Updation of Manual on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy: CVC Circular

Updation of Manual on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy: CVC Circular No. 14/07/22 dated 11.07.2022
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-100023
No. 022/VGL/032
Dated. 11.07.2022
Circular No. 14/07/22
Subject: Updation of Manual on Procurement of Goods, Services, Works and Consultancy, ete.
Central Vigilance Commission and D/o Expenditure have issued guidelines on public procurement from time to time.
2. After due deliberations, it was decided that for the sake of uniformity and to avoid multiplicity of authorities for issuance of guidelines on procurement related issues, updated Manuals may be issued by D/o Expenditure only, after taking into consideration the guidelines issued by the Commission. Accordingly, D/o Expenditure have updated and released i) Manual on Procurement of Goods: (i) Manual on Procurement of Works; and il) Manual on Procurement of Consultancy & Other Services, wherein the guidelines issued by the Commission on public procurement has also been assimilated. The same are available on Commission’s website i.e. www.cvc.gov.in under the head “Guidelines” and sub-head “Tender Guidelines”.
3. The Commission has desired that all the Chief Vigilance Officers may take note of the updated Manuals and bring the same to the notice of Chief Executive/Management of their organisation. along with other authorities concerned, for strict compliance henceforth, An introductory note relating to updated Manuals, as quote above, is enclosed for guidance and reference purpose.
(Rajiv Verma)
Encl: As above
Source: CVC