Compassionate appointment in Department of Telecommunications – Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection

Compassionate appointment in Department of Telecommunications: Cutt-off date, Validity period, Relative merit points and application form – DOT Order dated 01.07.2022
No. A-12012/01/2021-Admn. III
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 01.07.2022
Subject: Scheme for compassionate appointment — Other Policy Decisions.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that the following decisions relating to appointment on compassionate appointment ground in Department of Telecommunications has been taken, which are mentioned below:-
i) The following offices of Department of Telecommunications are grouped for the purposes of processing of compassionate appointment applications/cases, as mentioned underneath:-
where the deceased government servant was posted/was on strength or from where the government servant is retired on medical grounds (Medically invalidated and eligible for such consideration in terms of DoPT’s OM No.14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013) |
All Government Servant on the Strength of DoT Headquarters and drawing their pay from DoT Hqrs including TEC, USOF | DOT(HQ) (C&A Division) |
2 | DG(T) and LSA including technical field units such as NOCC, NTIPRIT, etc and | DG(T) |
3 | CGCA & CCA with NICF | CGCA |
4 | WMO and its units | Dir(WMO) |
a. In case of pending cases in Block 2 that are awaiting appointment only due to non-availability of vacancies (vacancy means 5% of Direct Recruitment in Group ‘C’ vacancies for the year), then Block 3 will be approached (through O/o CGCA Hqrs) and the case may be considered based on relative merit score and availability of vacancies in CCA units.
b. In case of unfilled vacancy on compassionate ground in a particular year (ending on 31st December of the year) due to unavailability of eligible candidates, CGCA/WMO shall report such vacancy to DoT HQ.
ii). Cut-off date/validity period may be regulated as follows: –
a. Applications to be considered: – Application for compassionate appointment received upto 31st December for appointment cycle in respect of death-in-harness or retirement on medical grounds of Government servant upto 31st December for appointment cycle may be considered in the cycle beginning on 1st January of the subsequent year.
b. Validity of application — DoPT instructions regarding the same may be followed; as on date the instructions of DoPT provides for considering the applications for compassionate appointments without any time limit.
c. Calculation of vacancies — Cumulative unfilled vacancies upto 31st December for appointment cycle beginning on 1st January of the subsequent year may be included.
2. Relative Merit Point Scheme issued vide OM of even no. dated 01 July, 2022 shall be followed by all DoT units.
3. This issues with the approval of Secretary(T).
(Arvind Kumar Jha)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph. No. 011 -2303 6210
E-mail Arvindk.jha29[at]
Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection by Compassionate appointment: Department of Telecommunication
No. A-12012/01/2021-Admn.III
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 01.07.2022
Subject: Scheme for compassionate appointment – Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection in Department of Telecommunication.
The objective of the scheme is to grant appointment on compassionate grounds to a dependent family member of a Government servant dying in harness or who is retired on medical grounds, thereby leaving their family in penury and without any means of livelihood. It is to relieve the family of the concerned Government servant from financial destitution and to help them get over the emergency.
2. Keeping in view the objective of the scheme the existing instructions of DoPT relating to compassionate appointment have time and again been reviewed / modified / simplified so that the system finally derived at shall be more transparent, efficient and uniform in nature.
3. The existing position has been reviewed and it has been decided by the Competent Authority that to achieve the objective of the scheme for Compassionate Appointment and to ensure complete transparency, merits of the cases can be conveniently decided by allocating points to the applicants, based on various attributes indicated in the reference of DOP&T from time to time. Accordingly, the Departmental Committee, constituted for this purpose, has worked out a relative merit points system for assigning weightage to various attributes of the applicant for compassionate appointment based on a hundred point-scale as laid down in Annexure-I.
4. While applying 100 points scale parameters, as mentioned in Annexure-I, if situation arises that some candidates secure equal marks in merit and Cadre Controlling Authority is unable to decide the merit of such candidates. In such cases the tie breaking factor can be applied as follows:
i) Per dependent available income i.e., total of Annual Family Pension divided by total number of dependents. The lesser the per dependent available income, the higher the rank amongst the applicants whose scores had a tie.
5. The tie breaking factor(s) indicated above, should be used only to decide relative merit of the applicants scoring same points on 100-point scale and only if the applicants scoring same points cannot be accommodated against available vacancies.
6. Keeping in view the administrative requirement in processing such applications for appointment on compassionate grounds, the Form as in Annexure-II may be used for ascertaining necessary information which consists three part as under:
S.No. | Proforma | Title |
1 | A | Form for seeking Compassionate appointment by dependents of Government servants deceased while in service or retired on medical grounds. |
2 | B | To be filled by the Office in which employments proposed. |
3 | C | Relative Merit Points Assessment on a 100-point scale for compassionate appointment. |
7. The system of weightage not only awards objectivity to the entire method but also ensures complete transparency and uniformity in the selection process. Henceforth, weightage points system along with the instructions issued by the DoP&T would be strictly followed for assessing comparative merit of the applicants for compassionate appointment.
8. This issues with the approval of Secretary(T).
(Arvind Kumar Jha)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph. No. 011 -2303 6210
E-mail Arvindk.jha29[at]
Annexure-I: Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection by Compassionate appointment: Department of Telecommunication
1. Income of the Family – (Total 40 Points)
i) Family Pension/Pension# (Basic including DA)
– (20 Points)
S. No. | Slabs | Weightage Points |
1 | Up to 10,000 + DA* | 20 |
2 | 10,001 – 13,000 + DA* | 18 |
3 | 13,001 – 16,000 + DA* | 16 |
4 | 16,001 – 19,000 + DA* | 14 |
5 | 19,001 – 22,000 + DA* | 12 |
6 | 22,001 – 25,000 + DA* | 10 |
7 | 25,001 – 28,000 + DA* | 08 |
8 | 28,001 – 31,000 + DA* | 06 |
9 | 31,001 – 34,000 + DA* | 04 |
10 | 34,001 & above + DA* | 02 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
*as on 31st December of the previous year for appointment cycle beginning on 1st January of a year.
#Pension only in respect of specific medically invalidated employees covered under DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
ii) Terminal benefits i.e. Lump sum amount received by the family on death of Government Servant (i.e DCR Gratuity, GPF/PPF A/C balance, CGEGIS, Leave encashment)
(10 Points)
Terminal Benefits | |||
For Post 01.01.2016 death cases | For death cases between 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2015 | For pre 01.01.2006 death cases | Weightage Points |
Upto 10,00,000 | Upto 4,50,000 | Upto 1,00,000 | 10 |
10,00,001-13,00,000 | 4,50,007-5,25,000 | 1,00,001-1,20,000 | 09 |
13,00,001-16,00,000 | 5,25,001-6,00,000 | 1,20,001-1,40,000 | 08 |
16,00,001-19,00,000 | 6,00,001-6,75,000 | 1,40,001-1,60,000 | 07 |
19,00,001-22,00,000 | 6,75,001-7,50,000 | 1,60,001-1,80,000 | 06 |
22,00,001-25,00,000 | 7,50,001-8,25,000 | 1,80,001-2,00,000 | 05 |
25,00,001-28,00,000 | 8,25,000-9,00,000 | 2,00,001-2,20,000 | 04 |
28,00,001-31,00,000 | 9,00,001-9,75,000 | 2,20,001-2,40,000 | 03 |
31,00,001-34,00,000 | 9,75,001-10,50,000 | 2,40,001-2,60,000 | 02 |
34,00,001-37,00,000 | 10,50,001-11,25,000 | 2,60,001-3,00,000 | 01 |
37,00,001 & above | 11,25,001 & Above | 3,00,001 & Above | 00 |
Note: to be verified from service records and certified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
iii) Income Apart from Service Benefits – Annual income from Movable/Immovable property as well as annual income earned by the other member(s) of the family
-(10 Points)
S. No. | Annual Income | Weightage Points |
1. | Nil | 10 |
2. | 1 – 1,25,000 | 08 |
3. | 1,25,001 – 1,50,000 | 06 |
4. | 1,50,001 – 1,75,000 | 04 |
5. | 1,75,001 – 2,00,000 | 02 |
6. | 2,00,001 & Above | 00 |
Note: To be verified from the documents (like, bank statement, ITR, certificate from Revenue Authorities) and affidavit produced by the applicant and verified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
2. Movable/immovable Assets/Property of the family (Latest Market Value) including fixed Deposit/Bank Balance, other investments, LIC claim etc. (excluding Service Benefits received as mentioned in point 1(iii) above)
– (05 Points)
S. No. | Slab | Weightage Points |
1. | Nil | 5 |
2. | Up to 10,00,000 | 4 |
3. | 10,00,001 – 20,00,000 | 3 |
4. | 20,00,001 – 30,00,000 | 2 |
5. | 30,00,001 – 40,00,000 | 1 |
6. | 40,00,001 & Above |
Note: To be verified from service records, the documents / affidavit / certificate from Revenue/ Municipal Authorities / concerned departments etc. produced by the applicant and verified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
3. Loans (from Banks/Financial Institutes)/ Debts outstanding against the family
— (10 Points)
S. No. | Slab | Weightage Points |
1. | Up to 5,00,000 | 2 |
2. | 5,00,001 – 10,00,000 | 4 |
3. | 10,00,001 – 15,00,000 | 6 |
4. | 15,00,001 – 20,00,000 | 8 |
5. | 20,00,001 & Above | 10 |
4. Left over service of deceased/ Medically Invalidated Employee**
(10 Points)
Leftover service of deceased | Weightage Points | Leftover service of deceased | Weightage Points |
Upto 02 years | 01 | > 10 < 12 years | 06 |
> 02 < 04 years | 02 | > 12 < 14 years | 07 |
> 04 < 06 years | 03 | > 14 < 15 years | 08 |
> 06 < 08 years | 04 | > 15 years | 10 |
> 08 < 10 years | 05 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
** Medically invalidated in terms of DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
5. Time period since death or retirement on medical grounds** of Government Servant (Immediate relief)
– (10 Points)
S. No. | Time period since death or retirement on medical grounds of Government Servant | Weightage Points |
1. | 0 – 1 years | 10 |
2. | 1 – 2 years | 08 |
3. | 2 – 3 years | 06 |
4. | 3 – 5 years | 04 |
5. | 5 years & above | 02 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
** Medically invalidated in terms of DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
6. Minor children of deceased Government servant
– (10 Points)
S. No. | No. of Dependents | Weightage Points |
1. | Upto 2 | 02 |
2. | Three and above | 05 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
7. Minor children of deceased Government servant
(10 Points)
S. No. | No. of Minor Children | Weightage Points |
1. | 01 | 05 |
2. | 02 & Above | 10 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
8. Dependent, Physically and mentally challenged (without age limit)
(10 Points)
Note: To be verified from service record, single status certificate / affidavit notarized by District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Magistrate produced by the applicant and verified by respective Administration of the Government Servant. The disability as defined by DoPT for reservation for persons with Disabilities from time to time for appointment in Central Government will be ensured. Related certificates to be obtained accordingly.
General Note:
- In addition to the above, cases where the widow of deceased employee / wife of employee who has retired on medical ground has applied for compassionate appointment for herself, she shall get 10 additional points as grace points. This will be in line with the general principle that the widow / wife needs to be given preference for compassionate appointment.
- In addition to the above, cases where the deceased employee / employee who has retired on medical ground was working in essentially manual posts of MTS, Canteen Staff (Kitchen and washing) and Staff Car Driver/Dispatch Rider an additional 05 points as grace points shall be given.
- The cases already considered by the Ministry / Department constituted for considering the requests for compassionate appointment as per the previous practices followed need not to be opened.
Annexure-II: Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection by Compassionate appointment: Department of Telecommunication
I. | (a) | Name of the Government Servant(Deceased / Retired on medical grounds) | |||||||
(b) | Designation of the Government servant | ||||||||
(c) | Whether it is MTS (erstwhile Group ‘D’) or not? | ||||||||
(d) | Date of Birth of the Government Servant | ||||||||
(e) | Date of death / retirement on medical grounds | ||||||||
(f) | Total length of service rendered | ||||||||
(g) | Whether permanent or temporary | ||||||||
(h) | Whether belonging to SC/ST/OBC | ||||||||
II. | (a) | Name of the candidate for appointment | |||||||
(b) | His/her relationship with the Government Servant | ||||||||
(c) | Date of Birth | ||||||||
(d) | Educational Qualifications | ||||||||
(e) | Whether any other dependent family member has been appointed on compassionate grounds. | ||||||||
III. | Particulars of total assets left including amount of | ||||||||
(a) | Family Pension | ||||||||
(b) | D.C.R. Gratuity | ||||||||
(c) | G.P.F. Balance | ||||||||
(d) | Life Insurance Policies (including Postal Life Insurance) | ||||||||
(e) | C.G.E. Insurance amount | ||||||||
(f) | Encashment of leave | ||||||||
Total (b+c+d+e+f) | |||||||||
(g) | Annual income:
(a) From property (b) Earning by family member |
(h) | (a) Movable property (market value)
(b) Immovable property (fix deposit/Bank balance, claim from LIC, PLI scheme, other investments) |
(i) | Any other assets | ||||||||
TOTAL (h+i) | |||||||||
IV. | Brief particulars of liabilities, if any | ||||||||
V. | Particulars of all dependent family members of the Government servant (if some are employed, their income and whether they are living together or separately) | ||||||||
S. No. | Name(s) | Relationship with Govt. servant. | Age | Address | Employed or not (if employed particulars of employment & emoluments) | Martial Status | |||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | |||
1 | |||||||||
2 | |||||||||
3 | |||||||||
4 | |||||||||
5 |
- I hereby declare that the facts given by me above are, to the best of my knowledge, correct. If any of the facts herein mentioned are found to be incorrect or false at a future date, my services may be terminated.
- I hereby also declare that I shall maintain properly the other family members who were dependent on the Government servant / member of the Armed Forces mentioned against 1(a) of Part-A of this form and in case, it is proved at any time that the said family members are being neglected or not being properly maintained by me, my appointment may be terminated.
Signature of the Candidate
Name: ________________________
Address: ______________________
The above Particulars has been verified from Service Records of the Government Servant
Signature of Competent Authority with Seal (SO/AO)
(I) | (a) | Name of the candidate for Appointment | |
(b) | His / her relationship with the Government Servant | ||
(c) | Age (date of birth), educational qualifications and experience, if any | ||
(d) | Post (date of birth), educational qualifications and experience, if any | ||
(e) | Whether there is vacancy in that post within the ceiling of 5% prescribed under the scheme of compassionate appointment | ||
(f) | Whether the post to be filled is included in the Central Secretariat Clerical Service or not | ||
(g) | Whether the relevant Recruitment Rules provide for direct recruitment | ||
(h) | Whether the candidate fulfils the requirements of the Recruitment Rules for the post | ||
(i) | Apart from waiver of Employment Exchange / Staff Selection Commission procedure what other relaxation are to be given | ||
(II) | Whether the facts mentioned in Part-A have been verified by the office and if so, indicate the records | ||
(III) | If the Government servant dies / retired on medical grounds more than 5 years back, why the case was not sponsored earlier. | ||
(IV) | Personal recommendation of Head of the Department in the Ministry / Department / Office (with his signature and office stamp / seal) |
S. No. | Parameters | Point allotted to the parameters | Points scored by the candidate |
1. | Income of the Family (Total 40 points) | ||
i) | Family Pension/Pension* (Basic including DA) | 20 | |
ii) | Terminal benefits i.e. Lump sum amount received by the family on death of Government Servant (i.e DCR Gratuity, GPF/PPF A/C balance, CGEGIS, Leave encashment) | 10 | |
iii) | Income Apart from Service Benefits – Annual income from Movable/Immovable property as well as annual income earned by the other member(s) of the family | 10 | |
2. | Movable/Immovable Assets/Property of the family (Latest Market Value) including fixed Deposit/Bank Balance, other investments, LIC claim etc. (excluding Service Benefits received as mentioned in point 1(iii) above) | 05 | |
3. | Loans (from Banks/Financial Institutes)/ Debts outstanding against the family | 10 | |
4. | Left over service of deceased/ Medically Invalidated Employee | 10 | |
5. | Time period since death or retirement on medical grounds* of Government Servant (Immediate relief) | 10 | |
6. | No. of Dependents (other than minor children) | 05 | |
7. | Minor children of deceased Government servant | 10 | |
8. | Dependent (physically and mentally challenged (without age limit) | 10 | |
9. | TOTAL | 100 |
* Medically invalidated in terms of DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
- In addition to the above, cases where the widow of deceased employee / wife of employee who has retired on medical ground has applied for compassionate appointment for herself, she shall get 10 additional points as grace points. This will be in line with the general principle that the widow / wife needs to be given preference for compassionate appointment.
- In addition to the above, cases where the deceased employee / employee who has retired on medical ground was working in essentially manual posts of MTS, Canteen Staff (Kitchen and washing) and Staff Car Driver/Dispatch Rider an additional 05 points as grace points shall be given.
Source: Department of Telecommunications