Delegation of Powers to field units for construction projects – Railway Board

Delegation of Powers to field units for construction projects – Railway Board order dated 20.07.2022
New Delhi, dated 20/07/2022
The General Managers, Indian Railways.
The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow.
The General Manager, CORE, Allahabad.
CAQOs (Const).
CAO, MTP/Mumbai.
CAO/DMW and COFMOW, New Delhi.
Sub: Delegation of Powers to field units for construction projects.
Ref: i. Model Schedule of Powers, 2018.
ii. Boardās letter No.2022/F(X)II/PW/1 dated-10/05/2022.
In partial modification to the powers delegated to the field units through Model SOP -2018, Ministry of Railways have decided to further rationalize the powers on certain items related to execution of projects as indicated in the annexure.
2. If the proposal/estimate is already concurred/vetted by FA&CAO/C, second level concurrence/vetting by PFA/open line will not be required for submitting the same for GMās approval/sanction.
3. Other provisions of Schedule of Powers will remain unchanged.
4. Please acknowledge receipt.
Enclosure: Annexure (02 No. of pages)
(Ajeet Kumar Srivastava)
Executive Director Finance (Exp.)
Railway Board
S. No. | Description of item | Existing provision | Modified provision |
1 | Works Contract for approved and sanctioned works- or supplies related to sanctioned works or zonal contracts. (A) Calling of Tenders: (i) Open Tenders. |
Note (5) of item 5A (1). Pre-vetting of tender schedules is not necessaryĀ except in the rare urgent casesĀ where tenders are called without sanction of detailed estimate. Pre-vetting is also not necessary in case of zonal works and revenue works in Open Line up to Rs.5 lakhs for which detailed estimates need not be framed. It shall be ensured that the tender schedules are prepared based on the scope of the work as included in the sanctioned estimates. In cases of urgency, open tenders may be called, before sanction of detailed estimates, with the approval DRM/PHOD/CHODs. However, the letter of acceptance shall be issued only after the sanction of detailed estimate. |
Note (5) of item 5 A (i).
Pre-vetting of tender schedules is not necessary where tenders are called without sanction of detailed estimate,Ā if detailed estimate is vetted and submitted for sanction of competent authority. Pre-vetting is also not necessary in case of zonal worksā and revenue works in Open Line up to Rs.5 lakhs for which detailed estimates need not be framed. It shall be ensured that the tender schedules are prepared based on the scope of the work as included in the sanctioned estimates. In cases of urgency, open tenders may be called, before sanction of detailed estimates, with the approval DRM/PHOD/CHODs. However, the letter of acceptance shall be issued only after the sanction of detailed estimate. |
2 | 5. (F) To dispense with calling of tenders for works which are urgent in nature and to accept offers received in response to quotations. | Note (1) of Item 5 (F)
1. The power given in 5(F) (ii) is to be used for last mile connectivity of projects. |
Note (1) of Item 5 (F)
1. The power given in 5(F) (i) & (ii) is to be used for last mile connectivity of projects,Ā unforeseen/left over works directly required for completion of projects. |
3 | 9(A). Variation in quantities specified in contracts (A) Increase in quantities specified in the Contract. |
Note (6) for Item 9 (A)-
6. Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreement value should not be permitted and, if found necessary, should be only through fresh tenders or by negotiating with 6 existing contractor, with personal concurrence of PFA and / personal sanction of General Manager. |
Note (6) for Item 9 (A)
6. Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreement value should not be permitted and, if found necessary, shouldĀ ordinarily be only through fresh tenders or by negotiating with the existing contractor, with personal concurrence ofĀ FA&CAO(C)Ā and personal sanction General Manager. |
4 | Para 35 (A).
Acquisition of land- |
Note of Item 35 (A) 1. Finance vetting is necessary as regards funds availability. |
Note of Item 35 (A)
1. Finance vetting Is necessary as regards funds availability. 2. For payment of land cost due to: GM will sanction sub-estimate of land with concurrence of FA & CAO/C and payment may be released if project is getting delayed on this account without waiting for sanction of revised estimate of the project. The revised estimate should necessarily include this sub-estimate of increased land cost before sanction. |
Source: Indian Railways