Special leave to the female staff connected to inquiry of sexual harassment

NFIR requests Railway Board for Special leave to the female staff connected to inquiry of sexual harassment
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen made a request for Special leave to the female staff connected to inquiry of sexual harassment
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3 Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-110055
Dated : 17.04.2017
No.II/10/Part I
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Special leave to the female staff connected to inquiry of sexual harassment-reg.
The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (DoP&T) vide Gazette notification dated 15/03/2017 No. GSR 251 (E) have issued Rule No. 48 “Special Leave connected to inquiry of sexual harassment” — an amendment to Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972 which was circulated vide No. 13026/622016-Estt (L) dated 16th March 2017 to all ministries. According to the said notification dated 15th March 2017, leave upto a period of 90 days may be granted to an aggrieved female Government employee on the recommendation of the Internal Committee or the Local Committee as the case may be, during the pendency of inquiry under the Sexual Harassment of Women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the leave so granted shall not be debited against the leave account.
NFIR requests the Railway Board to issue corresponding instructions early duly endorsing copy to the Federation. Copy of DoP&T notification dated 15th March, 2017 is enclosed.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary