Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test on Personal Computers for filling up of post of Stenographers: Railway Board
Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test on Personal Computers for filling up of post of Stenographers: Railway Board Order RBE No. 31/2024 dated 08.04.2024
RBE No.31/2024
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2022/PM4/2 (e-3381550)
New Delhi, dated 08.04.2024
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways and PUs etc,
(As per standard list).
Sub: Procedure for conducting Stenography Skill Test on Personal Computers for filling up of post of Stenographers.
Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2010/PM4/3 dated 10.11.2015.
Attention is drawn to Board’s letter under reference wherein procedure for conducting Stenography Skill test on PCs has been provided. Note (d) below para (ii) of Annexure-I of letter ibid dated 10.11.2015 provides that editing Tools and Spell Check facility will not be available to the incumbents.
2. One of the Production Units has asked whether the ‘Backspace’ key may be disabled during the transcription in Stenography Skill Test. The matter has been examined in consultation with Staff Selection Commission and it has been decided that Note (d) below para (ii) of Annexure-I may be replaced as follows:
“Spell Check facility will not be available to the incumbents but ‘back space’ key to correct any incorrect word and arrow key to reach out to any word within the typed text in the stenography test on personal computer will be made available to the candidates.”
The Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt.
This disposes of MCF’s letter No.E/NG-III/MCF.RBL/Prom./STENO-III/25% GS(Conf.)/2023 dated 13.09.2023.
Encl: Nil.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Tele No. 23303658
Source: Indian Railways
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