
4 The matter has been considered by the Government and having regard toย the fact that the provisions of the aforesaid OM dated 19.3.2012 bring about aย material change in the basis for exercise of option to come over to the revisedย pay structure in terms of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 in respect of employees whoย are covered under the said OM dated 19.3.2012, the President is pleased toย decide that all those employees who are covered under the provisions of theย aforesaid OM dated 19.3.2012 may once again be permitted to re-exercise theirย option to come over to the Revised pay structure.
5. The benefit under these orders for re-exercise of option shall be availableย for a period up to 31.3.2013. The revised option shall be intimated to the head ofย the office by the concerned Government employees in accordance with theย provision of Rule 6 (2) of the CCS (RP) rules, 2008.
6. All the Ministries and Departments are requested to bring the content ofย this OM to the notice of their employees so that such employees can availย themselves of the same within the stipulated time period.
7. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departmentย are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller andย Auditor General of India.
(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Download Office Memorandum No:ย 10/2/2011-E-III(A) dated 03.01.2013



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