Shortage of Doctors, Specialists and Para-Medical Staff in CGHS posts: Action Taken Report on the unresolved agenda items of 32nd SCOVA meeting

Shortage of Doctors, Specialists and Para-Medical Staff in CGHS posts: Action Taken Report on the unresolved agenda items of 32nd SCOVA meeting

Shortage of Doctors, Specialists and Para-Medical Staff in CGHS posts: Action Taken Report on the unresolved agenda items of 32nd SCOVA meeting

[DoP&PW OM No. 42/1 1/2023-P&PW(D) dated 03.04.2024]

Action Taken Report on the unresolved agenda items of 32nd SCOVA meeting, were taken up for discussion in 33rd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, which are as follows:

(i) Shortage of Doctors, Specialists and Para-Medical Staff in CGHS posts due to increase in number of patients consequent on merger of Postal Dispensaries and need for creation/sanction of new posts to maintain patient and Doctor/Para-medical staff ratio.

Pensioners’ Associations had mentioned that shortage of Doctors, Specialists and Para-medical staff in CGHS Wellness Centres is affecting smooth functioning of CGHS. Consequent on merger of P&T dispensaries in CGHS, the strength of Doctors/Staff needs to be augmented.

Discussion/Decision on agenda item

It was informed by Addl.Director(CGHS) that for Group-A posts under CGHS, the Central Health Services (CHS) Division and Ministry of Ayush are appointing authority and vacant post are being filled at their level through UPSC.

In 2021, CHS posted 184 doctors to CGHS out of which 29 doctors joined and for year 2022, 74 doctors were posted to CGHS, out of which 52 doctors joined. For the year 2023, offer of appointment will be issued by CHS in due course.

Engagement of retired doctors/staff on contractual basis is being undertaken by the respective Additional Directorates (CGHS) from time to time.

For Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Group C staff under CGHS, the vacant posts are being filled through SSC. As on date, out of 860 vacant posts, 647 candidates have been recommended. For vacant posts, Zonal Heads/ADs have been directed to take up the matter with SSC for expediting the recommendation of candidates for vacant posts

The Chairman, SCOVA directed DoPPW that a meeting may be convened with Chairman (SSC) and Ministry of Health &Family Welfare to expedite the process of selection of Pharmacists/staff against the identified vacancies.

(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and DoPPW)

Next: (ii) Periodical health check-up for pensioners may be conducted at least once in 6 months or on annual basis.

Source: Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

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