Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers

Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS)

No. 4(4)/E.Coord/2015
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated 25th January, 2016.



Subject: Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS).

This Department has been receiving references seeking clarification on certain issues with reference to this Department’s OM of even number dated 05-01-2016 on the above subject. Accordingly the following clarification is issued
a) Approval of SCoS is not required in case of foreign visits of upto Joint Secretary level officers as part of foreign training component, Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) or any other training, irrespective of number of members and days”.
b) The provision of seeking approval of Cabinet Secretary for condoning delay in submission of proposals sent less than 15 days before the date of departure of delegation has been done away with.
c) Calculation of number of foreign visits in respect of any officer will be with reference to calendar year.


(N. Radhakrishnan)
Director (E. Coord)

Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of Government of India