Timelines for submission of APAR 2020-21 i.r.o. Group-A, B and C officers of CSS/CSSS/CSCS cadre

Extension of timelines for submission of APAR in respect of Group-A, B and C officers of CSS/CSSS/CSCS cadre through SPARROW portal for the year 2020-2021: DOPT
F.No.22-6/2021-CS.1 (APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, A Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi.
Dated : 25th June, 2021.
Subject: Extension of timelines for submission of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) in respect of Group-A, B and C officers of CSS/CSSS/CSCS cadre through SPARROW portal for the year 2020-2021.
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Department’s OM of even number dated 17th May, 2021 conveying revised timelines for completion of APAR process for the year 2020-21 in respect of Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ officers of CSS/CSSS/CSCS cadres and the Estt. Division of DoPT’s O.M. No 21011/02/2015-Estt. (A)-part-Il dated 17th June, 2021 vide which the timelines for completion of APAR process for the year 2020-21 for group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ officers of Central Civil Services has been further extended.
2. Accordingly, in the view of the prevailing Covid-19 situation, it has been decided with the approval of competent authority that the timelines for distribution/online generation, recording and completion of entire APAR process for the year 2020-21, shall also be extended further in respect of all Group A, B and C officers/staff of CSS/CSSS/CSCS cadres as specified in the Annexure.
3. It has further been decided that for the APAR year 2020-21, the extended timelines specified in the Annexure shall also apply to the reporting, reviewing officers who have demitted office or retired from service on or after 28.02.2021. They shall be allowed to record their remarks till the respective extended cut-off dates.
4. Further, the decision conveyed vide Estt. Division OM dated 14.06.2021 (copy enclosed) delinking recording and completion of APAR for the year 2020-21 from the conduct of Annual Medical Examination and thereafter submission of summary of medical report by 31.12.2021 may also please be noted for compliance.
(Zachariah Thomas)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele: 011-24624046
1. All Ministries/ Department/ Cadre Units of CSS/CSSS/CSCS.
2. DS(CS-Il)
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Also check the following links related to this topic:
Dealing of APAR Representations received in SPARROW Portal – DOP
Covid-19: Extension of time lines for submission of APAR for the year 2019-20