Discontinuation of interview for Non-Executive posts in CPSE

Department of Public Enterprises OM on Discontinuation of Interview for recruitment to Non-Executive posts in CPSEs

Department of Public Enterprises has issued an OM regarding Discontinuation of Interview for recruitment to Non-Executive posts in CPSEs


Government of India

Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises

Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhavan,

Block No. 14, CGO Complex,

Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003

Dated: 14th December, 2015


Subject: Discontinuation of Interview for recruitment to Non-Executive posts in CPSEs – reg.

The Department of Public Enterprises has been emphasizing from time to time on the need for formulation of proper recruitment and management policies by Public Enterprises which are in conformity with the latest policies / decisions taken by the Government. This requires a periodical review of Recruitment Rules, CDA Rules and Service Rules so that they are in line with the extant instructions of the Government on personnel management.

2. Recently it has been decided by DoPT to dispense with the practice of interview for all Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts and non-Gazetted posts of Group ‘B’ category.  Accordingly those cases where recruitment rules of above categories of posts specify the process of selection through interview, the authorities concerned are required to amend ·the recruitment rules immediately.

3. In pursuance of the above decision of the Government, all Ministries/Departments are requested to advise the CPSEs under their administrative control to adopt a revised mechanism of recruitment for the non-executive level posts by dispensing with the practice of interview for such posts by effecting suitable amendments to the existing Recruitment Rules, wherever necessary. In· case for any particular post, interview is considered essential, the clearance of administrative Ministry/Department of the concerned CPSE would need to be obtained by the CPSE or alternatively CPSEs may adopt alternate modalities to assess the
required skills for, recruitment to such posts in consultation with concerned administrative

4. The completion of the above exercise may be done by 31-12-2015 and a compliance report to this effect be submitted to DPE by the concerned administrative Ministry/Department by 07-01-2016.



Download DoPT OM F.No.DPE-GM-01/0001/2015-GM-FTS-4857 dated 14.12.2015