Bio-data of charged officers – Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information: Railway Board

Bio-data of charged officers – Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information: Railway Board Order dated 31.05.2023
No, 2022/V1/RET/2/2
New Delhi, Date: 31.05.2023
The SDGMs/CVOs ne oe
Ail Zonal Railways/PUs a a OF
All PSUs
Sub.: Bio-data of charged officers-Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information.
Ref.: Railway Board’ letter No.2019/V-1/RET/2/1 dtd 20.01.2023
DOPT in collaboration with NIC has launched a revamped Probity Portal and all the Ministries/Departments/CCAs including Ministry of Railways have been requested to update/enter the accurate, verified and up to date data in the requisite fields under various modules in the revamped Portal.
2. As per information received, a monthly report in Probity Portal is required to be uploaded in different format having various number of fields incorporating the following details.
(i) Cases pending for sanction of prosecution (SOP).
(ii) Posts declared as sensitive posts.
(iii) No. of person occupying sensitive posts beyond stipulated period.
(iv) Details of Major/Minor penalty cases.
(v) Details of the Officers to be reviewed/officers reviewed under 56(J).
3.(a) Details of the various stages (Major penalty-50 stages, Minor Penalty- 31 stages, SOP-27, FR 56(j}-10) are required to be inserted in the Portal.
(b) In addition, three additional fields (i.e. mobile No., PAN No. and email IDs) are also required to be inserted in Bio-data of charged Officials for adding new cases. PAN No. of the CO has been made mandatory for accepting the data entry.
4. In view of the above, all the Zonal Railways are. requested to keep/update the information in the prescribed format and furnish the additional information (copies of all the four (4) format enclosed) as mentioned in Para 3({a) above for all the CO’s for updating the records in the revamped Portal. Further, Railways are also advised to incorporate details of items mentioned in of Para 3(b) while forwarding the Bio-data of the charged officials alongwith Investigation Reports to Railway Board mandatorily.
This issues with the approval of PED(Vig.).
DA:As above
(Gilshan Kumar)
Deputy Director/Vig.-1
Railway Board
Mob.- 9717647827
Source: Indian Railways