General Pool Residential Accommodation – Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility and procedure to avail General Pool Accommodation – Compilation of Frequently Asked Questions by Directorate of Estates

Directorate of Estates has issued frequently asked questions on General Pool Accommodation.

Government residential accommodations under the administrative control of Directorate of Estates in Delhi and at 31 stations outside Delhi constitute the General Pool residential accommodation (GPRA). Allotment of GPRA is governed as per provisions of the Allotment of Government Residences (General Pool in Delhi) Rules, 1963 and executive instructions issued there under.

All Central Government employees and the employees working under the Government of NCT of Delhi, who are working in the offices, which have been specifically declared eligible for General Pool, are entitled for allotment of accommodation from General Pool.

  • Applications for allotment of entitled type of accommodation can be made at any time after regular appointment / joining on transfer at the place of posting in the organisations, declared eligible for GPRA. The applications received up to the last day of the month are included in the Waiting List of the subsequent month.
  • All applications are required to be made on the prescribed DE-2 forms, duly forwarded by their  administrative offices.   Such   application   forms   can  be  purchased   from  the Information and Facilitation Centre (IFC), Directorate of Estates, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi, on payment of Rs. 5/- each.
  • The General Pool accommodation has been classified in 11 categories (excluding Hostel accommodation).
  • The entitlement of an applicant for a particular type is determined with reference to the basic pay drawn by him on 1st January of the current calendar year.
  • The eligibility pay for various types of accommodation is as under:
Type of ResidenceEligibility Pay Range
ILess than Rs.3050
VIIIRs.26000 and above

Hostel accommodation

Single Suite without kitchenRs.6500
Single Suite with kitchenRs.6500
Double SuiteRs.8500

Officers eligible for Type IV (Spl) and higher accommodation may also apply for accommodation belowย  their entitlement.ย ย  ย However, ย suchย  allotment ย will ย be ย made ย on maturityย ย ย  ย ofย ย ย  ย theirย ย ย  ย turnย ย ย  ย inย ย ย  ย theย ย ย  Waitingย  List ย for suchย accommodation

  • The concept of Rolling Allotment Year has been introduced with effect from 1.4.2002. Applications are invited from all eligible employees instead of on restricted basis as was done in the past. There is now a rolling allotment year with cut off date as on 1st  January of each calendar year for determination of eligibility for various types of accommodation.
  • In case eligibility for Government accommodation undergoes change after submission of application in a particular calendar year, the applicant may apply for allotment of the entitled  type of  accommodation as   per his  revised emoluments.

Waiting List for Type I to IV

The length of service i.e. the date from which the Government servant has been continuously in service under the Central Government or State Government [including the period of Foreign Service] is the criteria for the purpose of preparing the waiting list for Type-I to IV accommodation,

Waiting List for Type IV-Spl and higher

The Waiting List for Type-IV(Spl) and higher accommodation (including Hostel type) is prepared with reference to the earliest date from which a Government servant has been continuously drawing emoluments relevant to a particular type of accommodation in a post under the Central Government or State Government or Foreign Service.

Change waiting list

  • Change  waiting  lists, area-wise/floor-wise,  are maintained  on โ€œfirst  come first servedโ€ basis for type I to IV accommodation.
  • The Government employees may apply for their desired locality/floor, on maturity of their turn in the initial waiting list.
  • For Type IV-Spl and higher types of accommodation (including Hostel), the List is prepared with reference to the earliest date from which an official has been continuously drawing emoluments relevant to a particular type of accommodation in a post under the Central Government or State Government or Foreign Service. A Unified Waiting List for Initial as well as Change is maintained for such categories of accommodation.
  • General Pool is the mother pool and within the General Pool, separate pools/quotas are maintained for specified    categories of Government employees.

Tenure Pool

  • A โ€˜Tenure Poolโ€™ of accommodation is maintained for All India Services Officers (IAS, IPS and Indian Forest Service) who are posted in Government of India on deputation basis, and on tenure basis with the Government of NCT of Delhi.
  • All  India  Service  Officers  are  allotted  accommodation  only  against  the  Tenure  Pool accommodation.

Lady Officers Pool

  • โ€˜Lady Officers Poolโ€™ is maintained separately for married lady officers and for single lady officers. Specified numbers of residential units have been earmarked in the โ€˜Lady officers Poolโ€™ which are determined from time to time. The Lady Officers are also eligible for allotment of accommodation from General Pool on maturity of their turn.
  • Allotment in Lady Officers Pool is made in the ratio of 2:1 to the married and single lady officers respectively. โ€˜Single ladyโ€™ category includes unmarried, divorcee and widow lady officers.
  • Change of accommodation to a Lady Officer is allowed only against the โ€˜Ladies Pool accommodationโ€™   unless their turn is covered in General Pool/Tenure Pool Waiting List.

No. of residential units in lady officers pool in various types are given as under:

TypeNumber of units

SC/ST Pool

  • 10% of vacancies in Type I and II and 5% of vacancies in Type III and IV accommodation have been reserved for SC and ST employees.
  • The allotment is made to the SC and ST employees in the ratio of 2:1. These employees are also eligible for allotment of accommodation from General Pool on maturity of their turn.

Out-of-turn  Allotment

  • Out-of-turn allotments are made on medical and functional grounds.
  • Medical grounds on which out-of-turn allotments are considered and categories of Government servants who are eligible for out-of-turn allotment on medical ground are given inย Annexure I.ย Requests for out-of-turn allotment on medical grounds were considered by the two committees of officers constituted for the purpose.
  • The Committees may also consider requests of Government servants on extreme compassionate grounds and such allotments shall be restricted to a total of not more than 5 houses in each type (type I to V only) in a calendar year.
  • The overall ceiling of out-of-turn allotments has been fixed at 5% of vacancies occurring inย eachย typeย of houses inย a calendar year.
  • Allotments are made on maturity of turn on the Initial or Change Waiting List of Pool  (General Pool, Ladies Pool and Tenure Pool).
  • A residence falling vacant is offered to an applicant desiring a change of accommodation in that locality/floor.  If there are no applicants for said locality/floor in the Change Waiting List, the residence is offered to the senior-most applicant on the Initial Waiting List.
  • Generally, due to the Change Waiting List, houses in Central and popular localities/floor are not allotted against Initial Waiting List in respect of type I to IV accommodation.
  • Since a unified waiting list is maintained for initial and change allotment, allotment in popular localities/floor will be made as per the waiting list in respect of type IV (Spl) and higher accommodation. Allotment in a particular type shall be made to applicants having the earliest priority date for that type of residences. Each officer is made two allotments in each  type  of   accommodation,  i.e.,  initial  and   change.

Acceptance of allotment and follow up action

  • On receipt of offer letter of allotment, the Government servant is required to convey his acceptance on the prescribed form, within a period of 8 days from the date of issue of the letter.
  • The acceptance forms are available at the website of the Directorate at URL or at the Information & Facilitation Centre, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  • The acceptance my be submitted either personally or through an authorized representative along with the following documents :

a) Eligibility certificate duly authenticated by the Department that he/she is working in an eligible office.

b)   SC/ST certificate in case the allotment is from SC/ST Pool.

c)   A certificate from the office regarding marital status on the date of allotment in case the allotment has been made from Lady Officers Pool (Single).

d)   Surety bond in the prescribed form [in case the employee is temporary]

e)   Identity card

f)    A certificate to the effect that no allotment has been made by the Government of NCT of Delhi/CBI from their Pool to a person junior in the Waiting List to the said allottee.

  • On completion ย of necessaryย  formalities, the Directorate ย of Estates ย will issue the authority slip, along with two copies of the rent bill (one for the DDO concerned for deduction of licence fee from the monthly pay bill and one for the allottee).
  • The allottee ย should approach ย the CPWD Service ย Center ย concerned ย for taking over the physical ย possession ย of the allotted house within the validity period of the authority slip.
  • While taking possession ย of the flat from the CPWD ย service center, the following precautions are recommended :
    (a) ย The allottee should count each and every item of fitting / furnishing provided inthe flat to avoid inconvenience at later stage.
    (b)ย  Each deficiency should be brought out to the notice of the CPWD staff under acknowledgement.
    (c) He should put his own lock in the house.
    (d)ย  He should obtain occupation report, duly signed by him and the Junior Engineer, CPWD.
    (e)ย  ย He ย should ย approach ย MCD/NDMC/Electricity ย authority ย concerned ย for ย security water and electricity connections.
    (f)ย  ย Rent shall be charged from the date of occupation of the accommodation or the 8thย  ย day from the date of the allotment ย letter,ย  whichever ย is earlier.ย However, licence fee shall be charged from the date of handing of the accommodation to the allottee in cases where the CPWD certifies that accommodation was not fit for occupation and as a result thereof the officer could not occupy the accommodation within the prescribed ย  period.
  • The application for change of accommodation is entertained in the same type only. The change to a higher type of accommodation is treated as a case of initial/fresh allotment.
  • Only one change is permissible in a particular type of accommodation.
  • The allottee desirous of change is required to submit an application in the prescribed form duly forwarded by his office, at the concerned allotment section. A registration slip, showing the change ย waiting list number ย and the locality/floor ย opted,ย  is issued to the applicant.

Modification of change preferences :

  • Applicants are entitled to make one modification in their change preferences.
  • Normally, an allottee can modify his change preference to another locality/floor before the issue of allotment as per his change application.
  • An officerโ€™s name, who refuses allotment of a quarter given in change, is taken off from the list for a period of six months.  He is, however, considered for change on receipt of a request only after the period of debarment.
  • The applications for modification of preference received during the calendar month shall be considered in the subsequent month.

Vacation of previous accommodation on acceptance of change allotment

  • On receipt of allotment letter for change of accommodation, the allottee is required to convey his acceptance within a period of 8 days from the date of issue of the allotment letter and to vacate the previous accommodation in his possession within a period of 15 days from the date of occupation of the new accommodation.
  • Failure to vacate the previous accommodation  within the prescribed  period results in cancellation of allotment with penal consequences such as charging of licence fee at  damages  rates,  cancellation  of  allotment,  eviction  proceedings     under  the   Public Premises Act.
  • In  certain  cases  of  double  occupation,  allotment  of  both  the  houses  is  liable  to  be cancelled.
  • If a Government servant is already in occupation of a lower type of accommodation and is offered initial allotment of higher type, he can accept the offer technically and may apply for change of accommodation as per his preference.
  • After completion of acceptance form and change form, duly forwarded by the Department concerned, he will get the rent bill prepared in the section concerned and register himself for change at the IFC. Meanwhile, he will continue to occupy and pay licence fee for the lower  type  of  accommodation, besides  one  monthโ€™s  licence  fee  in respect  of  higher accommodation offered.
  • A Government servant, who is not in possession of any accommodation, can also apply for   area  and   floor   restriction/change   accommodation,   after   conveying   technical acceptance of the offer of initial allotment. He will be charged licence fee for a period of one month only and will be eligible to draw HRA till an accommodation is offered on the Change Waiting List.
  • The request for restriction of area/floor can also be entertained prior to the maturity of the turn of the officer on the initial waiting list and the officer is put on change waiting list without charging any extra licence fee, after his turn on the initial waiting list is covered.
  • In cases where the offer of allotment does not reach the applicant well within the period prescribed for acceptance of allotment, or the officer concerned is not in a position to accept the offer by due date on account of his being on leave, tour, etc. the request for reconsideration of allotment is entertained by the Directorate of Estates, provided the reasons for reconsideration are duly authenticated by the department concerned.
  • The names of such applicants are included in the waiting list of the net month and re- allotment    is    made    on    maturity    of    their    turn    again    on    the   Waiting    List.

The allotment of garage is available only in certain types of accommodation. An allottee seeking allotment of garage may apply in writing on a plain paper, indicating the Registration No. of the vehicle in his possession, along with a copy of the Registration Certificate. Allotment of garage is made on โ€˜first come first servedโ€™ basis. However, preference in allotment is given to the allottees residing in the upper floors of Government accommodation. Allottees of ground floor accommodation will be allotted garage after meeting the requirement of the allottees of upper floors of the building. One change of garage is also admissible in each type.

  • For the personal convenience of the two allottees, mutual exchange of accommodation is permitted on a request received from both allottees through their respective departments.
  • Such exchange is however, permissible only in case both the residences are in the same type/category and locality/floor and both the officers are reasonably expected to be on duty in Delhi and to reside in their mutually exchanged residence for at least six months.
  • The recovery of monthly licence fee for the accommodation is made by the DDO through the monthly pay bill of the allottee and the monthly recovery schedule is sent to the Directorate of Estates for posting in the individual licence fee account.
  • The licence fee is charged at flat rate prescribed by the Government every three years. The existing rates of licence fee for various types of accommodation in General Pool are indicated in Annexure II.
  • The  licence  fee for the retention  period  permissible  under  the rules,  in the event  of retirement, transfer, death, etc. is required to be deposited in advance by the allottee through pay order/bank draft, drawn in favour of the Assistant Director of Estates (Cash).

An allotment is cancelled or is deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of the concessional period permissible under rules after an allottee ceases to be on duty in an office eligible for Government accommodation or he/she vacates the residence on his own. The retention period admissible including the concessional period, and the rates of licence fee prescribed thereof for different situations are indicated in Annexure III.

  • An allottee seeking retention of accommodation may apply in writing on a plain paper within one month from the date of occurrence of the events necessitating such permission. The request for retention should be accompanied by the following:
  • A copy of the related Government order;
  • supporting documents in case the retention is sought on medical/educational grounds;
  • Advance payment of applicable licence fee at normal/enhanced ย rate for the period of retention sought, through Bank draft/ pay order, drawn in favour of โ€˜Assistant Director of Estatesย (Cash)โ€™ย ย ย 
  • The Government has permitted special dispensation in the event of transfer of a Central Civilian  officer  to  the North  Eastern  Region  States,  Sikkim,  A  &  N  Islands  and Lakshadweep who   are   permitted  retention  of   entitled   type   of   Government accommodation for the bonafide residential use by their family, on payment of normal licence fee, for the entire period of their posting. Facility of retention of accommodation during posting in North-Eastern Region has been extended up to 30.6.2008.
  • All India Services officers, belonging to the State cadres of the North-Eastern Region, Sikkim, A & N Islands and Lakshadweep are permitted retention of Government accommodation at their last place of posting for a period of 3 years from the date of their reversion from central deputation to their parent cadres.
  • The Central Civilian Officers posted in the border fencing projects at Indo-Pak and Indo- Bangla borders  are  permitted  retention  of  accommodation,  beyond  the  concessional period of 2 months on payment of double the normal licence fee in case they are in occupation  of  entitled  type  of accommodation.  Wherever  such  employees  are  in occupation of accommodation below their entitlement, retention is permitted on payment of 1-1/2 times the normal licence fee.
  • The request for retention of accommodation in these cases are required to be made on the  prescribed  format,  duly  forwarded  by  the  offices,  within  one  month  of  joining.
  • After cancellation of allotment and the period of retention permitted by the Directorate of Estates is over, the allottee is required to vacate the premises immediately as no further retention is permissible on any grounds whatsoever.
  • The allottee is charged licence fee at damages rates as fixed from time to time. For the period of unauthorized occupation, present rates of damages are as under :Type I to IVย Rs. 175 ย per sq. mtr. Per month Type IV-Spl & aboveย Rs. 275 per sq. mtr. Per month
  • Eviction from the premises is also resorted to under provisions of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act 1971. For recovery of arrears of licence fee/ damages, the Government also initiates recovery proceedings under the PP Act 1971.
  • During the period of allotment, the allottee is required to give 10 daysโ€™ notice to the Directorate  of  Estates  before  vacating  the  premises.  When  the  allotment  stands cancelled, no such notice is required.
  • Before   vacating   the  premises,   the  allottee   should  get   the  electricity   and  water connections disconnected and final bill settled with the local bodies.
  • The   CPWD   Service   Center   be   handed   over   the   vacant   possession   of   the accommodation, after getting inventories checked and the allottee should obtain the vacation report, duly signed by the JE concerned. A copy of the vacation report should also be sent to the Directorate of Estates.โ€™
  • Date of vacation of the quarter will be the date of issue of the vacation report by the Junior  Engineers, CPWD concerned.
  • After vacation of the residence, the allottee should apply for the NDC in the prescribed proforma.  It should be duly forwarded by the department concerned.
  • He should ascertain the period for which the information regarding payment of licence fee are missing in the records of Directorate of Estates.
  • In case the recovery has already been made, he should get a certificate duly signed by the concerned DDO. Otherwise, he should deposit the outstanding dues so that the NDC could be issued.
  • While personally residing in the premises allotted, the Government official may share the accommodation, with prior intimation on the prescribed format, to the Directorate of Estates within a period of one month. Following categories of persons have been declared eligible sharer with prior intimation:
    • Central Government. Employees eligible for General Pool accommodation;
    • Staff of semi-Government organisations;
    • Staff of corporate bodies controlled by the Government ;
    • Foreign students studying in India and sponsored by MEA;
    • Teachers of recognized schools :
    • Family of the offices transferred to other stations;
    • Members of defence forces (during the period of emergency); Retired Central Government servants;
    • Reservists of army, air force, etc.
  • If an allottee shares the accommodation with an ineligible person or he himself does not reside in the premises, but the same is occupied by others (whether eligible for sharing or not), he is held to have sublet the house.
  • Sharing  of  accommodation,  even  with  eligible  persons,  without  prior  intimation,  also amounts to subletting of house.
  • In  case  of  subletting  or  sharing  of  accommodation  with  unauthorised  persons,  theDirectorate of Estates may, after detailed enquiry:
    • a)   Cancel the allotment;
    • b)   Debar the Government servant for further allotment for the remaining period of service;
    • c)    Take up the matter with the administrative department for initiating disciplinary proceedings  against  the deliquent  Government  servant  under  Rule 14 of the CCS (CCA)  Conduct  Rules, 1965.
  • Residential  accommodation  is  allotted  to  a  Government  servant  for  his  bonafide residential use and, therefore, its uses other than residential are treated as misuse and thereby attract penal provisions under the Allotment Rules.
  • Misuse of garage by allowing persons to occupy the same also entails cancellation of allotment after due notice.
  • No  unauthorised  construction,  even  temporary  in  nature,  can  be  undertaken  by  an allottee.  In  case  such  unauthorised  construction  are  reported  to  the  Directorate  of Estates, the allottee is issued notice for removal of the same within a period of 30 days failing which the allotment is liable to be cancelled, with all penal consequences, after expiry of  the  notice period.
  • An allottee can secure temporary allotment of Government accommodation of the type to which he is entitled or of the type in which he is residing, in the same or nearby locality, for the marriage of any member of his family or self.
  • The period of allotment is normally restricted to seven days and the application on theย  ย prescribedย  ย formatย  ย isย ย  requiredย  ย toย  ย beย ย  submittedย  ย alongย  ย withย  ย necessary documentary proofs.
CategoryRate of licence fee
(1)Central Government Employees eligible for General Pool residential accommodation and sitting Members of Parliament:
Type I to IVThree times  of Special  Licence

Licence fee at following rates is payable in advance for the entire period of allotment :

Type IV (Special) and higher (including hostel)Five times of Special LicenceFee
(2) Central Government Employees working in officers ineligible for General Pool residential accommodation and employees working in Public Sector Bodies/Undertakings and State Government Employees.Twice of the rate indicated in (1)above.
  • Government permits regularization/ allotment of alternate accommodation of entitled type to
    the eligible ward/spouse of an allottee of General Pool who has since retired or died while in service.
  • The basic conditions in this regard are that:
  • The applicant should be working in an office eligible for accommodation from General Pool;
  • The retired /deceased allottee or any member of his family does not own a house/flat at the place of posting;
  • The request for regularisation/ alternate accommodation is submitted on the prescribed format within 2months after the retirement/death of the allottee;
  • The applicant should not have drawn HRA and he clears the dues outstanding in the name of retired/deceased allottee.
  • In addition, the following conditions are also required to be fulfilled:

In retirement cases:

  • The applicant should be residing and sharing the accommodation with the retired allottee and should not have drawn HRA for a period of 3 years preceding the date of retirement.
  • In case the period of appointment/posting at the station is less than 3 years, he should not            have   drawn HRA for the  said period.

In death cases

  • If the eligible ward/spouse was already in service, he/she should not have drawn HRA for a period    of six months.
  • The case of ward/spouse may be considered in case they are appointed, after the death of the allottee, within a period of  2  years and no HRA is drawn.
  • General Pool residential accommodation is exclusively meant for allotment to Central Government employees working in offices declared eligible for the purpose.
  • As per decision of the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation, employees working in Public Sector Undertakings,   Autonomous Bodies, Commissions, etc., are not eligible for allotment of General Pool residential accommodation.
  • However, special dispensation has been allowed with the approval of the Cabinet Committee on Accommodation in respect of Central Government employees joining PSUs, etc., at the time of their initial constitution. The guidelines dated 11.10.2000 provide, inter alia, that:(a)  In cases where the services of Government officials are made available to PSUs/Statutory/Autonomous Bodies, etc., on deputation basis at the time of initial constitution, retention of General Pool accommodation may be allowed for a period of 5 years on payment of the amount equivalent to the house rent allowance admissible to the officer plus the flat rate of licence fee prescribed by the Central Government from time to time in respect of General Pool residential accommodation. The concerned organizations may, however, recover normal licence fee from the officials.(b)   Officers posted to PSUs/Statutory/Autonomous Bodies, on mandatory basis or under Central Staffing Scheme may be considered eligible for allotment/retention of General Pool Accommodation and the concernedorganisation should pay an amount equivalent to the House Rent Allowance admissible to the officer, plus the flat rate of licence fee prescribed by the Central Govt., from time to time, in respect of the General Pool Residential Accommodation to be allotted/retained by such officers.  The organisation may, however, recover normal licence fee from the concerned officers.(c)  In respect of each case under (b) above, the office of the Establishment Officer, Department of Personnel & Training shall issue a certificate that the posting of the officer concerned is on mandatory basis under CentralStaffing Scheme without seeking his/her option and is in public interest.
  • The Directorate ย of Estates maintains ย Holiday Homes and Touring Officers Hostels at following cities :
    Holiday Homes : Shimla, Kanyakumari, Mysore, Amatkantak (MP), Ooty.
    Touring Officers Hostels :Bangalore, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, ย Kolkata, Mysore, Mumbai.
  • List of Holiday Homes/Touring Guest Houses under the control of Directorateย of Estates/CPWD, their addresses and the name of the allotting authorities are in Annexure-IV.

The Directorate  of Estates  has set up an Information  and Facilitation  Centre  (IFC) at Nirman  Bhawan, New Delhi,  which is operational  since  July 1997.   The  IFC  provides following information:-

(a)       Availability of accommodation โ€“ locality and type.

(b)ย ย ย ย ย  ย Waiting list position โ€“ available at NICNET.

(c)        Change waiting list position โ€“ available at NICNET.

(d)        Licence fee payable by an allottee.

(e)       Availability of holiday homes/touring officers hostel.

(f)         Display of names, designation, room numbers and telephone numbers of officers.

(g)        NICNET can be accessed through โ€œTelnet 164.100.12โ€ โ€œlogin: estatesโ€ and โ€œpassword: estateโ€.

Grievances Redressal

  • Directorate of Estates follows a grievance redressal procedure as laid down by the Government of  India. Normally, Grievances are examined and settled within a period of one month with appropriate reply to the complainant.
  • Officers of Directorate of Estates, right from Director of Estates to Assistant Director of Estates are available, except on Friday to the visitors for attending to their grievances.
  • Additional  Director  of  Estates  has  been designated  as  Grievances  Officers  whose telephone number is 23061372.

Directorate of Estates has issued a detailed Citizenโ€™s Charter which was circulated in September, 1997 to all officers/sections ย in the Directorate of Estates for implementation. ย The Citizen Charter is a commitment of the Directorate of Estates to the ย in the Directorate of Estates for implementation.ย 

Annexure I

Out-of-turn allotments on Medical Grounds

The allotment on medical grounds including ground floor/central area shall be made in the case  of  the  Government  Servants  and  their  spouses,  dependent  children  and dependent parents,
suffering from any of the following diseases:

(a)        Tuberculosis: Pulmonary tuberculosis (serious cases only):

(b)        Cancer Cases: Malignant neoplasm:

(c)         Heart  ailments:  Of  an exceptionally  serious  nature  and in need of urgent treatment.

(d)        Disabled persons:
(i)            Blindโ€“ Those who suffer from either of the following conditions:
(1)        Total absence of sight:

(2)        Visual Acuity not exceeding 6/90 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with

correcting lenses:

(3)        Impression of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.
(ii)            Deaf:  Those having hearing loss of more than 90 decibels in the better ear(profound

impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.

iii) Orthopaedically  handicapped:    To  the  extent  of  40%  and  above disability.
(iv)           Mentally handicapped/spastic dependent.
(1)        The list of diseases,  on the basis of which discretionary allotment  may be considered

as above, is not an exhaustive one.  The Committees may consider any other life threatening diseases or other serious disabilities causing permanent impairment, for this purpose.

(2)ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย In cases where disability of dependent parents is the sole ground for asking for discretionary allotment, the Committees should consider the facts and circumstances along with merits of each case carefully, before making their recommendations.

Annexure II

Flat rates of licence fee applicable ย for General Poolย  residential accommodationย throughout the country w.e.f. 1.7.2004

Sr. No.Type of accommodationRange of living area (in sq. mt.Rate of licence fee p.m.Remarks
1.IUp to 30Rs. 28Quarters sharing toilet facilities meant for more than two quarters
2.I-do-Rs. 36Quarters sharing toilet facilities meant for two quarters
3.I-do-Rs. 64Old quarters with plinth area less than 300 sq. ft.
4.I-do-Rs. 80Old quarters with plinth area of 300 sq. ft. or more
5.IIMore than26.5 and up to 40Rs. 143
6.II41 to 50Rs. 183
7.IIIMore than34.5 and up to 55Rs. 217
8.III56 to 65Rs. 265
9.IV59 to 75Rs. 293
10.IV76 to 91.5Rs. 367
11.V (DII)Up to 10-6Rs. 520
12.V (DI)Beyond106Rs. 632
13.VI (CII)Up to159.5Rs. 773
14.VI(CI)Beyond159.5Rs. 924
15.VII(E.II)189.5 to224.5Rs. 1087
16.VIII(E.III_243 to 350Rs. 1557
17.VIII (E.III)350.5 to522Rs. 2290

Hostel Accommodation

18.Single suite21.5 to 30Rs. 198
19.Single suite30.5 to 39.5Rs. 280
20.Double suite47.5 to 60Rs. 385

Forย ย  ย servantย ย  ย quartersย ย  ย andย ย  ย garagesย ย  ย allottedย ย  ย independentย ย  ย ofย  ย theย ย  ย regular accommodation/hostel, following flat rates may be recovered:

1.Servant quarterRs. 36
2.GarageRs. 22

Note:ย the rates would be subject to the ceiling of 10% of the monthly emoluments of the allottee.

Annexure III

Permissible period of retention

EventsPeriod of retention of the residence under SR 317- B-11 and licence fee payablePeriod of retention under SR   317-B-22   and licence fee payable
(i)Resignation, dismissal or removal from Service, termination of service or unauthorised absence without permission1 month โ€“ normalNo retention is admissible
(ii)Retirement(including voluntary           retirement, retirement on invalidation) or terminal leave2 months โ€“ normal2 months  โ€“ double2 months โ€“ 4 times2 months โ€“ 6 times
(iii)        Death      of      the allottee12 months- normal12 months- Normal
(iv) Transfer to a place outside Delhi2 months โ€“ Normal6 months โ€“ Double
(v)Transfer  to  an ineligible  office  in Delhi2 months โ€“ Normal6 months โ€“ Double
(vi) On proceeding on foreign service in India2 months6 months โ€“ Double
(vii)Temporary transfer in India or transfer to a place outside India4 months6 months _ Double
(viii)Leave (other than leave preparatory to retirement, refused leave,     terminal leave medical leave, maternity leave or study leave)Four months โ€“ Normal6 months โ€“ Double
(ix)      Study leave in or outside India(a) In case the officer in occupation accommodation below his entitlement, for the entire period of study leave โ€“ Normal.(b)In case the occupation of entitled type accommodation, alternateaccommodation of one type below is allotted on expiry of 6 months โ€“ Normal.Not admissibleNot admissible
(x)         Deputation outside IndiaSix months- Normal6 months -Double
(xi)        Leave on medical groundsFull   period   of   leave   โ€“ Normalโ€“
(xii)       On proceeding on trainingFull   period   of   training- normalโ€“


List of Holiday Homes/Touring Guest Houses under the control of Directorate of Estates/CPWD, their addresses and the name of the allotting authority

Name of the
LocationAllotting authority
1. KolkataNizam Palace, 234/4, Acharya J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-20Estate manager, 5, esplanade
East, Kolkata-760069
Tel. 033-22486333
2. MumbaiPritistha Bhawan, 101M.K. Road, Near ChurchGate, Mumbai-400020Estate Manager
101 M.K. Road,
Near Church Gate, Mumbai-
Tel. 022-222031276
3. ChennaiShastri Bhawan,
25 Haddows Road, Chennai-600006
Asstt.Estates Manager
Ist Floor, Shastri Bhawan,
25-Haddows Road, Shastri
Bhawan, Chennai. Te. 044-28277759
4. BangaloreCentral Government Officers Accommodation, Enquiry Office (Civil), CPWD Quarters, Domlur, Bangalore-560071Executive Engineer, BCD-II, CPWD, 2-wing, 2nd Floor, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bangalore- 560035
Tel. 080- 25535363
5. LucknowKendranchal Colony, Sector-R, Aliganj, Lucknow-226020Executive Engineer, Lucknow Central Division I, CPWD, GSI Flats, Aliganj, Lucknow-226020
6. Delhiโ€œFโ€ Block, Curzon RoadHostel, K.G. Marg,New Delhi-110001Asstt. Director (Hostel), Directorate of Estates, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110011Tel. 011-23062423
7. TrivandrumCGO Complex, Vollayani, P.O. Poonkulam, Trivendrum-655522Executive Engineer, Trivandrum Central Division, CPWDVollayani, P.O. Poonkulam, Trivendrum-655522Te. 0471-2481733

Holiday Homes

1. ShimlaGrand Hotel, The Mall, Shimla โ€“ 170001Assistant Estate Manager, Grand Hotel, Shimla-171001
2. KanyakumariHoliday Home for Central Govt. Employees, Kovalam Road, (Near Light House), KanyakumariSupdt. Engineer MDUCD-I, CPWD, Madurai-625002
3. AmarkantakCentral GovernmentHoliday Home, Amarkantak (with Madhya Pradesh Tourism)Director of Estates, NirmanBhawan, New Delhi.
4. MysoreHoliday Home, CPWD Office Campus, T. Narasipur Road, Mysore- 570011Executive Engineer, Mysore Central Division, CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, T. Narsipur Road, Sidhartha Nagar, Mysore- 570011.

(While prescribed forms are available in the Directorate of Estates for booking of suites in the 4 Holiday Homes mentioned above, the reservation for Touring Officers Hostel can be done by sending request on plain paper.)

Charges for the stay:

The following charges are payable in advance at the following rates w.e.f. ย at Grand Hotel Shimla:

Category of accommodationServing Central Govt. employees on duty/MPs (In Rs.)Central Govt. employees on leave(In Rs.)State/ PSU etc employees on duty(In Rs.)State/ PSU etc employees on leave(In Rs.)Private persons accompanying as guest of servants/MPs (In Rs.)
Married Suite(2 Bedded)105210315420525
Family Suite(4 Bedded)140280420560700
VIP Suite(4 Bedded) (Mayo Block)300600090012001800
Dormitory(per Bed)50100150150150
  • The above rates would stand reduced by 50% during off-season from 16th ย July to 30th Septemberย and
  • 16th January to 31st March.
  • The ย following ย charges ย are ย payable ย in ย advance ย at ย the ย following ย rates ย w.e.f.ย ย ย  ย at Kanyakumari,ย Amarkantak, OOTYย and Mysore Holiday Homes:
Description of
Government employees/MPs (in Rs.)
Employees of
State Government PSU/ Government companies (in Rs.)
Private persons
accompanying guests of MPs/ Central Government servants (in Rs.)
Double Bed Suite40100165
Three/Four BedSuite50145245

Note: Additional licence fee of Rs.10/- from Government ย servants, Rs.15/- from State Government employees/Public Sector Undertaking and Rs.25/- from private persons will be charged for each additional persons adjusted over and above he specified capacity of a suite. The following rates are chargeable for stay in the Touring Officers Hostels:

Category of accommodationServing Central Govt. employees on duty/MPs (In Rs.)Central Govt. employees on leave(In Rs.)State/ PSU etc employees on duty(In Rs.)State/ PSU etc employees on leave(In Rs.)Private persons accompanying as guest of servants/MPs (In Rs.)
Single bed15252550100
Double bed305050100195

Download Directorate of Estates FAQ on General Pool Accommodation.

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