One Time Relaxation of claims for reimbursement under LTC 80 scheme

One Time Relaxation in respect of claims for reimbursement under LTC 80 scheme – Revision of Entitlement of TA/DA to JCM members and Relaxation to travel by air to visit NER, J&K and A&N – extension
(Through CGDA website)
विषय: One Time Relaxation in respect of claims for reimbursement under LTC 80 scheme, Revision of Entitlement of TA/DA to JCM members and Relaxation to travel by air to visit NER, J&K and A&N – extension.
Sena Bhavan, New Delhi
Subject: One time relaxation in respect of claims for reimbursement under LTC 80 Scheme of Defence Civilian Employees.
The progress on the ”One-time relaxation of LTC 80 cases” was discussed in the meeting held on 18.06.2018 under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (Estt) on the issues raised by the Staff Side of Defence Civilian Employees/Workers under provision of Additional Mechanism.” During the discussion it was informed that the individual cases need to be examined in accordance with DoP&T’s communication dated 03.07.2017. in this regard, it was decided that the instructions issued vide MOD ID note of even number dated 15.11.2017 may again be forwarded to alt the Administrative Divisions in MOD.
2. Accordingly, a copy of MoD ID note of even number dated 15.11.2017 is enclosed herewith. It is requested that the individual cases need to be examined by the lower formations/organisations under MoD in accordance with DoP&T‘s communication dated 03.07.2017 and thereafter the consolidated proposal shall be submitted to their respective administrative Divisions directly for taking the matter with DoP&T for relaxation.
Encl. As above (on the reverse)
(Dalpat Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
MoD ID No. 11(1)/2013/D(Civ.II) dated 28.08.2018
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of Defence)
Subject- Proposal for one-time relaxation in respect of claims for reimbursement under LTC 80 Scheme of Defence Civilian Employees.
“This is to inform that the proposal, for seeking one-time relaxation in respect of claims under LTC-80 Scheme cf Defence Civilian Employees not entitled to travel by air, who availed LTC to NER, J&K and A&N Islands by air/ship after purchasing the tickets from private/unauthorized travel agents, was taken up with DoP&T, which vide its ID Note No. 1193324/2016-Estt.(A-IV) dated 13.01.2017 had conveyed, that the proposal for granting relaxation to a large number of Defence civilian employees was not agreed to. However, DoP&T made certain observations and advised to examine each case to ascertain any bonafide mistake and where the Ministry/Department is satisfied that undue hardship had been caused in any particular case that may be referred to them for relaxation. Subsequently, this Branch vide MoD ID note of even number dated 03.02.2017 (copy enclosed} had conveyed the decision/guidelines of DoP&T to the concerned administrative Divisions under MOD.
2. Subsequently: DoP&T vide its ID Note No. 43020/2/2016-Estt.(A-I\/) dated 03.07.2017 have advised that the Administrative Ministry/Department needs to examine each case on the certain broad parameters/criteria and wherein it is satisfied that a bonafide mistake has occurred and undue hardship is being caused in any? particular case, it may be considered for relaxation. Information in the prescribed proforma for granting relaxation as prescribed by DoP&T, have been circulated vide MoD ID of even number dated 18.07.2017 (copy enclosed) to all the administrative Divisions of various defence establishments/ Organisations for examination of individual cases and preparation of proposals on these lines.
3. In continuation of MOD ID dated 18.07.2017, the individual cases need to be examined by the lower formations/organisation under MOD in accordance with DoP&T communication dated 03.07.2017 and thereafter the consolidated proposal shall be submitted to their respective administrative Divisions for further taking up the matter with DoP&T for seeking relaxation.
4. All concerned are requested to take necessary action accordingly.
Encl:- As above
(Sanjay Pant)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
MoD ID No. 11(1)/2013/D(Civ-II) dated 15.11.2017
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