Coverage under CCS (Pension) Rules, in place of NPS for recruited against the posts/ vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 22/12/2003

Coverage under CCS (Pension) Rules, in place of NPS, of those CG Employees who were recruited against the posts/ vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 22/12/2003
F.No. 7(1)/NPS/2020-EC-II(A)/185
Government of India
Directorate General
Central Public Works Department
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 20 March, 2023
Subject: Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System, of those Central Government Employees who were recruited against the posts/ vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 22/12/2003.
The undersigned is directed to enclose a copy of Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare, OM No.57/05/2021-P&PW(B) dated 03/03/23 on the subject mentioned above and to request all the eligible/willing Officers (SE & above) to submit their option, if they desire, before due date through their controlling officers.
2) All respective controlling officers are requested to forward options received with certified copies of following information/documents:-
- Date of notification of examination
- Date of examination held
- Date of interview
- Date of final result
- Vacancy year against which appointment has been done.
- Offer of appointment letter.
- Period of extension requested for joining, if any.
- Date of appointment of officer
(V.K. Tuli)
Assistant Administrative Officer
Source: CPWD