Accident Free Service Award to the eligible category at the time of retirement: Railway Board

Accident Free Service Award to the eligible category at the time of retirement: Railway Board Order dated 26.10.2022
New Delhi, dtd. 26.10.2022
General Manager
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Accident Free Service Award to the eligible category.
Ref: Board’s letter No.86/Safety-I/24/35 dated 6.7.1998, 2.5.2000, 22.5.2007, 11.09.2007, Letter No.2016/Safety-I/9/3 dated 19.03.2018, 01.06.2018 and Letter No.2018/Safety(DM)/18/1 dated 22.05.2018, 11.11.2019 to all the Indian Railways
As per Board’s letter No. 86/Safety-I/24/35 dated 06.07.1998 read with letter No. 2018/Safety(DM)/18/1 dated 22.05.2018 Drivers / Motorman / Pointsmen / Cabinmen / Switchmen and ASMs / SMs / Dy.SS / SS ( performing train passing duties) are the safety categories eligible for Accident Free Service Award at the time of retirement. Other terms and conditions regulating grant of Award are laid down in letters under reference.
2. Representations have been received from some retired employees complaining that Accident Free Service Award has not been paid to them though they had worked in the eligible safety categories before being promoted / posted to non-eligible categories such as Traffic Inspector / Controller / Power Controller / Group-B post etc.
3. Position has already been clarified in this regard to some specific Zonal Railways inresponse to their queries. Accordingly, it is clarified to other Railways also that as per instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 06.07.1998, staff of specified categories are eligible for grant of above award at the time of retirement based on the period of qualifying service rendered in eligible Safety categories irrespective of the post held by such staff at the time of retirement. Further, the Accident Free Service Award is required to be worked out based on the last basic pay drawn in the eligible category. Various other terms and conditions as in force will continue to apply.
This issues in consultation with Finance directorate of Railway Board.
(K.P. Yadav)
Exec. Director/Safety-II
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways