
Child Care Leave for Female Railway Employees – Frequently Asked Questions

Child Care leave-Waiver of age restriction in the case of mentally challenged/disabled children

Child Care Leave Applicable for Female Railway Employees – FAQ complied by Railway Board

Female railway employees.

From 01.09.2008

Purpose of CCL is taking care of “up to two children for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc.

CCL can be given for a maximum period of two years (i.e., 730 days) during entire service period.

No. 730 days leave is for entire service period.

CCL is not admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older.

During the period of CCL the woman employee shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave

CCL can be availed of in more than one spell.

No. CCL shall not be debited against the leave account

Yes. CCL may also be allowed for third year as leave not due (without production of medical certificate).


CCL shall be admissible for two eldest surviving children only.

CCL should be maintained in specific proforma as issued by Rly. Bd. (RBE No. 158/08, circulated by CPO Serial No. 132/08) and it should be kept along with the Service Book.

No. CCL cannot be demanded as a matter of right.

Under no circumstances can any employee proceed on CCL without prior proper approval of the leave by the leave sanctioning authority.

CCL is to be treated like the earned leave and sanctioned as such.

Saturdays, Sundays, Gazetted Holidays etc. falling during the period of leave would also count for CCL, as in case of Earned Leave.

CCL sanctioned prior to 18.11.08 shall be treated as CCL and shall be deducted from CCL account. No adjustment against any other kind of leave shall be made in this regard.

CCL may not be granted for more than 03 spells in a calendar year

CCL may not be granted for less than 15 days in one spell.

CCL should not be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situation.

Child Care Leave is sanctioned to women employees having minor children, for rearing or for looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc. Hence, leave on average pay availed specifically for this purpose only should be converted.

No. As the instructions contained in this office letter dtd. 4.10.2010 ibid have been given retrospective effect, all the conditions specified therein would have to be fulfilled for conversion of the Leave on Average Pay in to Child Care Leave. In cases where the leave spills over to the next year, it may be treated as one spell against the year in which the leave commences.

No. As per the instructions contained in this office letter dtd. 4.10.2010 ibid, CCL may not be granted in more than three spells. Hence, CCL may not be allowed for more than three times irrespective of the number of days or times Child Care Leave has been availed earlier. Past cases need not be reopened.

The benefit of encashment of Leave on Average Pay admissible in terms of Rule 540-A, Indian Railway Establishment Code Vo.-I, 1985 edition cannot be avail during Child Care Leave as the same is granted for the specific purpose for taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.

1 & 2 maximum limit of CCL is 730 days and minimum limit is 15 days CCL cannot be avail more than three times in a year.

1 & 2 maximum limit of CCL is 730 days and minimum limit is 15 days CCL cannot be avail more than three times in a year.

Same procedure may be followed as is followed in case of vacancy arising out of LAP

Since the instructions regarding grant of CCL do not differentiate between adoptee mother and biological mother, CCL may be sanctioned to adoptee mother also subject to fulfilment conditions stipulated for grant of this leave.

LAP and LHPA may be credited as per extant practice.

CCL is to be included in the ambit of five years.

In terms of the provisions contained in Rule 17-7(i) & (ii) of IREC Vol.-II, HRA would be admissible to female railway servant proceeding on CCL

Since CCL is to be treated like LAP, rule applicable for retraining the facility of Bungalow peon during LAP may also be followed in the case of an employee proceeding on CCL.

The provisions contained in Rule 1320 (b) (i) and (ii) IREC Vol. II may be applicable in the case of CCL also. If the railway servant is on CCL on the day of increment, the increment will come into effect only on the date she reports for duty.

Three spells

Fifteen days

Should not ordinarily be granted except in certain extreme situation

22 years, subject to minimum disability of 40 % as elaborated in Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment’s notification No.16-18/97-N.I dtd. 1.6.2011



CCL is always a pre-sanctioned leave. Any CCL beyond the already sanctioned leave would be treated as another spell of leave (CCL) and it requires prior sanction.

The CCL must have been sanctioned in the month of Dec of the previous year or before. Therefore, this will be treated as the spell of the year when it was started.

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