Railway appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Relaxation of Age

Railway Employment on Compassionate grounds – Relaxation of upper and lower age in certain circumstances
RBE No. 145/2018
No. E(NG)II/2018/RC-1/32
New Delhi, dated 20.09.2018
The General Manager(P)
All Indian Railways & PUs
Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds – Relaxation in upper age limit regarding.
Attention is invited to para IX (Authority competent to make appointments on compassionate grounds) and para VI(a) (Qualification and conditions to be fulfilled) Board’s letter dated 12.12.1990 which lays down that normally the persons seeking appointment on compassionate grounds should fulfil the conditions of eligibility regarding age and educational qualifications prescribed for appointment to the posts or grade concerned. However, the upper age limit may be freely relaxed on merits of the cases. The lower age limit of 18 years normally required for appointment in Government may also be relaxed upto one year with the personal approval of the General Manager. Relaxation of the lower age limit beyond one year will require the approval of the Ministry of Railways. In making appointments on compassionate grounds, Divisional Railway Managers may relax age limit in the case of appointment to Group ‘D’ posts.
The issue of delegation of power to DRM/CWM regarding relaxation of upper age limit in making compassionate grounds appointment was under consideration in this office. It has now been decided by the Board that wherever DRM/CWM is competent to make the appointment on compassionate grounds, they may grant relaxation in upper age limit also.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)II,
Railway Board
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