Compensation to allottee for delay in attending maintenance complaint

Compensation to allottee for delay in attending maintenance complaint as per timelines given in Maintenance Charter – Central Public Works Department
भारत सरकार / Government of India
केन्द्रीय लोक निर्माण विभाग
Central Public Works Department
महानिदेशालय, परि0एवम का0प्रा0 (कार्य-2)
Directorate, P&WA (Works-II), 110A
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
फोन/Phone: (011)23061607, Fax:23061404
Dated : 25.07.2015
Subject : Compensation to allottee for delay in attending maintenance complaint as per timelines given in Maintenance Charter.
1. With the aim to enhance user’s satisfaction on the maintenance services being provided by CPWD, Maintenance Charter has been prepared and displayed on the website since January, 2015. The following timelines have been specified in the said charter for attending to various types of complaints.
S No | Complaint Description | Time |
1 | Emergency (blocked drains, no power, no water etc.) | 6 hours |
2 | Minor (cleaning of drains, water overflow, faulty switches etc.) | 3 days |
3 | Major (repairs to doors, windows plumbing, internal wiring, etc,) | 30 days |
4 | Periodical (white washing, painting, cleaning water tanks, etc.) | 60 days |
5 | Up-gradation (Type-I, II, III and IV quarters) | 60 days |
6 | Up-gradation (Type-V and higher type quarters) | 75 days |
2. As envisioned by Hon’ble UDM, Ministry of Urban Development has decided that an amount of Rs. 200 (Rs. two hundred only) may be paid as compensation by CPWD to the allottee for each day of delay in attending the complaint beyond the timeline specified above, if the delay is without any reasonable cause.
3. Initially, the amount will be paid to the allottee from the contingency fund available with the concerned Division of CPWD. Subsequently this amount will be deducted from the salary of the erring officials of CPWD.
4. All field units are requested to implement above decision of MoUD. Special DGs are requested to send report on implementation.
5. This issues with the approval of DG, CPWD.
(C.N. Suresh)
Director (P&WA)
To (Through CPWD website only):
- All SDGs, All ADGs, CEs
- All SEs, EEs
- All other field units
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