Implementation of OROP – Information to Defence Pensioners

OROP Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) will be credited the revised pensions by 31 Mar 16, post verification of the pensioner through “Bio metric attendance System” using Aadhaar card, physical attendance at the bank.
One Rank One Pension modalities have been promulgated vide PCDA (Pensions) , Allahabad circular no 555 dated 04 Feb 16.
Dear Veterans,
Government vide notifications dated 07 Nov 15 and 03 Feb 16 has promulgated the orders along with revised pensions under the OROP scheme. The detailed modalities have also been promulgated vide PCDA (Pensions) , Allahabad circular no 555 dated 04 Feb 16.
During a meeting chaired by Secretary/ Dept of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, the salient irregularities on OROP tables (noted on preliminary examination) were highlighted by the Services and the representatives of the recognised veterans associations. Accordingly, Pension Disbursing Authorities (PDAs) have been instructed to credit the revised pensions by 31 Mar 16, post verification of the pensioner through “Bio metric attendance System” using Aadhaar card, physical attendance at the bank, or attendance using, where applicable.
In addition, it is also requested that veterans may confirm with their PDAs that their respective PPOs are complete in all respects. In case any data is incomplete, the same may be informed to Naval Pension Office (NAVPEN) so as to enable the concerned authorities to initiate suitable action for updating the PPOs.
The information of Govt notification on OROP and OROP tables issued on 03 Feb 16 has been uploaded on Indian Navy website.
It is requested that this may be given wide publicity including to family pensioners
Source : desanavy