Extension of timelines for completion of APAR for the year 2022-2023: Railway Board

Closure activity of APARs on SPARROW for the assessment year 2022-23: DOP

Extension of timelines for completion of APAR for the year 2022-2023 upto 30th November, 2023: Railway Board Order dated 18.10.2023

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/3(Pt.I)

New Delhi, Dated 18/10/2023

The General Managers,
Indian Railway/PUs/TIs
(As per standard matting list)

Sub: Extension of timelines for completion of APAR for the year 2022-2023.

Ret: Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V11/2024/E RMS/3 dated 16.08.2023 & 21.06.2023. |

Kindly refer to Board’s letters mentioned above wherein timelines for completion of various stages in finalisation of APARs of 2022-23 was communicated.

2. It is observed that despite extending the timelines on several occasions, APARs are still pending tor finalization at various stages. Unit wise list of pending APARs is enclosed at Annexure A.

3. Now, in view of the several references from Field Units and Federations, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to open the HRMS e-APAR portal for self appraisal for only those employees whose hierarchies have not been mapped so far. Accordingly, relaxation for the subsequent stages i.e. reporting, reviewing and accepting of pending APARs is also accorded herewith. The revised timelines for completion of pending APARs is now as under:

S.No Activity Revised Target Date
l. Mapping of hierarchy and online generation of APAR form (if not done) 18-31 October, 2023
2. Submission of self-appraisal to reporting officer.
3. Submission of reporting officer to reviewing officer 5th November, 2023
4. Forwarding report by reviewing officer to accepting authority 10th November, 2023
5. Appraisal by accepting authority 15th November, 2023
6. Communication of APAR to the officer report upon 20th November, 2023
7. Submission of representation, if any, on APAR 5 days from the date of communication of APAR or 5th November, 2023, whichever is earlier.
8. Completing the process relating to representation submitted by the official 5 days from the date of representation received or 30th November, 2023 whichever is earlier.
9. End of entire process 30th November, 2023

4. It is advised that the aforementioned relaxation is also applicable for the ex-Cadre employees in Railway Board.

5. It is also advised that no further extension will be granted in any circumstances for finalization of the APARs for any stage.

Encl. as above

Addl. Member (HR)
Railway Board

Source: Indian Railways

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