Direct Recruitment to the posts in Level-7 of Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendent (CMS) & CDMS

Direct Recruitment to the posts in Level-7 of Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendent (CMS) & CDMS

Restoration of Direct Recruitment to the posts in Level-7 of Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendent (CMS) & Chief Depot Material Superintendent (CDMS): Railway Board Order dated 13.09.2021

RBE No. 66/2021


No. E(NG)IV/2018/RR-1/31

New Delhi, 13.09.2021

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
Chairmen, Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs).

Sub: Restoration of Direct Recruitment to the posts in Level-7 of Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendent (CMS) & Chief Depot Material Superintendent (CDMS).

Ref: Railway Board’s letter no. 2017/E(RRB)/25/19-Pt dated 12.12.2018

Attention is invited to Board’s letter under reference conveying Board’s decision to pend direct recruitment in Level-7 posts of Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendent (CMS) & Chief Depot Material Superintendent (CDMS).

2. The decision has since been reviewed and it has been decided to resume direct recruitment in these posts.

Director Estt. (N)
Railway Board
Tel: 23047597
Email:[email protected]
5th Floor, Room No. 550

No. E(NG)II/2018/RR-1/31

New Delhi, Dated: 13.09.2021

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