Revised Proforma for furnishing details of the officers while seeking vigilance clearance: CVC

Revised Proforma for furnishing details of the officers while seeking vigilance clearance: CVC

Revised Proforma for furnishing details of the officers while seeking vigilance clearance: CVC OM dated 02.02.2022


Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 021-AlS-1(2)
Dated 02.02.2022


Subject:-Revised Proforma for furnishing details of the officers while seeking vigilance clearance — reg.

Reference Commission’s OM No 021-AlS-1(2) dated 03.09.2021.

The vigilance profile of an officer contains crucial departmental inputs on his/her vigilance status, and therefore, forms the basis for further processing of proposal in the Commission. It is, therefore, required that vigilance profile should contain all relevant information about the officer, and it be submitted under the signature of CVO/HOD.

2. The Commission vide OM No. 021-AlIS-1(2) dated 03.09.2021 (copy enclosed) has revised the profile-format, from ‘12-point’ to ‘13-point’ for departmental inputs. The additional point at Sl No 13 of the revised format reads as follows: “Whether any complaint is pending against the officer [if so, details to be furnished]”.

3. It has been observed that some Ministries/Departments are still submitting departmental inputs in the pre-revised format (containing 12 points) while soliciting ‘vigilance status’ of officers. The Commission has expressed concern in this regard.

4. All Ministries/Departments are, therefore, requested to ensure that proposals seeking vigilance status should contain vigilance profiles of concerned officers, in the ‘revised 13-Point format’ only.

5. The above guideline may be noted for strict compliance.

(Vivek Kumar)


(i) The Secretaries of all Ministries/Department of Gol
(ii) All CVOs as per Portal (through NIC).

Encl: Revised Proforma for furnishing details of the officers while seeking Vigilance Clearance: CVC O.M.

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