Fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group ‘B’ in Railways

Fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group ‘B’ in Railways – Reckoning of pay element for fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group ‘B’

Fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group ‘B’ in Railways – Railway Board




RBE No. 74/2017

No. E(P&A)II-2014/RS-22

New Delhi, dated: 28.07.2017

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways and Production Units.

Sub : Reckoning of pay element for fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group ‘B’.


Eastern Railway and South East Central Railway had requested for a clarification whether 30% pay element will be reckoned for pay fixation of a running staff who has been selected to a Group ‘EV post through selection/LUCE.

2. The issue has been under consideration in this office and it has been decided to clarify that the provisions regarding fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts contained in Rule 25 (i)(d) of ‘The Rules for the payment of running and other allowances to the Running staff on the Railways 1981โ€ฒ and paragraph 924 (i) (d) of IREM-I would also apply in the case of fixation of pay of running staff posted on promotion to the stationary posts in Group B’ also.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Salim Md. Ahmed)

Deputy Director/E(P&A)II,

Railway Board

Fixation of pay of running staff in stationary posts in Group โ€˜Bโ€™ in Railways