References received from Zonal, Divisional and Branch Bodies of the AISC/STREA and AIOBCREF: Railway Board

Regarding References received from Zonal, Divisional and Branch Bodies of the AISC/STREA and AIOBCREF: Railway Board Order dated 01.08.2022
No.2022-E(SCT)I/ 22/14
New Delhi, dated 01.08.2022
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways &
Production Units etc.
Sub: Regarding references received from Zonal, Divisional and Branch Bodies of the AISC/STREA and AIOBCREF.
Attention ts invited to Board’s letter No.2008-E(SCT)I/22/1 1 dated 30.09.2008 wherein Instructions were issued that requests/proposals received directly to Board from the Zones, Divisions and Branches of the above mentioned Association . are not to be entertained at Board’s level.
It is seen that references are still being received directly in this Ministry from President/Secretary of Zonal. Divisional and Branch Level Associations of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association (AISC/STREA) with various grievances or seeking clarifications from Board without routing through concerned Railway or CEC/AISC/STREA., being a supreme body.
It is therefore desired that Board’s instructions/guidelines issued on the above mentioned subject vide Board’s letter quoted above may be followed scrupulously.
(MK Meena)
Joint Director, Estt.(Res.)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways