LTC by Air to NER and J&K – Need for allowing all Group ‘B’ employees to travel by Air from their place of posting
REF: BPMS / DoP&T/ LTC / 50 (7/2/R)
Dated: 10.11.2014
The Joint Secretary (E),
Govt of India, Min of P, PG & P,
Department of Personnel & Training (Establishment Wing),
North Block, New Delhi – 110001
Subject: Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 Relaxation to travel by air to visit NER/ J&K and A&N.
Reference: DoP&T O.M. No. 31011/3/2014-Estt.(A-IV), dated 26.09.2014
Respected Madam,
With due regards, it is submitted the Govt has issued the OM. cited under reference to travel by air to visit NER, J&K and A&N but the para (iii) of the OM. restricts the facility for Group ‘B’ employees, which is reproduced as under:-
i) All eligible Government servants may avail LTC to visit any place in NER/A&N/J&K against the conversion of one block of their Home Town LT C. Fresh Recruits are also eligible for this benefit against conversion of one of the three Home Towns in a block of four years applicable to them.
(ii) Government servants entitled to travel by air can avail this LT C from their Headquarters in Economy class.
(iii) Government servants not entitled to travel by air may be permitted to travel by air in Economy class in the following sectors:
a. Between Kolkata/ Guwahati and any place in NERb. Between Kolkata/ Chermai/ Bhubaneswar and Port Blair.c. Between Delhi / Amritsar and any place in J&K
Journey for these non-entitled employees from their Headquarters up to Kolkata/ Guwahati/ Chennai/ Bhubaneswar / Delhi / Amritsar will have to be undertaken as per their entitlement.”
It is worth to mention here that earlier instruction on the subject matter issued vide DoP&T F.No. 31011/412007-Estt.(A), dated 02.05.2008 stipulates as under:
“The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, the Government have decided to permit Government servants to travel by air to North Eastern Region on LTC as follows:-
(i) Group A and Group B Central Government employees will be entitled to travel by Air from their place of posting or nearest airport to a city in the NER or nearest airport,
(ii) Other categories of employees will be entitled to travel by air to a city in the NER from Guwahati or Kolkata.
From above it is being interpreted that earlier the Group ‘B’ Central Government employees were entitled to travel by Air from their place of posting or nearest airport but now only eligible Government servants may travel from their place of posting or nearest airport.
Further, vide DoP&T F.No. 31011/4/2007-Estt (A), Dated 30.04.2012 the Air travel relaxation under LTC for NER was extended for 02 yrs from 01.05.2012, i.e., applicable upto 01.05.2014 and vide DoP&T F. No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.A-IV, dated 15.06.2012 the Air travel relaxation under LTC for J&K was extended for 02 yrs from 18.06.2012, i.e., applicable upto 18.06.2014 whereas this order grants the relaxation for air travel w.e.f. 26.09.2014.
There are some of the employees who have travelled by Air under LTC in the intervening period, i.e., 01.05.2014 / 18.06.2014 and 26.09.2014 in anticipation of extension of such relaxation as per prevailing practice. To mitigate the financial hardships of such employees, the DoP&T O.M. No. 31011/ 3/ 2014-Estt.(A-IV), dated 26.09.2014 should have retrospective effect, i.e., 01.05.2014.
Therefore, you are requested to issue necessary clarification so that the Group ‘B’ employees may be entitled to travel by Air from their place of posting or nearest airport and reimbursement claim submitted by the employees who have travelled by Air under LTC in the intervening period, i.e., 01.05.2014 / 18.06.2014 and 26.09.2014 may be allowed as one time relaxation.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
Member, National Council (JCM)
Copy to: The Leader / Secretary, Staff Side,
National Council (JCM)
the posting person working at his home town. can the person convert his home town LTC to all india/NER LTC ?????