Procurement of ISI marked products and avoiding floating of tenders indicating Specific Brand Names: Railway Board

Procurement of ISI marked products and avoiding floating of tenders indicating Specific Brand Names: Railway Board Order dated 27.05.2024
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
No. 2024/RS(G)/164/33/IR
New Delhi Dated: 27.05.2024
The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
DG/RDSO/Lucknow, NAIR/Vadodara,
CAO, WPO/Patna, RWP/ Bela.
Sub.: Procurement of ISI marked products and avoiding floating of tenders indicating Specific Brand Names
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No. 2021/RS(G)/164/IR dated 08.07.2022
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No.2022/RS(G)/709/4 dated 09.04.2024
Railway Board has received many references alleging procurement of goods by various Railway units specifying particular acceptable brands. These references are specifically numerous in cases related to procurement of winter jackets, retro reflective tapes etc. It is further alleged in these references that preference to brands is being given even when there are BIS specifications available for the goods being procured.
2. In this regard, a reference was also made to all Railways forwarding therewith a complaint alleging incorporation of conditions in specifications/tenders, suitable only to a few set of suppliers {(ref (i)}, for examining the matter and taking corrective actions (copy enclosed).
3. Instructions have recently been issued vide ref (ii) (copy enclosed) reiterating all previous instructions issued on the subject and Railway units have been requested to ensure that Railway Board instructions to promote ISI marked products and for compliance with PPP-MII orders are implemented in letter and spirit.
4. In view of all above, it is stated that wherever ISI marked products are available, procurement will be restricted to ISI marked product only. Further, wherever BIS specifications are available, specifications shall not reflect any preference for any brand. Additionally, the description of the subject matter of procurement to the extent practicable should not indicate a requirement for a particular trade mark, trade name or brand.
5. Please ensure compliance.
(Chandan Kumar)
Director Railway Stores(IC)
Railway Board
Email drsic[at]
Tel. No. 011 23047518
Source: Indian Railways