Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS) – Online reporting of vacancies to Surplus Cell: DOPT

Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS) – Online reporting of vacancies to Surplus Cell of Department of Personnel & Training under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990: DOPT OM dated 21.06.2023
No. 1/2/2022-R&R and DC (E-3171940)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi — 110003.
Dated: 21st June, 2023
Subject: Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS) — online reporting of vacancies to Surplus Cell of Department of Personnel & Training under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990- regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 26.05.2023, 05.06.2023 and 12.06.2023 on the above mentioned subject. As mentioned therein, the Department of Personnel & Training has launched the RSMS (Redeployment and Surplus Management System) on 8 June, 2023.
2. As a software system, the Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS) has been developed to facilitate the Ministries/ Departments/ Offices to process online all their requests for redeployment of suitable staff available on Surplus Rolls/ Non Available Certificate (NAC) from this Department under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990. For implementation of the RSMS, DoP&T has nominated the Director (Admn.) of each of the Ministries/ Departments as the “Nodal Officer” for the respective Ministry/ Department. In this regard, the required information in respect of Nodal Officer(s) such as name, designation, mobile and contact number, e-mail ID (preferably official ID) and complete Office address of the incumbent Officer(s) (Director (Admn.)/Nodal Officer as per department arrangement) were sought for register, access and use of the User Departments for the RSMS. The URL address of the RSMS is- The list of Nodal Officers for RSMS purpose is enclosed.
3. Subsequently, DoP&T has also given a suitable familiarization/training session on 09.06.2023 & 15.06.2023 on operationing of RSMS for obtaining auto-generated redeployment letter/ NAC before submitting their requisition to Staff Selection Commission (SSC) or Union Public Service Commission of India (UPSC), as the case may be, has been given to the Nodal Officers.
4. The RSMS has been developed to curtail time taken and ease the work of the Departments and their subordinate/ attached, field offices, etc. in the subject matter. Accordingly, an immediate requirement for ALL User Departments, after log-in with the IDs & Passwords provided by this Department to access RSMS, by the Nodal Officer of the Parent Ministry/Department is that they shall have to add ALL their concerned Attached / Subordinate /Directorate/ Field Offices/etc. which are under their administrative control, and nominate their individual Nodal Officer(s)(sub) create their credentials, etc. for operation of RSMS and obtaining auto-generated redeployment letter / NOC/NAC. The RSMS has an in built facility/ modules for creation of user credentials and for changing of passwords. Therefore, in the interest of all stake holders and to ensure a seamless transition to the RSMS, all the Departments’ Nodal Officers are requested to ensure that all required actions regarding nomination’ of individual Nodal Officer(s)(sub), separately for each of the Attached / Subordinate /Directorate/ Field Offices/etc. under the administrative control of the Ministries/ Departments, adding / creation of IDs, Password, etc. are completed first hand, on a top priority basis.
5. Accordingly, the Nodal Officers of the Parent Ministries/Departments are requested to take all necessary actions in respect of all their concerned Attached / Subordinate /Directorate/ Field Offices/etc. for accessing the RSMS at their end without any delay.
6. Further, a User Manual, Guidelines, Rules, Regulations, etc. applicable and relevant in this regard are available in the above going URL. The User Manual and Guidelines contain details/explanations on each and every step in the use of RSMS for filling up requisitions, reporting of surplus employees, etc. Accordingly, for any clarification in the procedure for use of RSMS or with respect to a particular field/column in the entry filling up, the User Department/field office(s) may reach out to the relevant topics in the User Manual/Guidelines for their meaning and application and take actions for access and use of RSMS.
7. And, in case technical assistance is deemed necessary, Ministries /Departments may seek assistance from the Technical Officer, NIC, DoP&T by mail- persinfotech[at], telephone No.011-23040281. likewise, administrative assistance will be available at us-randr-dopt[at], Telephone No.011-24651898 / 011-24626024.
8. As mentioned afore, with the launch of this System, the User Departments are to seek NOC/NAC mandatorily online, through RSMS only.
Encl. As above.
(S. K. Mandi)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele: 011- 24651898
E-mail: sunil.mandi[at]
1. The Director (Admn.), All Ministries / Departments of the Government of India through website of this Department/ as per the enclosed list of the Ministries/ Departments.
2. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, DoP&T, North Block, New Delhi with the request to immediately provide requisite login IDs, Passwords etc. to the Nodal Officers of the Ministries / Departments for further necessary action at their end and also to provide Suitable technical support for running of RSMS online portal smoothly.
3. Office copy.
Source: DOPT