Financial upgradation under macp for pharmacists

NFIR made a request to Railway Board for Entitlement of financial up-gradation under ACP/MACP for Pharmacist


National Federation of Indian Railwaymen


No. IV/MACPS/O9/Vol. 9

Dated: 18/01/2016

The Secretary (E),

Railway Board,

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Entitlement of financial up-gradation under ACP/MACP Schemes – Pharmacist category-reg.

Ref: DoP&T O.M. No. 35014/1/2014-Estt. D dated 10/06/2015 addressed to JCM (Staff Side) and copy endorsed to Ministry of Railways and others.

Further to NFIR’s letter of even number dated 05/01/2016, Federation invites attention of the Railway Board to the DoP&T’s O.M. Dated 10/06/2015 wherein clarifications on financial up-gradation under ACPS/MACPS for the category of Pharmacist have been conveyed. Gists of the clarifications are given hereunder:-

(i) Every financial up-gradation including non-functional grades granted, have to be treated as offset against one financial up-gradation under the scheme

(ii) The Pharmacists recruited in GP 2800/- are to be placed in GP 4200/- after completion of 2 years service. They will be eligible for 2nd financial up-gradation in GP 4600/–, on completion of next 10 years of service i.e. total 12 years of service and further 3rd MACP on completion of 22 years of continuous service.

(iii) The Pharmacists who have received benefit of financial up-gradation under ACP Scheme shall however be eligible for 3rd financial up-gradation under MACPS (which came into effect from 01/09/2008). .

(iv) The Pharmacists, on their placement from GP 2800/- (PB-l) to GP 4200/– in PB-2 have been allowed the pay fixation benefit equal to 3% of existing Basic Pay and the difference in GP consequent upon such placement which changes not only the Grade Pay but the Pay Band as well.

II. In this connection, Federation cites below the cases of the following Pharmacists working in the Railway Hospitals of Northern Railway, which are required to be reviewed for extending benefit on the basis of above clarifications of DoP&T.



Date of
Pay as on 0110112006 Benefit of ACP Existing Pay


Ms. Suman Sharma




10700+2800=13,500 (*)



11530+4200=15,730 (**)

Promoted in GP

4200/- on 20/01/2010 – 12 580+4200=16,780

2 Shri Dharmendra Kumar 06/02/1996 10,470+2800=13,270 (*) 6/02/2008-
11720+4200=16,320 (**)
Continuing in GP

(*) They were required to be placed in GP 4200/- on 01/01/2006 (being provided NFG), having completed more than two years service in the recruitment Pay Scale Rs. 4500-7000 (5th CPC)/Grade Pay 2800/- (PB-1) as on 31/12/2005.

(**)Item No. 1 and 2 above have completed 12 years of service on 03/08/2006 & 05/02/2008 respectively and as such they should be granted l ” ACP in GP 4600 from those dates.


S.N Name Date of Apptt. Date of promotion in 5th CPC Scale Pay as on 01109/2008
1 Shri Krlshan Kumar 27/11/1982 5000-8000 as on 01104/2003& 5500-9000 sometime in 2007 16100+4600=20700(under
2 Shri Anil Kaushik 02/07/1984 5000-8000 as on 01104/2003& 5500-9000 sometime in 2007 15720+4600=20320(under

Note: 1. The above named have completed 24 years of service in the year 2006 and 2008 (i.e. 26/11/2006 & 01/07/2008) respectively and were entitled to receive 2nd ACP in GP 4800/- which has not been extended.

It is also pointed out that the above named have since completed 30 years of service on 26/11/2012 and
01/07/2014. They are due 3rd financial up-gradation in GP 5400 under MACPS. Similar is the case of persons mentioned in the table below,




Date of Apptt. Pay revised and re-fixed on



Shri L.S. Chandel



1809o+4800=22890 (D.O.R



Ms. Sarita Bhardwaj




Note: Botlf the above named persons completed 24 years of service on 18/05/2000 and 18/02/2004, consequently they were eligible for 2nd ACP in GP 4800/- from the respective dates. Further on completion of  30 years of service they are also eligible for MACP in GP 5400/- w.e.f. 01/09/2008 and 18/02/2010 respectively. However, this benefit was not granted to them. In this connection it is to be noted that the DoP&T in its reply dated 10/06/2015 to the JCM (Staff Side), copy endorsed to the Railway Ministry, has clarified that the Pharmacists at the time of their placement from GP 2800/- (PB-1) to GP 4200/- (PB-2) may be allowed pay fixation benefit. This shows that the category of Pharmacists were granted placement in GP 4200/- subject to fulfillment of 2 years service in 4500-7000/GP 2800/- (PB-1) as the GP 4200/- for this category is required to be treated as “placement Grade Pay” in place of GP 2800/-. The above named are therefore eligible for 3rd financial up-gradation in GP 5400/- under MACPS w.e.f. 01/09/2008 and 18/02/2010respectively.

Federation also conveys that in the above cases the entitled benefit under ACP/MACP Scheme has unfortunately not been granted with effect from the dates they were due as explained in the above paras. There may be similar situations in the case of Pharmacist category on Zonal Railways.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue clarificatory instructions to the General Managers of Zonal Railways and Productions Units in general and Northern Railway in particular to review the cases and extend benefits under ACP/MACP Scheme correctly and also allow consequential benefits to the Pharmacists. Federation may be replied of-action being taken in the matter.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)

General Secretary
Source : NFIR