Grant of HRA at the revised rates of 27%, 18%, 9% to the X, Y & Z class cities

Grant of HRA at the revised rates of 27%, 18%, 9% to the X, Y & Z class cities

Grant of HRA at the revised rates of 27%, 18%, 9% to the X, Y & Z class cities w.e.f. 1st January 2021: FinMin Clarification

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

North Block, New Delhi
Dated 25th October, 2021


Subject: Clarification on grant of HRA at the revised rates of 27%, 18%, 9% to the X, Y & Z class cities respectively – reg.

The undersigned is directed to forward copies of the following letters (in original) received from Indian Railways Technical Supervisors Association (IRTSA), National Federation of Railwaymen (NFIR) and DoPT respectively which are self explanatory, for appropriate action as deemed fit.

1. Letter No. IRTSA/CHQ/Memo. 2021/13 dated 28.08.2021 from IRTSA.
2. Letter No. I/%(C)/Pt.II dated 23.08.2021from NFIR
3. DoPT’s O.M. No.Z-20025/5/2021-Estt (AL) dated September 2021.

Encl. As above

– Sd –
Surendra Kumar
Under Secretary to Govt of India

Ministry of Railways,
Joint Director (Estt- Pay & Allowance),
Room No.109B, Rail Bhavan – 110001

Copy for Information to

1. Shri. Harchandan Singh, General Secretary, Indian Railway Technical Supervisors Association (IRTSA). C.HQ 32, Phase 6, Mohali, Chandigarh-16005.

2. Dr.M.Raghavaiah General Secretary, National Federation Indian Railwaymen (NFIR), 3 Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110055.

3. Department of Personnel & Training (Shri. Sunil Kumar, Under Secretary ESTT. (AL)), North Block, New Delhi – 110001.

Source: Irtsa