Prior Permission for leaving station to travel abroad on leave
Form prescribed for Prior Permission to leave station when travelling abroad on leave – DOPT Instructions referring to earlier instructions – Decision on granting such permission should be taken with 21 days from the date of application
DoPT has issued an OM regarding Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters for going abroad while on leave. The request will be processed within 21 days from the date of application.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(Establishment Division)
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated July 27th, 2015
Subject: Requirement of taking prior permission for leaving station/ headquarters for going abroad while on leave.
Undersigned is directed to refer to the Office Memorandum mentioned in the margin and to say that as per the existing instructions, when Government servant applies for leave for going abroad on a private visit, separately prior permission of the Competent authority for such visit is also required. While granting such permission, many factors are required to be kept in view. For example, permission may be denied in the interest of security. Individuals facing investigation/inquiry on serious charges, who may try to evade apprehension by police authorities, or facing the inquiry, may also not be permitted to leave the country. On the other hand, it is also desirable that requests of Government servants for such permission are dealt with expeditiously.
2. Keeping the above in view, it has been decided that requests for permission for private visits abroad may be processed in the attached formats. As clarified vide the OM dated 1st September, 2008, the competent authority for granting permission will be as per instructions issued by the Cadre Authority/administrative Ministry/Department. In the absence of any such instructions, it is the leave sanctioning authority. In case due to specific nature of work in a Department, administrative exigencies, or some adverse factors against the Government servant etc., it is not expedient to grant permission to the Government servant, such decision for refusal should not be taken below the level of Head of Department. It may be ensure,: that the decisions are conveyed to the Government servants within 21 days of receipt of complete application to the competent authority. Any lacunae in the application should be brought to the notice of the Government servant within one week of the receipt of the application. In the event of failure on the part of the competent authority to communicate its decision to the Government employee concerned with 21 days of receipt of the application, the employee concerned shall be free to assume that permission has been granted to him.
3. If in case some modifications are considered necessary due to specialised nature of work handled by any organisation, changes may be made with the approval of this Department.
(M P Rama Rao)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Download DoPT OM No.11013/8/2015-Estt.A-III dated 27.07.2015
Part A -To be filled by the Government servant applying for visit abroad
I. Name and Designation
2. Pay
3. Ministry/ Department
4. Passport No.
5. Details of private foreign travels to be undertaken:
Period of travel | Name of foreign countries to be visited | Purpose | Estimated expenditure (travel, borad, lodging, visa, misc., etc.) | Source of funds |
6. Details of private foreign travel undertaken during the last four years
Period of travel | Name of foreign countries to be visited | Purpose |
Name and Designation
Part B – To be filled by the Administration
1. Whether the Government servant is handling large amounts of government cash.
2. Whether the Government servant is dealing with secret/ top secret matters.
3. Whether any case involving serious charges against the Government servant ts under investigation (Details)
Whether the Government
servant is under suspension.
5. Whether any disciplinary proceeding/ criminal case is pending against the Government servant (Details).
Date: .:
Name and Designation