Verification of Online Application for ECHS Cards by Record Office

SARS COV-2 Third Wave: Advisory by ECHS dated 27.08.2021

Verification of Online Application for ECHS Cards by Record Office

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army),Maude Lines,
Delhi Cantt- 110 010


05 Nov 2018

(All Record Offices (Army, Navy & Airforce)
MP -5 / 6
Coast Guard


l. The process of making of new 64 Kb ECHS Card by an EX-Servicemen is initiated by the ESM by filling an online application form. ESM fills full details of self and dependents and uploads the required documents and photographs. Then ESM is required to make online payment through the payment gateway. Alter payment is made the application is visible to respective Record Offices for verification.

2. The application is verified by the Record Office after which there is no human intervention and the Cards are automatically printed. Hence, incase incorrect data is uploaded emneously by the ESM and the same is verified by respective records then the Card is printed with wrong data e.g. Date of Birth. name etc. Once the ECHS Card with wrong data is used by the beneficiary in case of emergency, ESM may be for once denied treatment/admission by an empanelled hospital, which may have sever repercussion leading to litigation.

3. A large number of complaints have been received from the environment where new 64 Kb Cards have been printed with wrong data. it is reiterated that although the onus to fill online application for ECHS Card correctly is with the ESM but from the organizational point of view Record Office is the final authority to verify the correctness of all data including photo, PPO etc.

4. In view of the above. it is requested that Records Offices may please ensure that all fields in the application form filled by the ESM for new 64 Kb ECHS Smart Card be scrutinised with deliberation to ensure error free verification.

5. This letter may please be put up to respective CROs.

(Rakesh Kakar)
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation)

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