Nomination by pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life- time arrears: RBA No. 24/2023

Nomination by pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life- time arrears: RBA No. 24/2023 dated 02.08.2023
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBA N0.24/2023
No. 2020/AC-II/21/3
New Delhi, dated 02.08.2023
The CMDs/ MDs
All Banks
disbursing Railway Pension
Sub: Nomination by pensioners under the Payment of Arrears of pension (Nomination) Rules, 1983 for payment of life- time arrears.
Ref :- 1.DOPPW’s Letter . no . 1/2 (40)/2022-P&PW(E ) dated 31.03.2022.
Please find enclosed a copy of the letter issued by DOPPW on the above subject for information, guidance and compliance. These instructions may also be circulated widely for strict compliance by all concerned.
DA : As above
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance / CCA
Railway Board
Email ld : ajay. bartwal[at]
Ph No : 230847018