Clarification on Enquiry/investigation to be conducted against officers on deputation: CVC

Clarification on Enquiry/investigation to be conducted against officers on deputation: CVC Circular No. 18/09/22 dated 01.09.2022
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 022/VGL/045
Dated 01.09.2022
Circular No. 18/09/22
Subject: Clarification regarding the enquiry/investigation to be conducted against officers on deputation.
Central Vigilance Commission, vide Para 5.6 of Chapter-V of Vigilance Manual — 2021 has prescribed the procedure for handling complaints/allegations against officers on deputation to other organizations.
2. As per procedure laid down in Para 5.6. in case of allegation of misconduct in the borrowing organisation. against an officer who was on deputation to that organisation and has since repatriated to his parent organisation. the same is to be enquired into by the CVO of the borrowing organisation.
3. However. it has come to the notice of the Commission that some organisations are under the impression that in case the borrowed officer has gone back to his parent organisation. then the allegation of misconduct is to be forwarded to the parent organisation for enquiry by the CVO of the parent organisation.
4. It is clarified that in case of receipt of any complaint/allegation of misconduct against an officer borrowed from another organisation (and since repatriated to the parent organisation). the same should be enquired into by the CVO of the borrowing organisation and after the enquiry. the facts should be brought to the notice of the parent organisation.
5. In order to bring clarity. the part of Para 5.6 “If a misconduct is detected in the borrowing Department/Organization on the part of an officer after his repatriation to his parent Department/Organization. the then borrowing Department/Organization should bring the fact of the matter to the notice of the parent Department/Organization which will decide the further course of action” stands modified to the above extent and may be read as under:
“If a misconduct ts detected in the borrowing Department/ Organization on the part of an officer after his repatriation to his parent Department/ Organization. then the borrowing Department/ Organization should bring the fact of the matter, after due enquiry by the CVO, to the notice of the parent Department/Organization which will decide the further course of action”.
6. Other part of Para 5.6 of Chapter-V of Vigilance Manual – 2021 remains unchanged.
It may be noted for future compliance.
(Rajiv Verma)
Source: CVC