Extension of gratuity to casual labourers

BSNL has extending Extension of gratuity to casual labourers

BSNL calling details of casual labourers working in all Circles for extending gratuity.

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Labour Establishment (LE) Section
Establishment Branch.


F.No.11-3/2014-LE                                                                                           Dated the 19th Aug 2015

All Heads of Circles,

Subject- Extension of gratuity to casual labourers -details regarding engagement details of casual labourers – reg


Kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated 31.03.2015 and subsequent reminder dated 13.05. 2015 (letters available in the intranet) requesting to furnish the following information in respect of the casual labourers currently being engaged in your Circle:-

Sl.No. Name of casual labourers Whether TSM status conferred Date of birth Date of engagement Present monthly  wages

2. The requisite information/ details has not been received from all Circles till date. In this connection, it is mentioned that the issue of extending the provisions of Payment of Gratuity Act 1972/ BSNL Gratuity Trust Rules to casual labourers is under consideration of BSNL Corporate office. The list of casual labourers who will be covered under the Rules, their monthly wages, date of engagement date of birth etc. are required to calculate the fund requirement for covering the employees under the said Act/ Rules.

3. As the issue is to be settled without any further delay, it is once again requested to furnish the information/ details immediately to this office. While requesting to furnish the details Vide letters referred above, it was specifically requested to sent the soft copy also on E-mail address jkmishra__2005 @yhaoo.co.in or sanjeevkumar.pradhan @gmail. com.

4. It is, therefore, requested to all Circles, who have not furnished the information till date, to furnish the same immediately to this office latest by 31.08.2015. It is also requested to all Circles to ensure that soft copy of the details has been mailed to the above e mail address.

The matter may be treated as URGENT.

Yours faithfully,

(J.K.M. Mishra)
Asstt. General Manager (ESTT)

Download BSNL letter F.No.11-3/2014-LE dated 19.08.2015

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