Implementation of One Rank One Pension to Defence Pensioners – CGDA Instructions

Implementation of One Rank One Pension to Defence Pensioners – Controller General of Defence Accounts provides instructions to Principal Controller of Defence Accounts for Pensions
Update: Click here to read the Latest OROP Implementation Circular (No. 555 dated 04.02.2016) issued by PCDA PensionsÂ

No 5699/ AT-P/ OROP/Vol-IX
Dr. G. D. Pungle, IDAS
Principal Controller
Office of the Pr.CDA(Pensions)
Allahabad – 211014
Subject: Implementation of One Rank One Pension Scheme to Defence pensioners-reg.
2. The above said MoD letter dated 3rd February, 2016 may please be downloaded and circulated to all concerned along with necessary implementation instructions. A copy of the same may also be forwarded to the PDAs viz. CMDs/CPPCs of Banks/Directorate of Treasuries etc. through email, where the same is available at your end. The Government orders together with its implementation instructions may also be uploaded on your website for easy accessibility of all concerned.
Implementation of One Rank One Pension to Defence Pensioners – CGDA Instructions to PCDA (Pensions)