HSSC Constable(GD) PST Result Released

HSSC Constable(GD) PST Result Released
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released the Physical Screening Test (PST) results conducted on February 9 and 10, 2019 for the recruitment of Male Constables. The result of PST was released on the official website of the Commission – http://www.hssc.gov.in. The candidates who appeared for the HSSC Constable PST Exam can check their results from the official website, www.hssc.gov.in. The HSSC had conducted the written exam for the Male Constable recruitment on December 23rd, 2018 and the result for which was declared in the first week of February 2019.
Click here to check the Result of HSSC Constable(GD) PST conducted on February 9, 2019
Click here to check the Result of HSSC Constable(GD) PST conducted on February 10, 2019
Official notice – On the basis of Written Examination (KT) held on 23.12.2018 and Physical Screening Test (PST) held on 09.02.2019 and 10.02.2019 at Tau Devi Lal Stadium, Sector-3, Panchkula, the Commission has compiled the result of PST for the post of Male Constable (General Duty), Advt. No. 3/2018 Cat. No. 01,Police Department. The candidates with following roll nos. have qualified for Physical Measurement Test (PMT) provisionally and further subject to the determination of their eligibility as per conditions of the advertisement. The result has been shown Roll no. wise.
The Physical Measurement Test of the candidates will be held on 11.02.2019. Only those candidates who qualify the Physical Measurement Test, will be able to participate in Scrutiny of Documents on same day i.e. 11.02.2019. They are also directed to bring original downloaded copy of admit card of PMT , admit card of scrutiny of Documents, all original documents, set of self attested copies of all documents , one Id Proof and copy of downloaded application form for Scrutiny of Documents.
How to check HSSC Constable(GD) PST Result?
- Go to official HSSC website: www.hssc.gov.in.
- Click on the ‘Result’ tab on the top of the page.
- Click on the result pdf link. There are two pdfs, one for the exam conducted on February 9 and one for the exam conducted on February 10. Click on the appropriate pdf icon.
- A pdf will open. The pdf has roll numbers of candidates who have qualified for PMT and Document Verification. Check for your roll number in the pdf.
Bookmark this page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D to refer to this page and check your results and other exam-related updates. All the Best!
Best wishes – Gconnect