7th CPC Training Allowance: List of other Training Establishments eligible for 12% of Basic Pay

Training allowance to faculty posted in Training Institute for Signal & Telecom (Technician)

7th CPC Training Allowance: List of other Training Establishments eligible for 12% of Basic Pay – Ministry of Defence

No. PC-1(16)/ 2017/ D(Pay/Services)/Pt. II
Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, the 28th Nov 2019

Subject: Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Training Allowance.


Other Training Establishments eligible for 12% of Basic Pay

SL No. Name of Institute as mentioned in the MoD letter dated 29.02.2000 New Name of Institute (if renamed or merged)

Sl. No. as per MoD letter dt. 29 Feb 2000

l. Armed Force Medical College, Pune 5
1. Armoured Corps Centre and School Ahmednagar 3
2 . School of Artillery Deolali 4
3. Air Defence Guided Missile School, Gopalpur Army Air Defence College, Gopalpur 5 Auth: MoD letter No A/ 12490/ 1/ GS/ M 21/1401/USD (GS II) dt 03 Dec 1993.
4 . College of Military Engineering, Dapodi, Pune College of Military Engineering, Dapodi, Pune 6 Heavy Bridging Training Camp, Marve merged with CME, Pune letter No A/ 69403/ 44 /CS/ SD-6 dt Aug 2014.
5. Heavy Bridging Training Camp, Marve 7
6. Army/ Air Transport Support School, Agra Army Airborne Training School(AATS), Agra 8 Auth : MoD letter No.A/ 26012/GS/ AD / US (QS) dt. 17 Nov 1998.
7. Army School of Physical Training, Pun e Army Institute of Physical Training (AIPT), Pune 9 Auth : AO 14/2005
8 Army School of Mechanical Transport, Bangalore Army Service Corps (ASC) Centre & College, Bangalore 10 Both establishments merged Auth: MoD letter No. 57212/NFF/M/NFF/M/VI/Q/ST-21/195/ D (GS-I) dt 22 Feb 1999.
ASC School, Bareilly 23
9. AEC Training College and Centre, Pachmarhi 11
10 Military College of Telecommunication, Mhow 12
11. Infantry School, Mhow – 14 14
12. Junior Leader Wing, Belgaum & Bareilly Junior Leader Wing, Belgaum 15 Auth: MT-4 (Policy) Note No. A/26001/ InstraAllce / GS/MT-4 dated 17.02.2016
13. High Altitude Warfare School 16
14. Counter Insurgency Warfare School Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School (CIJW), Vairangte 17 Auth: MT-4 (Policy) Note No. A/26001/ InstraAllce / GS/MT-4 dated 17.02.2016
16. Institute of National Integration (INI), Pune 18
15. College of Material Management, Jabalpur 19
16. Institute of National Integration (INI), Pune 20
17. Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad 20
18. AMC Centre & School, Lucknow 21
19. EME School, Baroda 24
20. Intelligence Training School and Depot, Pune Military Intelligence Training School and Depot (MINTSD), Pune 25 Auth : MoD letter No 21892/MI-19A/3749/II/D(GS II) dt 07 Dec 1998
21. RVC Centre and School, Meerut 26
22. Remount Training School and Depot, Saharanpur 27
23. Remount Training School and Depot, Hempur 28
24. Institute of Military Law, Kamptee 29
25. CMP Centre and School, Bangalore 30
26 All Regimental Training Centres 34
1. Hydrography Survey School, Goa National Institute of Hydrography, Goa 2 Sl No. 10 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy Order (Spl) 04/14
Hydrographic School, Goa 12
2. INS Dronacharya (Missile/ Gunnery School), Cochin INS Dronacharya, Kochi 3 Sl. 4 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy Order (Spl) 04/14.
3. ASW School, INS Vendunrthy, Cochin Anti-Submarine Warfare School, INS Vendurnthy, Kochi 4 Name of Cochin changed by Govt. to Kochi. No change name of establishment.
4. Navigation and Direction School, INS Venduruthy, Cochin Navigation and Direction School, INS Vendunrthy, Kochi 5 -do-
5. Signal School, INS Venduruthy, Cochin Signal School, INS Venduruthy, Cochin 6 -do-
6. Naval Institute for Training Technology, Cochin Naval Institute of Education and Training Technology, Kochi 07 (a) Append ix ‘A’ of N o (Spl) 04/ u1. refers. refers. (b) Details of change of name forwarded vide DNT Hote TR/S8046/1A/P dt 03 Dec 15
7. INPT School, Cochin IN Physical Training School, INS Mandovi, Goa 08 (a) Appendix ‘A’ of Navy Order (Spl) 04/14 refers. (b) Details of change of name forwarded vide DNT note TR/8046/IA/P dt 03 Dec 15
8. Diving School, Cochin Diving School, INS Venduruthy, Kochi 09 (a) Appendix ‘A’ of No (Spl) 04/14 refers. (b) Details of change of name forwarded vide DNT note TR/8046/1A/P dt 03 Dec 15
9 School for Naval Airmen, Cochin School for Naval Airmen, Kochi 10 Name of Cochin changed by Govt. to Kochi. No change in name of establishment.
10. Naval Air Technical School, Cochin Naval Institute of Aeronautical Technology, Kochi 11 Name of Cochin changed by Govt. to Kochi. Unit renamed and updated as per SI. No. 9 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy Order (Spl) 04/14.
11. Submarine Training Establishment, INS Satvahna, Visakhapatnam INS Satvahna, Visakhapatnam 13 Correct name included as per SI. No. 16 ot Appendix ‘A’ to Navy order (Spl) 04/14.
12. Leadership School, INS Agrani, Coimbatore INS Agrani, Coimbatore 14 Correct name included as per SI. No. 1 of Appendix ‘B’ to Navy Order (Spl) 04/14.
13. Sailors Training Establishment, INS Chilka INS Chilka, Orissa 15 Correct name included as per SL.No 2 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy Order (Spl) 04/14.
14. Naval Engineering‘ College, INS Shivaji, Lonavala INS Shivaji, Lonavala 16 Sl. Ne. 20 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy order (Spl) 04/14.
Artificer Training School, INS Shivaji, Lonavala. 17
ME School, INS Shivaji, Lonavala 18
15. NBCD School, INS Shivaji, Lonavala NBCD School, Lonavala 19 Name updated as per Sl.No. 13 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy order (Spl) 04/14
16. Logistics School, INS Hamla, Bombay INS Hamla, Mumbai 20 Name of Bombay changed to Mumbai by Govt. Correct name included as per SI. No. 5 of Appendix ‘A’ to ny order (Spl) 04/14.
17. Electrical School, INS Valsura, Jamnagar INS Valsura, Jamnagar 22 Correct name included as per Sl. No. 22 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy order (Spl) 04/14
18. Shipwright School, Vishakhapatnam Naval Shipwright School (Vishwakarma), Vishakhapatnam 23 Appendix ‘A’ of Navy Order on 04/14 refers
19. School of Medical Assistants, INS Asvini, Bombay School of Medical Assistants, Mumbai 24 Correct name included as per Si. No. 17 of Appendix ‘A’ to Navy Order (spl) 04/14
20. Naval Provost School, INS Kunjali, Bombay Naval Provost & Regulating School 25 Correct name included as per SL. No. 5 of Appendix “B’ to Navy Order (Spl)
21. Naval School of Music, INS Kunjali, Bombay Naval School of Music, INS Kunjali, Mumbai 26 Only change of city from: Mumbai to Bombay by the Govt. No change in the name of establishment.
22. Helicopter and Observer Training School, INS Rajali, Arakonam Observer School 27 Appendix ‘A’ of Navy Order (Spl) 04/14 refers
1. Air Force Administrative College (AFAC) 7
2. institute of Aviation Medicine (IAM) 9
3. 1 Guided Weapon Training Institute (1 GWT) Merged and Renamed as 17 TETTRA School 11 Auth: Copy No. 38/59, Directorate of Plans, Air HQ letter no. Air HQ/S 18158/584/Plans dated 13.12.2004
4. 2 Guided Weapon ‘Training Institute (2 GWTI) 12 Auth: Copy No. 59/59, Directorate of Plans, Air HQ letter no. Air HQ/S 18158/584/Plans dated 17.03.2006
5. Air Force Station Yelahanka 15
6. Technical Pype Training Schools (TETTRAS) 16
7 17 Signals Unit (EW) Electronic Warfare Training Institute (EWTI) (12 BRD) 17 Auth: letter No. Air HQ/S18158/370/1/Plans dated 26 May 2004
8. Electronic Warfare Range (Gwalior) 18
9. Ab Initio Training Institutes 19
10. Technical Training Conversion Units (TECUs) – Merged with respective TETTRA Schools 20 Merged and renamed as 16 TETTRA School
11. Mobile Conversion Units (MCFs) 21 Auth : letter. no. Air HQ/ 91911/ TET/ 807/ DOM/DCAirIII) dated 19.06.1997 & copy no. 59/59, letter no. Air HQ/S 18:58/584/Plans dated 17.03.2006
12. Overhaul Training Flight (Base Repair Depots) 22 MCP’s have been closed and the Haining task for each aircraft has been taken over by respective TETTRAs.
13. Air Defence Ground Environmental System (TI) Merged and renamed as 16 TETTRA Schools 23 Auth : Copy No. 38/59, Dte of Plans, Air HQ letter no. Air HO/S 18158/584/Plans dated 13.12.2004 & Copy No. 59/59, Die of Plans, Air HO letter no. Air HO/S 18158/584/Plans dated 17.03.2006
14. School of Intelligence, Pune Air Force Intelligence School (AFIS) Pune 24 Auth: Air HQ /S~ 18165/7) Plans/ 415/ US(a)/ D(Air-IE)/2010 dated 06.07.2010

“Note: Only School/College Component of training establishment recommended for grant of training allowance.

Click here to view 7th CPC Training Allowance – Training Academies & Institutes Eligible For 24% Of Basic Pay

Click here to view 7th Pay Commission Training Allowance – Ministry Of Defence Order

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