Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and ECRC – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice: RBE No. 87/2023
Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice: RBE No. 87/2023 dated 11.07.2023
RBE No. 87/2023
(रेलवे बोर्ड/ RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2019/PM1/14
New Delhi, dated 11.07.2023
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice.
Reference revised AVC of merged cadre of Commercial Clerk and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk issued vide letter of even number dated 28.06.2023.
In the revised AVC enclosed as Annexure ‘A’ with the aforesaid letter, the mode of appointment to the post of Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk in Level-3 has been shown as 50% by DR, 33&1/3% by General Selection from Traffic and Commercial staff in level-1 and level-2, and 16&2/3% by LDCE.
The above mentioned instructions are to be read with RBE No. 16/2021 and RBE No. 164/2022.
Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
DA: Nil
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
E-mail Id sanjay.kumar6[at]
Tele No. 011-23303658
Room No. 359-A, 3rd Floor
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways
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