Admissibility of Ration Money Allowance (RMA) to Public Prosecutors (PPs)/ Asstt. Public Prosecutors (APPs): Railway Board

Admissibility of Ration Money Allowance (RMA) to Public Prosecutors (PPs)/ Asstt. Public Prosecutors (APPs): Railway Board Order dated 11.07.2022
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
RBE No. 78/2022
No. E(P&A)I-2022/ALL/RPF-1
New Delhi, dated 11.07.2022
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
Sub: Admissibility of Ration Money Allowance (RMA) to Public Prosecutors (PPs)/ Asstt. Public Prosecutors (APPs).
Consequent upon the verdict delivered on 29.09.2011 by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and in compliance with the judgment dated 03.07.1997 of Hon’ble Rajasthan High Court in S.B. CWP No. 465/1995 filed by Sh. Sohan Singh & Anr. vs UoI & Anr for establishing a separate Prosecution Cadre, it was decided to separate the Prosecution Cadre from the Railway Protection Force (RPF) in Indian Railways. After consultations with Ministry of Finance and DoP&T in this regard, Board issued sanction No, 2012E(GC)13-2(67) dt 12.06.2019 to form a separate Prosecution Cadre on the Railways.
2. Accordingly, Public Prosecutors (PPs)/ Asstt. Public Prosecutors (APPs) are now incumbents of the newly formed Prosecution Cadre with effect from 12.06.2019 onwards and are no longer a part of RPF/RPSF.
3. Ration Money Allowance (RMA) is admissible to RPF and RPSF personnel at par with Central Para Military Force (CPMF)/ Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) personnel. Prior to creation of Prosecution Cadre which took effect from 12.06.2019, PPs/ APPs on Railways were a part of RPF cadre and by virtue of that were entitled to payment of RMA upto the day immediately preceding creation of their Prosecution cadre i.e. 11.06.2019.
4. Therefore, all the Railways/ PUs are advised to take action to regulate payment of RMA to eligible PPs/APPs upto 11.06.2019, if such PPs/APPs were then a part of RPF and were otherwise eligible for RMA.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
6. Please acknowledge receipt.
Joint Director/Estt.(P&A),
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways