Uploading of revised channel of submission of cases on Indian Railways website

Uploading of revised channel of submission of cases on Indian Railways website: Railway Board Office Order No. 18 of 2023
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
Office Order No. 18 of 2023
Sub: Uploading of revised channel of submission of cases on Indian Railways website.
Ref.: Office Order No.73 of 2022
Attention is invited to Office Order No.73 of 2022(copy enclosed) wherein it was requested to upload the revised channel of submission of cases for the perusal of team of QCI from Cabinet Secretariat nominated by DAR&PG on https://indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/view_section.jsp?lang=0&id=0,1,304,366,523,2605. However, it is observed that majority of the Branches have not uploaded the required revised channel of submission of cases pertaining to their branch as per the guidelines indicated in Office Order No.33 of 2018 despite repetitive instructions(List enclosed at Annexure-I). Further, channel of submission of cases uploaded by branch is not being updated regularly in case of any change in officer in the Branch/cell. This is an issue of non-compliance of extant instructions reiterated repeatedly.
2. DAR&PG has requested for providing certain information related to initiative taken for increasing efficiency in decision making. In this regard, a team of QCI will visit each Ministry/Department for third party evaluation/deeper study on increasing efficiency initiative.
3. Accordingly, AMs/PEDs/EDs/JSs are requested to check the enclosed list w.r.t. branches under their control and issue suitable directive to those branches who have not uploaded the revised channel of submission of cases on the given link so far for uploading of the same within 10 days.
Dated: 28.03.2023
(T. Srinivas)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Tele No.- 011-23387446
Email _Id: t.srinival[at]gov.in
Source: Indian Railways