Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals – CVC Circular

Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals – CVC Circular No. 16/09/2023 dated 06.10.2023
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023
No. 023/VGL/084/6691
Dated. 06.10.2023
Circular No. 16/09/23
Subject: Updation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals.
Reference: (i) CVC Circular No. 14/07/22 dated 11.07.2022.
(ii) Department of Expenditure O.M. No. F.1/1/2021-PPD dated 04.08.2022.
(iii) Department of Public Enterprises Letter No. 7(4)/2017-Fin. dated 10.08.2022.
(iv) CVC Circular No. 06/08/23 dated 02.08.2023.
(v) CVC Circular No. 08/09/23 dated 11.09.2023.
The Commission vide its Circulars dated 02.08.2023 & 11.09.2023 has advised the organizations to undertake a three months’ campaign (16th August 2023- 15th November 2023) focusing on various preventive vigilance measures. One of the focus areas indicated by the Commission relates to “Updation of Circulars / Guidelines / Manuals”.
2. It may be noted that D/o Expenditure (DOE) in collaboration with the Central Vigilance Commission has updated and released the manuals on (i) Procurement of Goods, (ii) Procurement of Works and (iii) Procurement of Consultancy & Other Services.
3. Vide Commission’s Circular No. 14/07/22 dated 11.07.2022, all CEOs and CVOs of Central Govt. organizations were advised to align their own procurement manuals/guidelines with the provisions of updated manuals issued by DOE. Later on, DOE vide its OM dated 04.08.2022 and D/o Public Enterprises (DPE), vide their letter dated 10.08.2022 also advised the ministries, departments and public sector enterprises to bring their procurement manuals/guidelines in sync with the updated manuals of DOE, released on 01.07.2022.
4. The status report about updation/alignment of manuals of respective organisations, in line with DOE’s updated manuals may be furnished to the Commission latest by 30.10.2023. In case of those organisations who have not yet updated their manuals, the target date by which it would be done, may also be intimated.
5. It may be noted for compliance.
(Rajiv Verma)
Source: Central Vigilance Commission