DOPT invites Nominations for appointment under Central Staffing Scheme

DOPT invites Nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013






D.O. No. 33/2013-E0(MM.II)  Dated: 19th  November, 2012

Dear Sir,

I am writing to invite nominations of officers for appointment on deputation to posts under the Central Staffing Scheme for the year 2013.  The detailed guidelines for nominating suitable officers are given in Appendix. I would request that the guidelines are strictly  adhered to, while drawing up the offer list.

   2. While forwarding names of officers, you may also like to take note of the fact that about 30% of the posts under the Central Staffing Scheme are of the rank of Joint Secretary and above, and the remaining 70% of the posts are at the level of Director/Deputy Secretary i.e. the Middle Management level. The list that you forward, to this Office, should comprise the names of officers at different levels, so that it caters to the requirement of personnel at varying levels under the Government of India.

   3. As you might be aware, considerable process and exercise are gone through before an officer is appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme. However, very often, the Cadre Authorities withdraw the names of officers from offer at an advanced stage of processing. This results in considerable delay in the placement of officers under the Central Staffing Scheme, which is not in public interest. Therefore, the Government of India has been following a policy of debarring an officer for five years, if, once appointed by the Government under the Central Staffing Scheme, he does not join the post either on account of personal disinclination, or the refusal of the Cadre to relieve him. Much as we would like to indicate very early the possibility of placement in respect of the officers in the list, the Central Staffing Scheme lays down detailed consultations with the borrowing Ministries/Departments. Hence, it is difficult to forecast placements in advance. It is also to be highlighted that it is not only the failure to take up the appointment, ‘but also withdrawal of the name of an officer after a panel has been recommended by the Civil Services Board, that results in debarment for five years. As per instructions contained in letter No. 14/1/98-FA(UN), dated 26.2.1998 and No. 1/1/2003-FAS, dated 8.5.2003 of the Department of Personnel and Training, an officer who is debarred from being taken on deputation to a post under the Central Staffing Scheme is also to be debarred from being given Cadre Clearance for foreign assignments/consultancies abroad during the period of debarment. Therefore, you are earnestly requested to ensure that an officer, once placed on the offer list, continues to be available for consideration throughout the year and his name is not withdrawn during this period, save under exceptional circumstances. In the recent past, it has been observed that some individual officers whose name has been placed on the offer list have represented directly to this office for withdrawal of their names from the offerlist citing personal reasons. This practice should be avoided and no individual requests received from such officers will be entertained.- Even when withdrawal of a name is unavoidable, intimation of change in the availability should be given at. the earliest opportunity by the Cadre Controlling Authority.  The nomination of debarred officers for central deputation may not be forwarded for appointment to posts under the Government of India till the period of debarment is over.

4.  I would request you to pay particular attention to the following points, while forwarding the names of officers for appointment, under the Central Staffing Scheme:-

   (i) Sufficient names of women and SC and ST Officers may be sponsored so that adequate representation can be provided to them on posts under the Central Staffing Scheme.

   (ii) Officers whose names are offered should have completed the necessary ‘cooling off.

(iii) Officers who are on the verge of promotion to the Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- or above grade during the year may not be recommended for deputation, as they will not be able to obtain the financial benefit of the scales to which they are promoted/likely to be promoted in their cadre while on deputation, unless they are empanelled to hold posts at those levels under the Government of India and they are actually selected for such assignments.

   (iii)  It is very essential that Annual Confidential Report dossiers complete upto 31.3.2012 are sent with the list of officers. In the absence of these reports, it will be difficult to retain the names of officers with incomplete ACRs on offer. The ACR dossier of an officer whose name has been placed on offer list shall remain with us till the appointment of the officer is completed. In case, it is anticipated that the ACR dossier of an officer is required by the cadre controlling authority for, some other purpose at a later date, duly certified and attested photocopy of the ACRs may please be furnished.

   5.  An officer being nominated should be willing to serve anywhere in India; preference of an officer for a particular station(s) on account of personal reasons, if any, may be explicitly indicated.  The Officers have also been given an option to choose any three Departments/Ministries where they would like to work under the Central Staffing Scheme. However, actual appointments will be subject to availability of posts and the suitability of officers for the posts.

   6.  Regarding the application form for applying for the Central Staffing Scheme, an on line application form has been introduced successfully from the year 2008 and the same will be applicable for the year 2013 also. It is available at the Ministry’s website addres .  The format of application form is enclosed (Annexures-I to IV). Annexure-I pertains to the personal details of the officer that he/she will have to fill ‘on line’. Annexure-II is the vigilance clearance, Annexure-III is the certificate of (a) having completed cooling off, (b) officer not being under debarment period and Annexure-IV is the gist of the ACR gradings. The Annexure-I has to be filled by the officer applying for the Central Staffing Scheme. Annexures-II to IV are to be electronically filled by the Nodal Officers designated for the purpose by the Cadre Controlling Authority, who will also authenticate Annexure-I.

   7. The on-line applications are to be validated and forwarded electronically by the Nodal Officers of the Cadre Controlling Authority. Only those applications that have been validated electronically by the Nodal Officers will be accepted for retention. All the Nodal Officers may be requested to ensure that nominations of the  officers in Annexure-I to IV are duly filled in and complete in all respects. In case there is a change in the existing Nodal Officer, details along

with e-mail I.D. of the Nodal Officer may be intimated to this Office.

   8. As per the ACC direction, the names of officers for being placed on offer will be obtained from the Cadre Controlling Authority in two tranches – each year. The last date for these tranches has been fixed as 31st of January and 31st of July. The names for the first tranche may be sent before 31st January, 2013.

   9. It is also requested that as far as possible, the names of all officers for the first tranche of 2013 may be forwarded in one lot. The names of officers to be retained on offer at the level of joint Secretary may kindly be sent to Director(SM) and those for retention at the level of Deputy Secretary/Director may be sent to Deputy Secretary(MM), separately.

   10. I would request you to forward the names keeping in view the above mentioned requirements and eligibility criteria, latest by the 31st January, 2013. Given,, the procedural delays in receiving offers from the Cadre Controlling Authorities and consequential delays in finalizing the ‘Offer List’ for the year 2013, we presume your concurrence in operating the ‘Offer List’ of 2012 till 31.3.2013.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,


[B.P. Sharma]

Click here to download Annexure – I,II,III and IV

Download letter D.O. No. 33/2013-E0(MM.II) dated 19.11.2012

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