Railway Group ‘C’ Promotion Process Reforms – Vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency

Formation of Extended Panels for Selections and LDCEs for Promotion to Group ‘B’ posts - Railway Board

Railway Group ‘C’ Promotion Process Reforms – Modification of vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency for posts filled by non-selection process.

RBE 190/2018


No. E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/65
New Delhi, dated December 7,2018

The General Managers, (P)
All Zonal Railways & PUs etc.
(As per standard list)

Sub: Promotion process reforms-Amendment to Para 214(c)(ii) and Para (c)(v) of IREM Vol.I – Modification of vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency for posts filled by non-selection process.

Attention is invited to Para 214(c)(ii) and Para 214(c)(v) of IREM Vol.I regarding vacancy anticipation period and panel initiation frequency for posts filled by non-selection procedure.

It has been observed that the practice being followed in terms of aforesaid IREM provisions contributes to delays in the process of filling up of vacancies.

With a view to speed up the selection process and to avoid delays the following changes are made in the non-selection procedures as stipulated in Para 214(c)(ii) and 214(c)(v) of IREM Vol.I, 2009 Reprint Edition.

Para 214(c)(ii) – Vacancy anticipation period Existing Provision Revised Provision
In case where suitability is adjudged by record of service and / or departmental tests Six Months One Year
In case while suitability is adjudged through trade tests Four Months One Year


Para 214(c)(ii) – Interval of suitability tests Existing Provision Revised Provision
Six Months One Year


Draft ACS No. 259 for amending para 214(c)(ii) and Para 214(c)(v) of IREM Vol.I, 2009 Reprint Edition and deletion of Note below Para 214(c)(ii) is enclosed herewith.

(P.M. Meena)
Dy. Dir.II/Estt. (NG)I
Railway Board

DA: As above.

(1989 EDITION, First Re-Print Edition-2009)


Chapter II, B – Rules governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff.

Para 214(c)(ii)

In respect of non-selection procedure the number of eligible staff called for consideration should be equal to the number of existing vacancies plus those anticipated during the next one year due to normal wastage (i.e. retirement/superannuation) likely acceptance of requests for voluntary retirement/ resignation, the vacancies is the higher grades in the channel, the filling up of which will result in the need to make consequent appointments from the proposed select list, staff approved to go on deputation to other units, staff already empanelled for ex-cadre posting, creation of additional posts already sanctioned by the competent authority and due to staff likely to go out on transfer to other Railways/Divisions.

Para 214(c)(v)

For non-selection posts, suitability assessment should be held at the interval which should not be less than one year. All the eligible candidates as per their seniority including those who failed at the last test should be called. However, when the panel gets exhausted before on year, for any reason fresh assessment may be initiated, soon after exhausting the last panel. The period of one year is reckoned from the date of announcement of the result.

Note: Deleted

(Authority: Railway Boards letter No. E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/65 dated 7.12.2018)

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