Revision of post 2016 Pension Cases Regarding – CPAO Writes to all the Pension Processing PAOs

Revision of post 2016 Pension Cases Regarding – CPAO Writes to all the Pension Processing PAOs.
The central pension accounting office (CPAO) has wide a memorandum instructed all the Pension Processing PAOs regarding the revision of post 2016 pension cases.
The CPAO has said, the pension cases of those government servants who retired/died after 01.01.2016 and whose pension was finalized under 6th CPC. These pension cases need to be revised under 7th CPC recommendations after doing the pay fixation under 7th CPC.
Since initially these cases were processed using pension module of COMPACT, relevant data for revising the same under 7th CPC is available in COMPACT. Therefore, these cases may be processed in the COMPACT and do not require to be processed through e-Revision Utility. Necessary modifications have already been made in the COMPACT for revision of such cases under 7th CPC.
It further states, all the pension processing PAOs may be instructed to revise above mentioned pension cases of post-2016 retirees using COMPACT and take the printout of revised authorities and send to CPAO under their signatures and to calculate the differential amount of gratuity and commutation and convey the same to CPAO for payment by the Banks in the above mentioned revised authorities.