Employee who joined with fake Caste Certificates will be dismissed – DOPT Order

Central Government Posts classification

Fake Caste Certificate – Compilation of information about appointments made on the basis of fake/ false caste certificates and follow up action taken thereon

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions OM regarding compilation of information about appointments made on the basis of fake/ false caste certificates and follow up action taken thereon

No.36027/1/2017-Estt. (Res)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel and Training

Establishment (Res-I) Section

North Block, New Delhi

Dated June 1, 2017


Subject: Compilation of information about appointments made on the basis of fake/ false caste certificates and follow up action taken thereon – regarding

This Department have been 3 receiving references from various Ministries/ Departments regarding appointments made on the basis of fake/ false caste certificates despite the instructions contained in the Department’s OM. No. 11012/1/91-Estt.(A) dated 19.05.1993, which have been re-iterated vide OM. No. 3601 1/1/2012 Estt.(Res.) dated 10.01.2013. The instructions provide that if it is found that a Government servant had furnished false information or produced a false certificate in order to secure appointment, he should not be retained in service. Thus when an appointing authority comes to know that an employee had submitted a false/ fake caste certificate, it has to initiate action to remove or dismiss such an employee from service as per the provisions of relevant Service Rules.

2. It has been decided to collect information from all the Ministries /Departments about appointments made on the basis of fake/ false caste certificates and follow up action taken thereon. Therefore, all the Ministries /Departments are requested to collect information from all Organisations under their administrative control about the cases where the candidates got/ alleged to have got appointment against vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes on the basis of false/ fake caste certificate and send a consolidated report in this regard in the enclosed Proforma to this Department by 15.07.2017 positively.

Encls: As above.

(Raju Saraswat)

Under Secretary to the Government of India

Download DoPT OM No.36027/1/2017-Estt. (Res) dated 01.06.2017