Revision of emoluments and guidelines for research personnel in R&D programme

Revision of emoluments and guidelines on service conditions for research personnel engaged in R&D programme of the Central Government Departments/Agencies
Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110016
Dated: January 30, 2019
Subject: Revision of emoluments and guidelines on service conditions for research personnel engaged in R&D programme of the Central Government Departments/Agencies
Attention is invited to the Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014 issued by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India on the above subject. The matter has been further considered by the Government and the following revised emoluments have been approved. The O.M. is applicable to the research personnel working on R&D programmes funded by the Central Government Department/ Agencies.
1) Emoluments:
A. Junior Research Fellow (JRF) / Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
Sl. No. | Designation & Qualification | Revised Emoluments per month |
I | Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science OR Graduate / Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility
Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant
Professorship) and GATE.
b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc.
Qualification prescribed for JRF with two years of research
Rs. 31,000/- |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
Qualification prescribed for JRF with two years of research Experience
Rs. 35,000/-
A.1 After completion of two years, an external assessment by the Institution where the student is enrolled for Ph.D. is mandatory for upgradation from JRF to SRF. The fellow may be awarded SRF after successful assessment.
A.2 Annual Satisfactory Assessment is mandatory to continue the benefit of fellowship during SRF period.
B. Research Associate
Research associates may be fixed at a consolidated amount at one of the 3 pay levels given below depending upon the qualification and experience. The Institute/Organization concerned may decide the level in which a particular associate should be placed based on the experience. The Essential Qualification (EQ) for RA is as follows:
Ph.D/MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/M.Pharm/ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCl) journal.
Sl. No. | Category | Revised Emoluments per month |
I | Research Associate – I | Rs. 47,000/- |
II | Research Associate – II | Rs. 49,000/- |
III | Research Associate – III | Rs. 54,000/- |
2. Service Conditions:
(i) DA: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to DA.
(ii) House Rent Allowance (HRA): All research fellows may be provided hostel accommodation wherever available. Research fellowship holder residing in hostels shall not be entitled for HRA. Wherever provision of hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA may be allowed to all the above categories viz. JRF, SRF and RA as per Central Government norms applicable in the city/location where they are working. The percentage required for calculating HRA will be based on the fellowship amount.
(iii) Medical Benefits: The research fellows and research associates (JRF/SRF/RA) will be entitled for medical allowance as applicable in the implementing institution.
(iv) Leave and other entitlements: The JRF/SRF are eligible only for casual leave while Research Associates are entitled to leave as per rules of the host institution. Participation of any of these categories (JRF/SRF/RA) in scientific event/workshops held in India or abroad will be treated as “on duty” with due approval of the host institution. The travel entitlement for JRF/SRF/RA for participation in scientific events/workshops in India will continue to be the same as earlier i.e. 2nd AC by rail. Maternity leave as per the Govt. of India instructions issued from time to time would be available to female candidates in all categories.
(v) Bonus & Leave Travel Concession: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to these allowances.
(vi) Retirement Benefits: JRFs, SRFs and Research Associates will not be entitled to these benefits.
(vii) Publication/Patent: The results of JRF/SRF/RA’s research work may be published preferably in standard refereed journals with the concurrence of the Fellow and his/her Supervisor / Advisor. It should be ensured by the fellow that the assistance provided by the funding agency of Government of India is acknowledged in all such publications.
(viii) Obligation of JRF/SRF/RA:
a) He/She shall be governed by the disciplinary regulations of the host Institute where he/she is working.
b) The JRF/SRF/RA must send a report of the research work done during the period of Fellowship as may be asked by the sponsoring agency.
3. Ministry/Department may consider fixing the number of fellowships considering their budgetary outlays. Central Government Departments /Agencies are requested to ensure that the above guidelines are followed in regard to the remuneration and other benefits to the research personnel engaged in R&D projects funded by them.
4. Selection for award of fellowship shall ordinarily be through common competitive examinations. However, for subjects where there is no examination presently, Government Departments and their authorized agencies and institutions may start conducting examination to screen candidates for award of fellowships. This shall not be applied retrospectively and the persons already enrolled shall be exempted.
5. Date of Effect: The revised emoluments will take effect from 01.01.2019. Respective Departments should meet the additionality from their existing budget through matching savings in other schemes. At the time of main budget for 2019-20, this may be reviewed.
6. In order to further enhance value, quality and experience in doctoral research, the Government has agreed to incentivize the research output, for e.g. in the form of publications and patents. An Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee of the Government is to evolve the modalities of implementation. The Committee will periodically examine all the fellowship matters including disbursement and quantum of fellowship.
7. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide DoE ID Note No 33(14)/PFC-II/2018 dated 28.01.2019.
(Manoj Kumar)
Director (Finance)
Tele: 011-26962743
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